920 Dust in Camera


New member
Mar 12, 2011
I noticed a build up of dust on the inside of the camera cover on the back of my 920 the other. First off, I admit that I replaced the black shell for my 920 with a yellow one from ebay, so I know many of you may not have this problem. I'm sure the seal around the lens is not as good as the original one before I swapped shells. But, that being said, I decided to open up the shell and clean out the dust. I'm posting a couple of pictures here, one before I cleaned it out and one after.

As you can see, the difference is drastic. If anyone is having their pictures come out surprisingly disappointing (as I was) check the cover for dust on the inside. The procedure for opening your phone and cleaning this out is very simple with the right tools. I had it all done in about 5 minutes.


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Incredible difference. Not having a problem with mine but will keep this in mind if I notice the pictures starting to fade.
Eh, who cares about the lens when you have a Porsche :D. Since you have an awesome car would you mind sharing some pics with it?(Done with the 920)
Unfortunately, I work for an international moving company and that is a clients car. I wish it were mine!! If I could afford that I'd certainly be able to afford to buy an unlocked 1020! Sadly, I can afford neither of those things.
I developed dust in my rear camera after about 6 months. I took it back to an AT&T service center and they gave me a new phone. It is a common issue with earlier versions of the 920. You aftermarket case must have the same issue as the original Nokia case. My exchange has no issue and rumor is Nokia fixed it in later 920s

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