A few questions from a current iPhone user looking to switch to WP7

The thing I like most about windows phone vs. iOS is that everything seems to take less steps. In iOS I find myself tapping through multiple screens to get info that I can get in WP with a glance or a tap and a swipe.
WP7 seems more intuitive than the others (and I have tried them both). As stated earlier you need fewer touches to get to things in it and the whole "hub" concept again puts your content in a single place to reach.

iOS on the other hand is extremely siloed. You need to enter at least one and frequently more than one app to deal with content on your phone. Android is somewhat better than iOS because it has screen Widgets which provide some of the easy access functionality that WP7 offers but why go just somewhat better?

On the notification front, remember that WP7's Live Tiles serve many of the same functions as other OSes notification systems. And they do it better because you get the data without needing to scroll or grab a notification area. That said, the one weakness of WP7 is a need for an actual notification area (or Live Tile) that captures the stuff not showing up on the other Live Tiles.
The one live tile that I wish they utilized more was the mail one. Instead of just a number I wish they put the title of the email and a sentence from it or something. This would probably require a double tile though. I think the calendar could ditch its double tile though. It only shows the title, location, and time. That fits in a square tile just fine and still has room for the date.

I love the little ghost clouds on outlook desktop and think the live tile could give some of that functionality to wp7.
The one live tile that I wish they utilized more was the mail one. Instead of just a number I wish they put the title of the email and a sentence from it or something. This would probably require a double tile though. I think the calendar could ditch its double tile though. It only shows the title, location, and time. That fits in a square tile just fine and still has room for the date.

I love the little ghost clouds on outlook desktop and think the live tile could give some of that functionality to wp7.

maybe they put that on the back of the tile and have it flip!
Ok....so I got my Titan!! It feels wonderful in the hand and is just gorgeous to look at. I will more than likely have many more questions coming as I adapt to the new OS. So here's my first....

My iPhone didn't save any contacts to the sim card. I have all my contacts in MobileMe. What is the easiest way to transfer contacts from iTunes/iPhone/MobileMe in to my awesome new Titan?!?!

As always, thanks everyone! This community is very helpful!
The one live tile that I wish they utilized more was the mail one. Instead of just a number I wish they put the title of the email and a sentence from it or something. This would probably require a double tile though. I think the calendar could ditch its double tile though. It only shows the title, location, and time. That fits in a square tile just fine and still has room for the date.

I love the little ghost clouds on outlook desktop and think the live tile could give some of that functionality to wp7.
It would be nice to have the option of a single or double width tile on key applications like Mail and the Calendar to go with your previewing idea. I would love that.
Ok....so I got my Titan!! It feels wonderful in the hand and is just gorgeous to look at. I will more than likely have many more questions coming as I adapt to the new OS. So here's my first....

My iPhone didn't save any contacts to the sim card. I have all my contacts in MobileMe. What is the easiest way to transfer contacts from iTunes/iPhone/MobileMe in to my awesome new Titan?!?!

As always, thanks everyone! This community is very helpful!

Well, I can't seem to find the process for a Mac, but if you have a windows computer somewhere you simply follow these steps:

Export iPhone Contacts as CSV File | Save iPhone Contacts | iPhone

Then log in to your windows live account. Hover over Hotmail and select contacts. Locate and hover Manage and choose Import Contacts. Then select Outlook so you can import the .csv file
Was easy as pie for me as i came from Android, my contacts were already on google. Just set up my google account on Windows Phone and then they all appeared, but had to set up google sync so that all my calendars appeared on my phone.

I use gsyncit add on for outlook so that my calendars and contacts etc sync to google and back down to my phone.
Do you have a google email account? Import your contacts from you mobile me account into your google account. Then import them into your hotmail/live account. If you set up your phone using your hotmail/live account your contacts will sync automatically.

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