A running list of needed WP7 fixes


New member
Mar 7, 2011
My feature requests / bug fixes

Got my Verizon HTC Trophy a week ago. thus far am loving the platform. There are a few annoyances/gripes i have. I agree with nearly all that have been posted thus far, so will try to offer some new/unique ones to my particular usage (obviously I haven't read & digested this whole thread, so yes there may be some repeats - sue me). I've bolded keywords so ppl scanning the thread can see various topics quickly.

1) When setting up contacts in Windows Live, your Messenger contacts get synced to your phone - what is the point of this?? 99% of the ppl on my Messenger are forum folks, whose name, phone number, etc I don't know, and with whom I communicate via Messenger only - this is just plain unnecessary. Not only that, but if you remove them from your phone contacts after a sync is done, they're gone from messenger! doh!

2) Search for a local business, awesome, found it. Now i want to add it to my contact list. Uh.... doh. Can't do this. Found this limitation just today and had to manually copy/paste everything one piece @ a time from the bing result in to a new contact. At least c/p was there or this would've REALLY been a pain!

3) Open Zune, browse the marketplace, choose to install an app. What just happened? What's happening now? No clue. doesn't show up on my phone instantly, no progress bar anywhere. 15 minutes later, oh there it is on my phone! A little more status would be great here. I have decided that I do ALL marketplace purchases from the phone, strictly because of this.

4) Google Calendar integration - Connect to a google account that has multiple (sub) calendars on it. My wife sorts them on her Android by Family, Work, Personal, etc - you can't view any one of the calendars, nor know which one you end up connecting to from WP7. I had to do a "test" appointment, to find out I'm syncing to her "business" calendar. Fun.

5) Linking contacts on phone vs Combining contacts on Live.com - why on earth do these two things end up with completely separate results?

6) No possible way to have a 1-touch speed dial (app? haven't found one - let me know if it exists!). my FEATURE phone had this! Pinning a contact to your start menu should give you the option to pin the whole person, or a number/operation. ie: pin 'Call Mobile' and/or 'Text mobile' would give me quick ways to call and text my wife.

7) no customizable ringtones, alarms, or alerts? thankfully i'm a wp7 dev so have unlocked my phone & can do this, but i believe they truly wanted to market this at the, let's face it, "simple" and "social" smartphone user, this was a serious oversight.
edit: custom ringtones added to Mango

8) i wish i could answer my phone w/o having to slide up the lock screen. i see problems w/ this also, though, namely inadvertent answering as you grab it from the table/pocket/purse - so i can live w/o it if it never comes.

9) Marketplace searching should also give categorized results. When i do a search it'd be nice to just see the games, or the apps, or the free ones, top rated, most downloaded, etc. Makes it really hard to find quality product that does exactly what you want.

10) Easily share the Zune:// link to app you have already installed. Have to go find it again in the marketplace just so you can share it. Kind of annoying.

11) I would really appreciate an easy way to switch between using wifi or 3g connectivity. options that pop down from the titlebar when you click the status icons or something, maybe?

12) I wish bluetooth would have the option to guide you when you activate it. For instance, when i push the button on my headset, i don't know if the phone is waiting for me or not, and i don't know when it's processing, if it worked, what else i could select, etc. My old feature phone (samsung alias) had voice prompts:
me: "call jennifer"
"jennifer, mobile or work"
me: "mobile"
"calling jennifer mobile"

or if it didn't understand me:
me: "call jennifer"
"did you say, call Winning First"
me: "no"
"did you say, call jennifer"
me: "yes"
"jennifer, mobile or work"

wp7 doesn't tell me anything about what it's doing while it works, or what it's waiting for.
I'm looking forward to seeing more voice navigation in Mango, and am hoping all of it will be bluetooth compatible as well. There are some features the phone doesn't even let you do via voice over bluetooth, which I find really annoying & odd. Just use the bluetooth as a mic!

13) I would like to be able to set pictures of my contacts on live.com, and have that sync up w/ my phone. Thus far no picture of any contact that i've set on live.com has showed up on my phone, or vice versa. I've set pictures for the vast majority of my contacts, manually though uploading a pic to my phone, selecting it, setting it, etc. And none of these have been pushed back down to live.com - i consider this a flat out bug.

14) You can set categories for contacts on live.com, but it doesn't appear as though any of this metadata is pushed through to the phone. I would expect another pivot selection for each category so i can flip through friends, family, co-workers, etc, as i have them segregated on live.com and/or update/assign these categories on my phone.

15) brightness Won't go to minimum even in a completely dark room. Seems like this'd be a quick & easy way to save battery. Instead I have resorted to shutting off auto-brightness and setting it to "low" whenever I'm working with the phone at night or in a dark room for an extended period of time.

16) quick text would be a godsend. My feature phone at the ability to store small blurbs for use w/in text messaging, accessible quite easily. I could open my phone and text my wife "on my way" in about 6 keystrokes (w/o looking) after i learned all the shortcut key presses. I see there are apps for this in the marketplace, but having it built-in would have been good.

17) Linking external services like linkedIn to your live.com contacts does NOT push those contacts to your phone. This I actually like, however, when you combine contacts from LinkedIn w/ those already in your list, the inforamtion from LinkedIn doesn't populate the contact on your phone either! Why would you not want this??? Hugely annoying to me right now. If I have just a plain old windows Live contact, and he's got a profile on LinkedIn that i've sync'd services with, update the info for the WL contact, and push all that to my phone!
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New member
Jun 18, 2011

I love the Windows Phone 7 platform. Amazing. Nothing touches it - especilly this early in the cycle. We all know there are things that need to be updated, and some of what I am going to say probably has already been said and we know some of this is coming down the proverbial pike. So here goes:

1) Custom Ringtones - Nuff said there.

2) IE Address Bar Search - Seems that either T-Mobile or HTC DID fiddle with the OS and changed the default search from IE Address bar to Google instead of Bing. There doesn't seem to be any way for me to adjust that. I want - no I NEED Bing here. Either make it customizable by the end user or slap T-Moble or HTC for changing that!

3) Turn-by-turn Voice directions - All of the previous Bing apps would give audible turn-by-turn as you drove. If WP7 has voice directions, I cannot find them. Need them! The compact functionality of Bing Maps on other/older platforms was very nice and handy... WP7 seems to spread it out. Voice Turn by turn is the take-away here, however.

4) Block Recognizer for handwriting input - I have used the Microsoft platform since wayyy back when the Pocket PC came out and have been using hand-writing input ever since then. I sometimes even take notes on paper using the alphabet requred for the Block recognizer input. While, I don't have to keep using that alphabet, hand-writing input is much faster and easier for me than tapping buttons on a tiny screen. I am in my 40's so some things are hard to give up. I know kid's fingers are shrinking to fit those keys; mine aren't. Stylus PLEASE!!!

5) Time format adjustment - I use 24 hour time rather than 12 hour. I cannot seem to find a way to adjust that. Needs to be an option.

6) File management - I have always used Windows Mobile and Windows Phone as an office tool away from the office and I really need some way to better manage files. I cannot find a way to upload from my Office Moble to SkyDrive and open documents from SkyDrive onto Office Mobile. This would be one way to solve my file management connundrum. However, some of what I need on my phone are not Word, PPT, Excel or ON. PDFs, Visio, and other file formats need to be on my phone as well.

7) Native PDF viewing - What is availabe from Adobe, quite frankly suprises me at how thin it is and difficult to use.

8) More UI manipulation by the end user - Would love to have some kind of background other than black or white. The colors available to chose for the tiles are just not me. I would like to be able to adjust them - make them more rich looking (they are pale and incipid to me).

9) App Management - when I flip from the start screen to my list of apps, it goes on and on. I have to admit the way the crapple toy gives multiple screens and the ablity to lay out how desired is nice. For the brief time I had an iPod Touch, I grouped my apps by categories. Would be nice to do the same with WP7 so I know where things are.

10) Cut/Paste

11) back arrow button - WP 6.5 had the ability to hit a back arrow and move the curser backwords in a word. WP7 has removed that capability. There is only a backspace which deletes the letter. I do understand the finger touch & hold - simmilar to the crapple product. It is ok, but I have thick fingers and my precision with that is not so good. A button (OR STYLUS) would be much better.

Stopping here because it is looking like I am complaining and hate WP7.

Hoping MS is reading all of these suggestions. Can't wait for Mango..... Then what? Acai Berry? Persimmon? How about blender or smoothie?


New member
Feb 12, 2011
1) Custom Ringtones - Nuff said there.

This is coming with the Mango update in Fall :)

2) IE Address Bar Search - Seems that either T-Mobile or HTC DID fiddle with the OS and changed the default search from IE Address bar to Google instead of Bing. There doesn't seem to be any way for me to adjust that. I want - no I NEED Bing here. Either make it customizable by the end user or slap T-Moble or HTC for changing that!

This is a carrier agreement thing. Hopefully this does get ironed out so folks can use whichever they prefer...in the browser at least.

3) Turn-by-turn Voice directions - All of the previous Bing apps would give audible turn-by-turn as you drove. If WP7 has voice directions, I cannot find them. Need them! The compact functionality of Bing Maps on other/older platforms was very nice and handy... WP7 seems to spread it out. Voice Turn by turn is the take-away here, however.

This is also coming with the Mango update in Fall!

4) Block Recognizer for handwriting input - I have used the Microsoft platform since wayyy back when the Pocket PC came out and have been using hand-writing input ever since then. I sometimes even take notes on paper using the alphabet requred for the Block recognizer input. While, I don't have to keep using that alphabet, hand-writing input is much faster and easier for me than tapping buttons on a tiny screen. I am in my 40's so some things are hard to give up. I know kid's fingers are shrinking to fit those keys; mine aren't. Stylus PLEASE!!!

Pretty sure I saw handwriting recognition as part of Mango. Not 100% sure though.

5) Time format adjustment - I use 24 hour time rather than 12 hour. I cannot seem to find a way to adjust that. Needs to be an option.


6) File management - I have always used Windows Mobile and Windows Phone as an office tool away from the office and I really need some way to better manage files. I cannot find a way to upload from my Office Moble to SkyDrive and open documents from SkyDrive onto Office Mobile. This would be one way to solve my file management connundrum. However, some of what I need on my phone are not Word, PPT, Excel or ON. PDFs, Visio, and other file formats need to be on my phone as well.

Skydrive integration and all your documents ect coming with Mango, so should alleviate many issues. There are also 3rd party apps available, and will be available for direct sync without using Zune. MS will be focusing on the cloud area though (Skydrive).

7) Native PDF viewing - What is availabe from Adobe, quite frankly suprises me at how thin it is and difficult to use.
I agree and hope Adobe updates its reader. I imagine there will be some other 3rd party PDF readers coming as well later. MS has its own PDF reader built in to the Windows 8 system currently in beta, so I imagine that will make its way over at some point.

8) More UI manipulation by the end user - Would love to have some kind of background other than black or white. The colors available to chose for the tiles are just not me. I would like to be able to adjust them - make them more rich looking (they are pale and incipid to me).

Agree. If you can unlock your phone you can customize color of tiles very easily with apps. Background with little more doing (in registry). MS is sticking to its original 10 colors through mango, but an official MS backed Chevron Unlocker tool is coming soon if you are already on an OS version past 7008 and cannot unlock right now.

9) App Management - when I flip from the start screen to my list of apps, it goes on and on. I have to admit the way the crapple toy gives multiple screens and the ablity to lay out how desired is nice. For the brief time I had an iPod Touch, I grouped my apps by categories. Would be nice to do the same with WP7 so I know where things are.

The Jump List for your app list (like in people hub) is coming with the Mango update as well.

10) Cut/Paste

If you just got your phone and dont have this, you haven't updated the software. NoDo bought copy/paste a couple months ago. If you are on OS version 7004 or 7008 do NOT update your phone. Unlock it first so you can customize colors ect, then update it ;)

Here is where to learn how:

WP7 Hacking for Beginners - Chevron, Theming, Ringtones, Registry, MMS/Data - xda-developers


New member
Dec 11, 2010
On Block Recognizer, you can say goodbye to the stylus. I did see something recently, possibly an app or built in to Mango that will permit something similar to block recognizer, but you write the letters across the screen using your finger (similar to Jot in WM) so don't know how effective it will be.

On File Management, Mango will improve the access to Office & PDF files via SkyDrive but don't know about access to other file types by third party developers. That might be a stretch. Not sure if SkyDrive will permit it, but with Dropbox you can link any file you have stored to an email. So while you may not be able to open it on your phone, you can forward it to someone.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express


New member
Mar 7, 2011
Can we get a check off list for fixed problems in mango?
from my list, there is only 1 thing that they have resolved, customizable ringtones. You can't set customized alerts or alarms still, though, which still puts them behind the competition (again).


New member
Feb 12, 2011
from my list, there is only 1 thing that they have resolved, customizable ringtones. You can't set customized alerts or alarms still, though, which still puts them behind the competition (again).

Its puts them behind...in terms of those features only. Every platform has its advantages and disadvantages. They aren't "behind" because of those things when to many, they are way ahead on things like integration of services, UI, cloud services ect.

Give them some time. Tango may bring a large update to alarms, volume controls & settings (3g toggle ect). It hasn't even been out 9 months yet.

This is still a preview build, and we do not know all the features they have added for the final build. Maybe some of those will be in there. Here's hoping!


New member
Mar 7, 2011
Its puts them behind...in terms of those features only. Every platform has its advantages and disadvantages. They aren't "behind" because of those things when to many, they are way ahead on things like integration of services, UI, cloud services ect.

Give them some time. Tango may bring a large update to alarms, volume controls & settings (3g toggle ect). It hasn't even been out 9 months yet.

This is still a preview build, and we do not know all the features they have added for the final build. Maybe some of those will be in there. Here's hoping!
eh, i think looking over my list nothing on there is something that shouldn't have been thought of or ironed out by now. it's not rocket science, it's called market research.

when you enter a market 3yr late, you better nail it if you expect to do well. So far, in my opinion, they haven't. Mango is a great step but having used it for 2 days now i'm not nearly as impressed as i thought i'd be.


New member
Feb 12, 2011
eh, i think looking over my list nothing on there is something that shouldn't have been thought of or ironed out by now. it's not rocket science, it's called market research.

when you enter a market 3yr late, you better nail it if you expect to do well. So far, in my opinion, they haven't. Mango is a great step but having used it for 2 days now i'm not nearly as impressed as i thought i'd be.

3 years late? I don't get when people say that. The iPhone was introduced 4 years ago. Is it really a good idea to rush something out with R&D, whole new concept, beta testing ect in less than a year? And the iPhone didn't sell millions the first day, so that would mean within months they should have had a whole new platform ecosystem ready for worldwide distribution? They had Windows Mobile out forever, and had to completely rethink their approach. And they are doing something completely different from everybody else. That takes time.

If you don't like it thats fine, but I really don't get how people expected a brand new OS to have everything in it right away. Android not only didn't have anything worth noting within their first year , they had a horrible (still) UI which was basically a hacked/thrown together mimic of the iPhone. The iPhone didn't have any apps, its phone function was horrible, and had barely any functionality with exception of its music player & browser. It just happened to be a new fresh way of interacting with a phone geared more towards the consumer than the enterprise, and people latched onto it.

Windows Phone will have more in the first year than any of the other platforms, by far. So people are welcome to complain, but if you don't like the system, and don't believe in where its going; why use it?


New member
Jun 18, 2011
One thing I notice about HTC products, the DO offer a stylus purchased separately for use with WP. Styli are, for me, important. Writing with my fat finger is silly and takes me back to finger-painting 101 in kindergarden.

One of my favorite things when I got my first XP tablet was the ability for the preassure of the stylus to create strokes similar to what you get when writing with a fountain pen. I believe pressure sensativity is still an option in tablet versions of Windows. That needs to be transferred to WP... I know not everyone is values this as I do, but it makes my life sooo much easier - and classier!


New member
Dec 6, 2010
The live tiles that I have pinned from my contact list stops changing from the photo, name, and post,... after about 30 seconds. This should be fixed.


New member
Dec 16, 2010
the use of pay pal , Zune pass or MS points to buy wp games/apps.

its a BIG must , im tired of having to get pre-paid credit cards.


New member
Jun 27, 2011
live tiles that actually work would be nice. Hardly any of them work, my pictures hub picture doesn't even change anymore. I really hope the mango update resolves this issue. I shouldn't have to do a hard reset to get live tiles working, they should just work.


New member
Jul 19, 2011

Not sure if listed already, but Zune on WP7 needs ability to play the next unread podcast when the current one stops, instead of just stopping.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
live tiles that actually work would be nice. Hardly any of them work, my pictures hub picture doesn't even change anymore. I really hope the mango update resolves this issue. I shouldn't have to do a hard reset to get live tiles working, they should just work.

The Pictures hub isn't a live tile. You have to go into it and change the background manually.


New member
Jun 27, 2011
It supports Music through A2DP, but nothing else. I want this fixed so badly... I can live with music only for now, but I want my movies to go through the headphones too!


New member
Jan 9, 2011
Well in the latest build of Mango (7712) video audio still doesn't work via BlueTooth. :(

Will it be any different in the final version? I bet not. Hope i'm wrong though.
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