93 driver... still not there, major crashes


New member
Aug 22, 2000
Every time I reboot, I get either:

Arm11 Fatal Error
oncrpcxdr_std.c line 542


Arm11 Fatal Error
oncrpc_xprtrtr.c line 674


Arm11 Fatal Error
oncrpc_cb.c line 146

Or some other combination (or all together). This does not happen when the driver is not installed. Uninstalling the driver fixes the problem. This was a problem with the earlier drivers too.

This type of error is a problem, since I believe it has also affected other issues, including phone stability and calls (can't hear/can't speak).

I'd appreciate someone from Celio to directly contact me if this error is news to them, otherwise, I'd appreciate knowing what they have done to fix it.


First, let me say, there are some **huge improvements** in this release.

But I also get the same error on my sprint TP.

Leads to issues when making calls where there is no audio but the call still goes through and the person on the other line just hears silence. Can't say if there is an impact on battery life for me. Soft resetting the phone can sometimes correct the problem.
I have now had the betas installed and been tinkering for about 3 hours. I hae had NO issues. It actually works very well for me. I have to add that I am running a custom rom (ssk 1.5) and it is working very well. Loving the use of the new Skyfire and also having a functioning Opera Mobile. Still thinking Mini will be my primary browser, but having the others is nice.

It is also nice having my BT functionality back. Not sure how this new version brought that back, but it did. I hope that this progress keeps coming. Thanks for the solid work Celio.
I can confirm after more testing that the errors lead to phone problems... I can speak, but can't hear the caller. I'm on sprint.
Art, I just sent you a private message. Send me your contact info and I'll have someone from support contact you.
Well beta means beta. But the beta redfly update seems to be working fine with the beta opera for me :). Thanks for all your hard work.
Just happened to me after resetting my device:

ARM11 Fatal Error

oncrpcxdr_std.c line 542
Capture Dumps?

Yes No

And immediately after selecting "No" I receive:

ARM11 Fatal Error

oncrpc_xprtrtr.c line 674
Capture Dumps?

Yes No

Please post the solution for this as it becomes available.
We've found that SPB Mobile shell is actually not working on a few phones, but working on others. If SPB is not working for you, we'd appreciate you posting here with your phone model and carrier (also note if you're using an unlocked phone or a cooked ROM) so we can get the data to our internal testing team.

The error messages are very rare, usually tied to a Sprint Touch Pro. If you are getting any of the error messages below, usually you can hit "ok" and proceed as normal. If the messages bug you, contact me and I can email you the previous beta builds to downgrade your software for now. We're talking with HTC to see what can be done.

Anyone seeing the error codes (especially if you notice any sound issues) please use the personal message feature in the forum to send me your contact info and I'll have our engineering dept contact you directly to trouble shoot.

These are the codes we've seen so far...

m11 Fatal Error
oncrpcxdr_std.c line 542


Arm11 Fatal Error
oncrpc_xprtrtr.c line 674


Arm11 Fatal Error
oncrpc_cb.c line 146
build 93 is still showing up with the large "Fisher Price" Icons with the Xperia X1i.
I was hoping this was going to be resolved.

For now I am having to still use RealVGA and the soft resets are for now causing me to rely more heavily on my netbook.

On another note Opera 9.5, when entering text into the address bar keeps losing focus on the address bar and brings up the soft keyboard.

On a positive note the usb connection seems to render more quickly than before. Not tried Bluetooth pairing yet.

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