[9926] Windows Update 0x80070057 error

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Wouldn't it be the exact same thing disabling wifi and or data connection or both? On a phone.
What worked for me was that I opened cod somehow by many ways I will list below then I typed regedit then I choosed from the tool bar to expert file or import file ... Then from the new opened windows I made sure to make on the portion that say open file type or something like that I made sure to change it to all files so it shows me all the files in the system ... I located the hard disk letter then I had right cluck by the mouse on it then I formatted it into different type ... It should be formatted as ntfs but in my case it showed error so I formatted it ad different type then I formatted it again right away into ntfs ... The key is to succeed in formatting the hard drive into any type then back to ntfs ... After that restart your computer and run the installation process and hopefully it will work this time

Best at way for me to open cmd is by clicking on shift and f9 or maybe f10 together , and I usually go to advance repair options and just choose any opetion then click on shift + F9
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