A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back

Personally, I think it was foolish to embed this code into the OS. It should have been a separate package (like Office) that people have to buy ($50) and DL/install.

But it is too late for that. The entire "Copilot" PC branding could be in trouble after this fiasco.

"The idea that nobody trusts Microsoft Windows is absurd. Windows is the most used OS on the market by a very large margin with 90% plus of the market."

That number is about 10 years old. Windows is down to around 74% of global desktop users, and an astonishing 62% in the U.S. And the majority of those are business users who use them for 8 hours a day.

Android is now the global overall most used OS. In the U.S., Windows is 31%, followed by iOS at 28%. And the trends for both look like iOS is going to overtake Windows in a couple months.

These numbers are from StatCounter.
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The overall premise is true, I'd say.

Who would trust Microsoft with such a tool?

Even independent of Recall, I don't think many users are happy with Microsoft's practices on Windows. Apple is better in this regard.

Microsoft isn't precisely the most trustworthy company out there.

Trustworthy? You mean the Apple that made Guizhou-Cloud Big Data, or GCBD, a company owned by the Guizhou provincial government, the legal owner of its Chinese customers’ iCloud data. Apple and GCBD also inserted new language into the Chinese iCloud terms and conditions that granted them “access to all data that you store on this service” and allowed the companies to share the data with each other. Since the arrangement, Apple has provided the contents of an undisclosed number of accounts. You mean the Apple where Apple executives then decided to add Communist Party critics to Apple’s “China sensitivities list.” You mean the Apple that trains its app reviewers and uses special software to inspect apps for any mention of topics Apple has deemed off limits in China, including Tiananmen Square, the Chinese spiritual movement Falun Gong, the Dalai Lama, and independence for Tibet and Taiwan. All to chase Chinese money.

They even have a support page to disclose part of it: https://support.apple.com/en-us/111754
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This article is all insinuation and slander, "Just because Microsoft say they won't do something doesn't mean they won't", you endlessly imply.

If they did, that would be a major pr disaster, whereas keeping to their word, after Satya Nadella has told the company to focus on security, suggests they are probably going to keep their word.

They are a large company with countless people checking up on them, if they started to cheat, we'd know about it pretty damned quickly.

Putting adverts in your products says nothing about your honesty when it comes to keeping data secure. Linking the two creates a clearly unjustified sense of mistrust.

This article is drivel and the author should be ashamed of themselves.
Satya also said the future was "mobile first." Only to cancel Windows phone within a year or so.
I don't trust Satya one little bit. I believe the time has come to find someone else for his position.
Satya also said the future was "mobile first." Only to cancel Windows phone within a year or so.
I don't trust Satya one little bit. I believe the time has come to find someone else for his position.
And he has admitted it was a mistake to cancel Windows Phone. But Nadella wasn't a hardware guy. He was a cloud guy. And he quickly dumped what he thought was money losing which was hardware. And the market rewarded him with dumping Windows Phone which was an albatross at the time.

But now he knows he needs platforms. And the only platforms he has left are Xbox and Windows. He is at the mercy of Apple and Google for the mobile space which is really going to hurt once Google and Apple push their AI ambition onto their mobile platforms leaving Microsoft little room to show their AI chops.
If it was a separate app that people had to pay for, download and install I would be fine with it. Embedding it into Windows is an incredibly bad idea. This is already a PR disaster and it is only going to get worse.

What the heck were they thinking?

In fact, I would not be surprised to see MS eventually abandon this whole idea. Remember when Apple was going to scan everyone's photos for kiddie porn? A noble idea to be sure, but an incredibly invasive thing to do. After a huge backlash, Apple backed down.

Windows "Recall" is along the same lines. And the backlash against "Recall" has only just begun.
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And he has admitted it was a mistake to cancel Windows Phone. But Nadella wasn't a hardware guy. He was a cloud guy. And he quickly dumped what he thought was money losing which was hardware. And the market rewarded him with dumping Windows Phone which was an albatross at the time.

But now he knows he needs platforms. And the only platforms he has left are Xbox and Windows. He is at the mercy of Apple and Google for the mobile space which is really going to hurt once Google and Apple push their AI ambition onto their mobile platforms leaving Microsoft little room to show their AI chops.
With what they’re doing over at XBOX, he won’t have anything hardware soon enough
I stopped trusting Microsoft years ago, forcing people to Windows 10 the way they did certainly did not help and to be honest they have got worse as the years have gone by. Then forcing people to have a MS account did not help and yes I suppose Recall don't help.
Apple may not be perfect, but they do seem to be a bit better than MS, i should have gone to Apple years ago, the only reason I did not is that I liked building my own computers and also Apple was Intel only, who I detest.

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