640 XL for Canadian?


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Jul 15, 2014
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I tried searching the interwebs and couldn't find my answer. I used to have a 1020 and regrettably traded it away...I just had that new phone itch. I'm using a Samsung S5 now and don't really like it and I really wanna get the 640 XL.

Will this phone be coming to canada or can i order it from somewhere? I see amazon uk has it but won't ship to canada and i'm not sure the bands would even work here if i could get it.

I don't follow windows phone too much now but i tried searching...hopefully this isn't a stupid question i coulda found somewhere easy. Any info would be great....i don't wanna use android anymore :'(

Big Abe

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May 23, 2015
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I have one rocking a Rogers work sim and a personal KooDo Sim.
I grabbed it off ebay. Cost me about $300 CDN including Fedex international that arrived in 36 hours from Singapore.

So far - it takes some serious rebooting/reloading troubleshooting to get both working. I'd say that the real key - is to boot up and get the network settings configured / updated with Sims by themselves 1 at a time first. That seemed to do the trick for me.

Haven't confirmed LTE speeds - I think I'm only getting HSPA+/4G. However, first thing I did was grab windows iinsider and load up WP10.
Don't bother. Total waste for now.

HOWEVER, in saying that - I have yet to find a downgrade solution that works.

Either way - I even called myself just for phun. This is my first dual-sim phone, and I love having work pay for all my mobile data! :D

Cheers and enjoy the 640, she's a beaut.


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Jul 15, 2014
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thanks! found the ebay ad and the bands stated look like it'll work on bell ok. good price for the phone just too bad our dollar is so low at this time though...

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