We need to start with what not gonna be at this event in October surface laptop surface pro surface go surface headphones. the only device do for a refresh is the surface book. So we gonna have 4 new devices
1# Surface 'Centaurus' foldable tablet running Windows Core OS
2# the surface foldable andromeda device. running Windows Core OS with android immolation for the app gap.
3# surface phone a traditional smartphone running Windows Core OS with android immolation for the app gap.
4# surface watch running Windows Core OS
yes, it's gonna be at interesting October.
1# Surface 'Centaurus' foldable tablet running Windows Core OS
2# the surface foldable andromeda device. running Windows Core OS with android immolation for the app gap.
3# surface phone a traditional smartphone running Windows Core OS with android immolation for the app gap.
4# surface watch running Windows Core OS
yes, it's gonna be at interesting October.