, they probably refer to a Lakefield y proc. Lakefield is supposed to give better standby batterylife times and an y proc for long batterylife. Would make sense, though a Qualcomm soc would make sense too (perhaps better for Android compatibility?)."Earlier, Microsoft was reported to be working on a foldable Surface device that could run Android apps. The device, which is codenamed “Centaurus,” is a foldable device that sports two 9-inch displays. This device is powered by a 10nm “Lakefield” Intel processor (the company’s answer to Qualcomm’s SoCs), and will run a version of Windows 10 called Windows Core OS."
that chipset does not make sense for that device so I think surface book 3 is going to get a 10nm “Lakefield” chip
While the Surface Book probably gets a u proc again (balance in power and battery life), hopefully from Icelake since comet lake is practically just a rebrand (/hardly any performance gains). And perhaps a Nvidia 1650/1660ti and/or a AMD Navi gpu? (a new 7nm/10nm 25-35 Watt AMD apu would be cool too I think , probably still too early though)