8X won't turn on again

Add me to this 8X problem list. Got it from local ATT store at launch and 16 days later this problem appears. Took it into the store and they were able to wake it up "by plugging it into a different charger". I suspect the plug it in and tap power trick worked then. All good until 5 days ago did it again. Took it back to the store and they could not revive it, soft or hard reset. So now comes a harsh lesson in ATT warranty policy.
At 16 days from purchase I was eligible for a new replacement (2 weeks from purchase according to the store but they spotted me the couple days). What I did not know was after two weeks I had to take a refurb replacement. Phone has not been out that long so refurbs not that old but now instead of having 1 year warranty I have a 90 day warranty. Not happy with ATT or HTC right now. Always been a Samsung fan but my Focus was acting up and eligible for the upgrade so I showed my support for the platform jumping in early. Have the refurb for 1 day now and so far its working good.

I love this phone and its O/S but this problem has caused me to lose faith in HTC and doubting my decision. Based on the number of posts in this one forum topic its not an isolated issue.
And the best part, I have been getting a "SQL Server not found" error trying to access HTC forums to voice my frustration there. I guess their admins on a holiday break. What a bunch of posers!
Mine locked up while charging over night on my QI wireless charger. The charging LED stayed on no matter what I did and none of the button combinations worked to revive it. Verizon swapped out my phone without any issues but it worries me a bit because I travel so much and need a dependable phone. I might have to carry my RAZR Maxx as a backup device.
I had the same issue after about a week, put the phone down on the table, picked it up after a couple of hours and it was dead. :( Played around with it for a while, pushed the required buttons but still nothing. Took it back to the Bell store and they couldn't get it to work either, so they ordered me a new one.
After about two weeks I got fed up with waiting and tried it again, nothing. So I decided to plug it into my computer ,USB, it sat for a while and then buzzed, hiccupped and started up. It's been running ever since then with no problems. Maybe it just needed the computer to send it a signal to wake up, I don't know?

Still waiting for that replacement :(
Same problem 2 days ago. Used till lunch. Set it down and picked up about an hr later..nothing. No buttons, pc, etc would revive. T-mobile next dayed a phone which should get today. When I get the new one can I just do a restore from a back up I did to get settings, apps back?
When I turned on my replacement and logged in with my Microsoft account during phone setup it prompted me to restore from a backup or start new. I chose to start new since the backup was old.
and the same happend to my 2 days old Limelight yellow today :-( I sold my 2nd Nokia Lumia 920 of so many issues and bought a HTC 8x last Saturday but it seems i stuck in the same bad situation. I assume it is a Windows Phone 8 software problem. WP8 is too buggy :-(
having the same issue with HTC 8x, got it 5 days ago and was really excited to play about with it and download loads of apps!! but now I'm really annoyed by this, phone randomly shuts off and i have to press the power button to boot it up again, first time i noticed it was at work after a fee hours in my pocket took it out and it was off. didn't think much at the time thinking i might have accidently switched it off in my pocket, but then it happened again and again and once while i had the camera open. today i started looking round the forums and see that it's an issue!! Windows Tech guys listen up and sort this out, your losing referral customers for this new operating system!!! very impressed with the phone otherwise, but if this continues will consider another phone and possibly another operating system
Awwwwww. My 8x just died after about 4 hours! I'm gonna go get it replaced tomorrow. I cant go onto an i phone because i hate them and i'm not a fan of android phones.
Has anyone tried connecting it to your computer with the usb cable? That worked for me, brought it back to life and it's been running ever since.
I have had multiple issues. If you have had random resets, trade it in ASAP. If it stops reading your SIM card, trade it in ASAP. Recently, it just shut off, without a low battery, and would not come back up. I tried all reset combos. It would not light up with charger. I powered it over night several times, but I always unplugged it each morning. I order a new one finally thru Verizon but wanted to try a last ditch effort. So I plugged in my phone to the charger before I went to bed and left it. The next day when I got back from work I noticed a green power light. It had powered itself on around 1PM based on my texts all coming in at that time. It you forgot to back up or don't want to lose your app data, and don't want to trade it in you should try keeping it plugged in and cross your fingers.
My 8x did this within hours of getting it and I have a replacement on the way, but I keep trying to get this one to boot. It's not like you can pull the battery to get a complete power off though. Any other words of advice to get the phone restated, or is simply bricked? Oh, mine started acting up while transfering files using the Windows 8 app from the Market Place. Nice Microsoft app to brick you phone with.
mine done this twice now it always seem to happen when updates come in the day before , then turned off over night wont start again, the holding down the volume and on button worked but shoud this be doing this????
I had the same problem. phone just reset itself after been drained dead and did not boot at all

Hard/soft reset did not help at all.

What worked is plugging it into my laptop. Strange, very strange

For second I thought I had a very,very expensive brick
Thanks for the tip, it worked for me. I am so glad that I don't have to take the phone back to the store!
It should not be doing that. The replacement that I've received from Verizon has worked flawlessly.
Thanks, this worked for me. 15 seconds is a lot longer than I would've expected, but it turned on.
Thanks for the vol down/power trick, i was about to flip a few desks considering i just got it 2 weeks ago. Almost gave up but decided to hold it down for almost a minute and it finally turned back on.
Hey. I've just tried to plug my phone in to the USB cable in to my laptop. But nothing working, it gets stuck on the white screen of HTC quietly brilliant or it keeps turning itself off and on. I've only had the phone for 5 days now. Do you think I should take it back? Or is there anything else that I could try?!
Hey. I've just tried to plug my phone in to the USB cable in to my laptop. But nothing working, it gets stuck on the white screen of HTC quietly brilliant or it keeps turning itself off and on. I've only had the phone for 5 days now. Do you think I should take it back? Or is there anything else that I could try?!

I think you should use the charger not computer to charge the phone. Cause they are not powerful enough to charge your phone.

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