8.1 Update Released for ATIV SE !!!

Damn... maybe I spoke to soon...

Not sure if there was an additional update or what - I haven't seen any notification about any - but over the last few weeks my experience with Windows 8.1 on this phone has been far worse...

I've been getting random lockups and lot more frequently. At least one per day, often more, and they don't seem to follow any pattern. Sometimes when opening an app, other times when closing an app. The screen will freeze and then after a few minutes it'll reboot itself. Nothing you do in the time in between, short of pulling the battery, makes any difference.

This morning, I woke up to find the phone frozen in that it wouldn't wake up and was completely unresponsive but with a black screen - and it was hot to the touch. I pulled the battery and put it back in, and it booted up okay and seems to be working, but it worries me how hot it was - I've had it get warm while playing a game or something like that, but nothing even close to this.

I haven't installed anything in the past few weeks, so it anything changed it had to have happened in the background like an update. Gonna take it in to Verizon to see what they can find.

Go to Settings > About > More Info and post your firmware version. I suspect you are using outdated firmware
Re: Verizon confirms 8.1 Update Released for ATIV SE TODAY!!!

Wow you got it! I would also like to get one! I'm from the Netherlands too, does 4G work in our country??
Well I have the SE, I live in Mexico and Im using it with GSM, bought it unlocked and is awesome the only thing you need to do is set the APN from your data provider and thats it
Go to Settings > About > More Info and post your firmware version. I suspect you are using outdated firmware

Nah, it turned out to be the phone. Firmware was fine. I ended up getting a replacement from Verizon (same phone) and so far it works very well :D
That corroborates the fact that it was a firmware issue. These phones are pretty tight (physically) and it's unlikely you had a hardware issue. From your previous description, it seems obvious that the firmware isn't handling the hardware appropriately, which is why I was asking for your firmware revision. The firmware is the software that acts as a bridge between the hardware and the developer-level software that's made to work on it.

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