802.1x / EAP TTLS support?

I would also like to know. Considering all the "enterprise" features WP8 has Id say so, but I would like confirmation. I might finally be able to log onto uni wifi :)
Did you try? If it does have EAP-TLS support then TTLS should work. The latter is supported in win8 and I don't know if they allow non global certificates for the former.
Whatever... I will get my 8x tomorrow or the day after and try out our eduroam and post here. Works with my win8 laptop without supplicant already.

Sent from my Lumia 800 using Board Express
So I tried installing all the certificates that I could find for my University wireless, and it still isn't working. My next step is to contact the network folks and see if they can tell what is happening on their end.
Seems strange that they would add a native version in win8 but not wp8. On the other hand it should be a piece of cake to port for ms with the same kernel and all. Hope it's there or coming, no database access sucks.
Well that's disappointing to state it mildly. I have a workaround for my workplace but our hospital and university depend on that for the eduroam network.

I love the OS but that kind of makes you wonder what they where thinking when they blurbed about all that business features... effectively noone out of the 15 000 people at our school that want to use the mobile internet at work can use wp... and that's just one of the many universities.

Oh well. I'm still looking forward to my 8x. For others in the eduroam system I have a workaround that is not very elegant but it works: Look at the network map and see if you have friends who work at a university with a different security protocol e.g. MS-CHAP. If you use their credentials at your home university you can access the eduroam network without EAP-TTLS. As I said: Not very elegant but if you need the network it's a way in.

P.S. Vote on for the feature! It's high enough in the connectivity bracket that they should have noticed by now.
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I experienced the same issues trying to get it to connect to my office WiFi which has been working fine with my IPhone for years now.

It's honestly baffling all of the features which are available on other smartphone OS and even things which were in WP7 which are completely missing from WP8, it really does feel like a beta operating system.
Yep, can't connect to my University's wireless network. Luckily there is a separate one for laptops but I have to log in via the browser to access it. And since the wifi turns off and on all the time... it's FAR from ideal.
I had the same problem too, and was able to solve it. It has to do with the format of the security certificates. Most certificates are .crt files, but WP8 can't use these, and needs a .cer file. Follow these steps to get them.

1. The phone automatically detects all PEAP and MSCHAP settings.

2. I had to download a certificate from a website on my computer (in my case it was the UTN-Userfirst-Hardware). Most phones accept certificates in the .crt format, but WP8 accepts only .cer (just like Symbian, but this is widely documented)

3. On your computer, double click on your downloaded crt file, and hit open.

4. You should see a new window open with three tabs - General, Details and Certificate Path. Click on the Details tab.

5. On the lower right, you will find a "Copy to File" button. Hit it and it should open a Certificate Export Wizard.

6. Hit next, and when select the "Base-64 encoded X.509" format. Hit "Next".

7. Save the new file. Best to give the same file name as the .cer.

8. From your computer, email the .cer file as an attachment to yourself.

9. On your Lumia, open your email and download the attachment. The phone should prompt you to install the certificate.

10. Now go to settings, find your uni's wireless, put in your username and password, and select the certicate you just installed, and you should be good to go.
Hope this will work

Have to bump it up for newer generations to see this

Tomorow i will go to my uni and see if i can work this out. It was frustrating seeing they had step by step help for mac os, windows, android and ios but none for wp.

Thanks :excited:

I had the same problem too, and was able to solve it. It has to do with the format of the security certificates. Most certificates are .crt files, but WP8 can't use these, and needs a .cer file. Follow these steps to get them.

1. The phone automatically detects all PEAP and MSCHAP settings.

2. I had to download a certificate from a website on my computer (in my case it was the UTN-Userfirst-Hardware). Most phones accept certificates in the .crt format, but WP8 accepts only .cer (just like Symbian, but this is widely documented)

3. On your computer, double click on your downloaded crt file, and hit open.

4. You should see a new window open with three tabs - General, Details and Certificate Path. Click on the Details tab.

5. On the lower right, you will find a "Copy to File" button. Hit it and it should open a Certificate Export Wizard.

6. Hit next, and when select the "Base-64 encoded X.509" format. Hit "Next".

7. Save the new file. Best to give the same file name as the .cer.

8. From your computer, email the .cer file as an attachment to yourself.

9. On your Lumia, open your email and download the attachment. The phone should prompt you to install the certificate.

10. Now go to settings, find your uni's wireless, put in your username and password, and select the certicate you just installed, and you should be good to go.
Mailing the certificate and Intalling in the .cer format definately works. I just tested this.
Will see if i can connect to the corporate wifi when i get to the office tomorrow.
I haven't tried this again since Portico, but before I couldn't get it to work on my university wifi.

that does not solve the problem stated above. You had a problem connecting to a EAP-TLS / PEAP /MS-CHAPv2 Network. Which is as easy it comes (and the whole certificate foo should not have been nessesary), but hey it definitly works the way you tell.

As for the Problem above connecting to a EAP-TTLS / PAP Network (i.e. every University with sane network admins :) ) - There is no solution to this problem whatsoever. - But hey it works in Win8 so that I'm guessing Microsoft will figure this out. So keep complaining.

I had the same problem too, and was able to solve it. It has to do with the format of the security certificates. Most certificates are .crt files, but WP8 can't use these, and needs a .cer file. Follow these steps to get them.

1. The phone automatically detects all PEAP and MSCHAP settings.

2. I had to download a certificate from a website on my computer (in my case it was the UTN-Userfirst-Hardware). Most phones accept certificates in the .crt format, but WP8 accepts only .cer (just like Symbian, but this is widely documented)

3. On your computer, double click on your downloaded crt file, and hit open.

4. You should see a new window open with three tabs - General, Details and Certificate Path. Click on the Details tab.

5. On the lower right, you will find a "Copy to File" button. Hit it and it should open a Certificate Export Wizard.

6. Hit next, and when select the "Base-64 encoded X.509" format. Hit "Next".

7. Save the new file. Best to give the same file name as the .cer.

8. From your computer, email the .cer file as an attachment to yourself.

9. On your Lumia, open your email and download the attachment. The phone should prompt you to install the certificate.

10. Now go to settings, find your uni's wireless, put in your username and password, and select the certicate you just installed, and you should be good to go.

I can't success too.
Certificate is not enough for this problem.
I think we have to wait for ms.
Seconded. The "solution" is for a different problem.

This may be helpful (although not hopeful): Extensible Authentication Protocol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Microsoft did not incorporate native support for the EAP-TTLS protocol in Windows XP, Vista, or 7. Supporting TTLS on these platforms requires third-party ECP (Encryption Control Protocol) certified software. Microsoft Windows started EAP-TTLS support with Windows 8,[16] however Windows Phone 8 does not support EAP-TTLS.[17]

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