A running list of needed WP7 fixes

After 1 week of use...former Blackberry Tourch user.

1. I would like the option to make calls without using the password.

2. Folders in the apps section for better organization.

3. Tasks integration from Outlook.

4. Someone please create an app that interfaces with MS Communicator.

5. Voice recorder built into the OS.
After 1 week of use...former Blackberry Tourch user.

1. I would like the option to make calls without using the password.

??? No password needed on mine to make calls. I'm guessing you're the odd one out in this respect.
??? No password needed on mine to make calls. I'm guessing you're the odd one out in this respect.

He means from lockscreen with password enabled. On BB's you can set it so you can make calls without unlocking the device at all.
He means from lockscreen with password enabled. On BB's you can set it so you can make calls without unlocking the device at all.

Surely that's the whole point of a lockscreen? If they make it so you can still make calls what's to stop you from pocket-calling people?
Surely that's the whole point of a lockscreen? If they make it so you can still make calls what's to stop you from pocket-calling people?

Its quite hard to pocket call on a BB. The lockscreen will prompt a menu, where you can open the address book, and have to press hard keys in succession to call somebody. I never had an accident in my years on BB.

Its a setting for those who like it, as its nice to be able to use the call function without having to constantly unlock your phone (which most people had real passwords for, not a 4 digit numeric).
Hey Guys i have one problem that has really been bothering me.
i know that when you hit the album artwork there is a repeat button, but it repeats the whole playlist, not just that one song. is there any button you can press so it repeats ONLY that song?? thanks!!
I just got my Samsung Focus 3 days ago, and had the weekend to play around with it, and explore both its features and shortcomings. I recently ditched my IPhone 3G, not because of a disdain for the product, but my angst towards a company that refused to support their product after it started having hardware failures and a steady slowing of the OS in the 1.5yrs of regular use. I use my phone to complement my daily tasks, and make them easier.

So with this in mind, I dove into the cold WP7 waters in hopes of releasing the fruity grips my prior phone had on the my life, and here are my thoughts on the OS.
There are a lot of great features for the phone, and the OS, as many articles and posters have expressed, so I won?t go over all of that. I will, however, focus on some features that I wish were available, or that I have not figured out how to maneuver. Feel free to comment on any of these either in agreement or otherwise, or add some features that you would want in a future update of the OS.

So in no particular order, here is my list:

1) There is no way to configure advanced email settings such as ports. You can specify SSL, but no way to specify non-standard ports that I have been able to figure out.

2) Universal Inbox or quick email switching. At least having the option to consolidate all your emails under one area, or a way to switch between accounts would be a plus. Having to hit back and then find your other email account is not efficient (even if you have it set up as a tile).

3) Copy/Paste. Not much to say here and MS is reportedly addressing this issue in the next release.

4) When you have linked accounts, or Facebook integration, there is no way to select what name is shown on the contact (this affects people with maiden names and nick names). You have to change your actual contact card, which isn?t always the option of choice. The app lets you chose the picture, at least, so it shouldn?t be hard to let you choose the display name.

5) Remove the limitation on how many free apps developers can submit to the marketplace. You get 5 included submissions, but every future submission requires you to pay. MS already takes a cut off your sales, so why provide a disincentive for small apps/utilities that can help adoption of a new OS from the get-go?

6) SkyDrive documents aren?t readily accessible through the office hub. You can go through the internet, log into SkyDrive, and then open up a document, but why the extra step? If the docs are all listed in the Hub, or provide a way to search for a document, it will make it more intuitive.

7) OneNote does not allow you to open up Grouped Sections. This is a small peeve, but should be a quick/easy fix.

8) When reading email, if you?re trying to zip through all your unread messages, the app doesn?t automatically go to the next message when you trash it; instead, it goes back to the message list. There should be at least an option to automatically go to the next email so you can quickly go through emails.

9) Images are not automatically downloaded in the email client. Also a nuisance when messages are in HTML and you have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the message to click on ?download rest of message? just to see the proper formatting. Again, at least an option would be great (although the rationale of refraining from auto-download makes sense).

10) No quick scroll to bottom or top of a screen. Although scrolling is smooth and easy, if you have a large document, it is way too time-consuming to navigate the page.

11) Flagging a message in the email client does not synchronize with flagging in Hotmail or Outlook. Others have also mentioned a parallel issue with Google and the favorite/starring of an email.

12) Search in the marketplace is not grouped. This is a biggie for people trying to find applications vs. songs when hitting the search button. Why am I shown music about GPS, when I simply want to see if there are GPS apps available?

13) Visual Voicemail. Although this is a nice feature of the iPhone, it?d be nice to have it available in WM7 because of the convenience it provides. Not sure if there is a patent issue here with it, however or the plausibility.
You might want to add below features as well:

1. No flash player support in browser.
2. No WiFi connectivity by entering manually hidden SSID. For example, ATTWIFI are hidden and no way to connect.
Turn on my phone for alarms. I hate getting email jingles all through the night when I am wating to wake up.
Here is my list

- Marketplace Language!: Ability to choose the language outside the region settings. So I can pick english! My phone settings are Dutch/Belgium but the marketplace is in French? Belgium is about 60% Dutch and about 30% French! you hear that world! There are more Dutch speaking then French so stop thinking we all speak French! The dutch are sick of it! There is even also a small German speaking region. Also I wanted to try Need For Speed and that game installed in French! Come On! (Yes, I'm angry about this issue)

- The ability to sync ALL calenders from hotmail. Especially the birthday calender is very important to me.

- People Hub contact pictures: Ability to delete, change,... manage them. Online or on the phone. And while at it, do it also for Windows Live Mail & Hotmail. So I get the same pictures as on the phone.

- Fix marketplace hanging and need to reboot the phone.

- The ability to create our own camera default settings. Not the same as remembering the last settings. I think it's good the camera goes to a default setting, but I want to be able to change those to my liking.

- Marketplace in Zune: I can buy apps from my phone but I can't access the Marketplace in Zune because there is no Dutch language yet. See also point one to get those language things in order.

And off course: Faster updates...
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So far I can't think of anything major. I would however, like the ability to see notifications after they've gone off the screen. And more consistent push notifications, something like Boxcar from the iOS.
Not sure if anyone added this but something I'd like to see is an option to have the status bar at the top of the main screen present at all times. Having to pull it down is kinda odd.
I upgraded from the Pre to the HTC Arrive. I've only come across these issues...for now

1. When I've finished typing a txt message and hit enter it doesn't send it goes to the next line under. It's the same with the hardware and on scren keyboard. I have to keep hitting that send icon. It's really annoying.

2. No quick way to put the phone in Airplane mode. Wish there was a tile to do it quickly.

3. No Visual Voicemail. Pre didn't have this either but I'll live with it.
Dreamcast, kind of funny thing about your item #1. I had actually applied the patch to my Pre so that hitting the enter key went to a new line and did not automatically send the message. Your annoyance is my preferred behavior. :) I'm glad I don't do much programming any more because sometimes you just can win either way you do it.

Actually for me one thing I will miss about the Pre is the ability to apply patches to customize behavior. On the other hand, I am really loving my new HD7.
Turn on my phone for alarms. I hate getting email jingles all through the night when I am wating to wake up.

If you leave the phone on and hit the rocker (volume) button the Alarm icon drops down at the top of the screen. Tap it and it will go silent. Make sure you then use the rocker to adjust the volume to your desired level. If you have an alarm set, it will ring at the appointed time (not a moment before) and you will not be disturbed by any other alerts. enjoy!
If you leave the phone on and hit the rocker (volume) button the Alarm icon drops down at the top of the screen. Tap it and it will go silent. Make sure you then use the rocker to adjust the volume to your desired level. If you have an alarm set, it will ring at the appointed time (not a moment before) and you will not be disturbed by any other alerts. enjoy!

I was wondering if that was how it worked I just haven't tried it yet. Thanks for the info.
Are we going to restart this thread for a list of needed post-NoDo fixed?
No need for that, because many points aren't adressed yet with NoDo.

- Still the Marketplace is in the wrong language. Still no news about that except, we will look into it.
- Still no ability to sync all calenders from Windows Live, especially birthdays ( Bill Gates doesn't have friends to think off? )
- Still no default settings for the camera
- Still no ability to manage contact pictures, you can add one, change it but not delete it.

Here some new ones:
- Disable turning off phone when locked, so people can carry the phone around in there pocket. Before you can turn it off, you will need to unlock it. This also was asked already at ms.answers before NoDo by a few.
- Better Outlook integration. (I use Windows Live Mail at home, I prefer it above Outlook, but at work I have to use Outlook)
- Commonly being able to see more settings. For example to set up MMS, bluetooth etc...
- Setup a limit for your data connection. I don't thrust carriers.
- Backup your phone, like an image with all settings, installed apps, etc... Ok, thx to the sync with Live doing a hard reset is fast, but you'll still need to download and reinstall all aps and stuff. Setup the tiles, background pictures, other settings, You also loose your IE favorites,...
- Your own ringtones
- Search in People Hub also on company name
- Wireless sync without the need of being in a charger, just enough battery live.
- Create some app hub, so you can put apps inside that hub and get a shorter list in the second screen. If you have many apps, the list in the second screen can get long, too long. So the ability to add a hub er more with a name of choice can clean things up.

Better communication between MS and Customers. More detailed descriptions what actually changed with an update.

The new features we will get with Mango look great, new IE, Multi-Tasking, etc. But what about the basic stuff? The things we already have, but make them better. To be honest, I'm not missing multi-tasking. I don't use copy-paste. I would prefer they fixed the other stuff first, and then give us new ones. But that's not so exciting for marketing...
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So, as I was noticing, the new Mango update will have multitasking. But I'm kinda weirded out by the button combo.

We hold down BACK to launch it??? Doesn't it make more sense to hold down "home" to start it and relocate voice SEARCH to, you know, holding down the SEARCH button?

Just my $0.02.
So, as I was noticing, the new Mango update will have multitasking. But I'm kinda weirded out by the button combo.

We hold down BACK to launch it??? Doesn't it make more sense to hold down "home" to start it and relocate voice SEARCH to, you know, holding down the SEARCH button?

Just my $0.02.

HEHE, Ditto, look for the thread with a poll.

I forgot if I mentioned this, being able to charge the phone while its off. Leaving the phone off but still having the alarm go off. As in I don't want to recive calls or text or email beeps, just my alarm to wake me up. TURNING ON AIRPLANE MODE YOU ARE MAD!

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