6th defective device [story over, wont try 7th time sorry nokia]

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Re: 4th defective device

Have you started the return process? I'm about to place an order will Amazon and was wondering what the process would be if I receive a defective unit. This will also be my eligible upgrade.

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
Just printed out my return label. According to their page after the return is received and processed they will change the date for my lines upgrade eligibility.
Re: 4th defective device

I have a 1520.1 black apac HK rm937 and no problems for at least a week. The only thing I've to do was set the glance screen off because it with wp8.1 give me phantoms taps. I think that is a firmware problem that will be fix with cyan update.
Re: 4th defective device

Bought a couple of cases that arrived today for the 1520 I plan to order. Man I'm scared to order this phone :-/. I've been on this forum for 2 years and with all the Lumias released in that span, never seen any this problematic.
Re: 4th defective device

Bought a couple of cases that arrived today for the 1520 I plan to order. Man I'm scared to order this phone :-/. I've been on this forum for 2 years and with all the Lumias released in that span, never seen any this problematic.
Yeah honestly, I just chalked up the defective issues up to being a user problem, figuring there's no way there could be so many reports of such a large variety of defects. Now having this issue I'm still shocked it's happened.
Re: 4th defective device

Yeah honestly, I just chalked up the defective issues up to being a user problem, figuring there's no way there could be so many reports of such a large variety of defects. Now having this issue I'm still shocked it's happened.

Honestly, I'm chalking it up to the Nokia D&S takeover by Microsoft. That's not to say I'm blaming Microsoft (at all). But I know I wasn't the only one that feared there'd be some carelessness in quality control once some of these Nokia employees discovered their part of the company was going under. I'm sure some saw the period in between the announcement and the closing of the takeover (which should be Friday, I believe) as sort of a mini-vacation or time to coast a little bit.

I'm sure things will tighten up again once the process gets ramped up under Microsoft. Though this won't ruin the reputation Nokia built over the years for me, it is a pretty big disappointment.
Re: 4th defective device

Well, if it makes you feel better I've had 4 defective 920s. So it's not just the 1520. All were bought new from well-known reputable retailers

1st - Wireless charging non-functional
2nd - Screen didn't work with gloves (advertised feature of super sensitive screen)
3rd - Front camera filled up with loads of dust over time (common problem with the 920)
4th - Video recordings contained long stutters even after hard reset. Every recorded video is ruined
Re: 4th defective device

After reading over all your other posts I am very surprised that you are thinking of getting 5th device.

I am not in any way saying that your full of bull or anything. I am also surprised that you haven't followed up your complaints with any proof as that would stop people saying or thinking that you are talking bull.

Re: 4th defective device

Stop buying on eBay, it's clearly full of lemons

I went through 5 defective Lumia 920's ... From my Rogers store,all new replacements ( was within my 15 days) . At the end, my Rogers store contacted the Nokia VP or some high guy and they were told to send it out to nokia for a refurb. Knowing this, my Rogers store allowed me to cancel my contract and return the phone...

Been with my ativ s since, and its the best windows phone 8 sofar!
Re: 4th defective device

every single phone i used in my life was nokia. last one was meego device and i kept delaying to get my perfect phone. i wanted the flagship to have sd card and 1520 is the only phone with an sd card (no reason to omit it in the first place). i wanted to buy Nokia's last device ever released before they close. Nokia brand is something dear to me...but hey, if they don't respect their products i wouldn't bother anymore
Re: 4th defective device

I've heard of even worse luck streaks with 8 defective 928's (IIRC) and 12 on-the-fritz Palm's as I said above. (those 12 or so made for an impressive signature over at webOS Nation IIRC)

12!!! Wtf that's insane. Guess that's why you should always buy retail and look it over really good before you leave the store.
Re: 4th defective device

12!!! Wtf that's insane. Guess that's why you should always buy retail and look it over really good before you leave the store.

Bought both my Lumia 800 and 920 on ebay, both were perfect the first time. I think it's really a crapshoot.
Re: 4th defective device

People brag about Nokia quality but I had my share of problems with them. However, no problem so far with my Samsung Ativ S
Re: 4th defective device

i got my 5th device from bhphotovideo.com
it is the lumia 1520.3 unlocked (everyone is looking for) grab it before they are out of stock or people knows about it.
anyway they have the newest batch and this is my last attempt. if there is anything wrong i will notify you all.
Re: 4th defective device

i got my 5th device from bhphotovideo.com
it is the lumia 1520.3 unlocked (everyone is looking for) grab it before they are out of stock or people knows about it.
anyway they have the newest batch and this is my last attempt. if there is anything wrong i will notify you all.

Nice find! Are you sure this is the 1520.3 (RM-938)? The product page doesn't really offer any indication whether it's that or the RM-937 from what I can tell.

Let us know how it works out for you. I may just get it from this site if yours happens to have no defects. Thanks.
Re: 4th defective device

Just had a chat with them and they say it is indeed the RM-938. I guess we're all waiting to see how it works out for you, fawzib! Good luck and keep us updated... hopefully the 5th time is the charm. If so, it looks like B&H will be getting some solid business from us.

*Edit: Forgot to ask them how long they've had these in stock. Call me OCD, but I'd like to know that this is a fresh batch without defects.
Re: 4th defective device

I guess we'll see what happens with the *fifth* device. OP's posts seem to lack credibility, in my opinion. What is up with all the FUD recently regarding the 1520? In addition, it seems like a couple other people are going out of their way to repeatedly post how "concerned" they are with the quality of the device. When someone's concern posts start to number in the dozens, especially when he or she doesn't own the device, I tend to find that quite suspect as well.
Re: 4th defective device

I guess we'll see what happens with the *fifth* device. OP's posts seem to lack credibility, in my opinion. What is up with all the FUD recently regarding the 1520? In addition, it seems like a couple other people are going out of their way to repeatedly post how "concerned" they are with the quality of the device. When someone's concern posts start to number in the dozens, especially when he or she doesn't own the device, I tend to find that quite suspect as well.

You can suspect anything you want to, and you can even do it directly at me instead of with your rude, circuitous, passive-aggressive tone. Despite whatever inane conspiracy theories you may have in your head, my post history and devotion to both Windows Phone and Nokia speak for themselves, so you better believe I have every right to be concerned about dropping $650 on one with greater-than-usual reports of issues if I deem it necessary.
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Re: 4th defective device

You can suspect anything you want to, and you can even do it directly at me instead of with your rude, circuitous, passive-aggressive tone. Despite whatever inane conspiracy theories you may have in your head, my post history and devotion to both Windows Phone and Nokia speak for themselves, so you better believe I have every right to be concerned if I deem it necessary.

You are entitled to your opinions, just like I am. Nevertheless, I find your position suspect. You don't own the phone and have participated in at least a couple threads where you have asked "does anyone have a trouble-free 1520?" Plenty of people then respond that their phones are fine, but you somehow instead conclude that all 1520 are, or will soon be, revealed as defective. I just don't find that position to be grounded in reality. How do you explain reviews of the device outside of WP Central? I don't see a bunch of reviews stating that the devices are defective. In fact, the reviews are just the opposite.

Don't take it too personally, I am criticizing your position. I know nothing about you. For all I know, you could just be suffering from paralysis through analysis. However, in looking at the totality of your posts on this issue (and there have been many) I find your position to be untenable. It's just my opinion--I'm not going to sue you over it. :smile:
Re: 4th defective device

You are entitled to your opinions, just like I am. Nevertheless, I find your position suspect. You don't own the phone and have participated in at least a couple threads where you have asked "does anyone have a trouble-free 1520?" Plenty of people then respond that their phones are fine, but you somehow instead conclude that all 1520 are, or will soon be, revealed as defective. I just don't find that position to be grounded in reality. How do you explain reviews of the device outside of WP Central? I don't see a bunch of reviews stating that the devices are defective. In fact, the reviews are just the opposite.

Don't take it too personally, I am criticizing your position. I know nothing about you. For all I know, you could just be suffering from paralysis through analysis. However, in looking at the totality of your posts on this issue (and there have been many) I find your position to be untenable. It's just my opinion--I'm not going to sue you over it. :smile:

If I concluded that "all" 1520s were defective, would it make any sense that I'd consider purchasing one? If I had an ulterior motive, wouldn't I just come on here to criticize it? Wouldn't I claim to have owned at least one and talk about how terrible it was? Your entire premise is, to put it lightly, silly in my opinion. What would my motive be with this "suspect position" you think I have? Making an account and being active for the past 2 years - with inside knowledge that the 1520 will eventually come out - just so I can bag on it when it eventually does? Wouldn't it be completely counter-productive for me to solicit posts from people that have had NO problems with their 1520, bringing to light positive comments in what is a sea of negative or neutral threads? You also seem to conveniently ignore my posts complimenting the device, and posts complimenting other Lumia devices like the 920.

If the totality of my posts were truly being taken into account, your suspicion wouldn't hold a drop of water.

I'm definitely done addressing this odd, random accusation.
Re: 4th defective device

If I concluded that "all" 1520s were defective, would it make any sense that I'd consider purchasing one? If I had an ulterior motive, wouldn't I just come on here to criticize it? Wouldn't I claim to have owned at least one and talk about how terrible it was? Your entire premise is, to put it lightly, silly in my opinion. What would my motive be with this "suspect position" you think I have? Making an account and being active for the past 2 years - with inside knowledge that the 1520 will eventually come out - just so I can bag on it when it eventually does? Wouldn't it be completely counter-productive for me to solicit posts from people that have had NO problems with their 1520, bringing to light positive comments in what is a sea of negative or neutral threads? You also seem to conveniently ignore my posts complimenting the device, and posts complimenting other Lumia devices like the 920.

If the totality of my posts were truly being taken into account, your suspicion wouldn't hold a drop of water.

I'm definitely done addressing this odd, random accusation.

With all due respect, you're not reading what I wrote. I'm not accusing you of any particular motive--I'm saying that your conclusion is flawed. And you did indeed say in one of your posts that: "eems like it may just be a matter of time before they all have some kind of issue with it." That is obviously your opinion, but is in no way supported by reality. I hope I made it clear that I find your conclusion, not your motives, to be suspect.
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