950XL on Google Project Fi


New member
Oct 21, 2016
By any chance, has anyone tried out the 950XL on Google's Project Fi?

My thoughts are that if you are on wifi, then data is a mute point and the rest of the time, the 950XL will work on the same bandwidth?


Thank you.
In general, GSM phones will work on Project Fi, but only utilizing the T-Mobile service of course. As a disclaimer, I have not tried Project Fi on an unsupported device so I cannot say from experience, but others have done it.
I use it on My 950 xl and iphone 7 plus. It works good. I have to use hang outs in the iphone for mms. No mms on the 950 xl. Im in the St Louis area and usually have a good signal but Im on wifi 90% of the time.
Some of the functionality will work, but I believe it violates the terms of service, meaning they could in principle take action. I read at some point that you'd need to activate your sim on a supported phone first before putting it in your own phone, so you'd have to find a Pixel or 5X/6P for the initial setup. Not sure if it's worth the risk/trouble.
It doesn't violate any terms and conditions. You won't get banned for using an iPhone, non supported Android or a Windows phone. I don't know how or why it would.

It works fine on iPhone 6plus except don't use hangouts on it, you get odd message failure texts which don't mean anything. You also have to tweak the MMS settings. There are a few pages on the internet about doing that.

I can verify getting it to work just fine on the iPhone. You just can't switch between the three carriers.

I was wondering about the 950xl and it's compatibility. I know this post is old. Just hoping I can get some info with MMS tweeks. I haven't gotten my 950xl yet and was hoping to be prepared.

Will also post or share info once I get it.

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