A week old WP7 user


New member
Apr 4, 2011
So I had the Evo when it launched, traded it for the shift and Android is still meh to me. I tried my hardest to see what everyone else saw with it but it was very boring to me. I rooted it, and stuff but ti still had its problems and was just plain boring. So I figured heh, why not and got the Arrive for sprint. As soon as I turned it on wow! I love the layout, all of the animations. The silky smooth transitions from anywhere is truly amazing. People complain about the browser, meh. How many settings do you really need. The only thing about the browser is when you zoom out it takes a little while to focus back but not a big deal. I like all the hubs and how the backgrounds change makes it fresh and new every time. The keyboard is amazing I barely even use the hardware one.
I'm in the same boat, this is probably more exciting than the first time I used iOS or Android.
Let our army grow! :)
glad you're enjoying your experience. wp7 is fresh and i definitely love the screen on my focus. quite a few apps that are on multiple platforms seem to look a lot nice on wp7. all wp7 needs is the mango update and we'll be set.
I dont really have 4G in jersey unless I go down to NY anyway haha
where in jersey are you? i'm in rutherford (north) and LTE from Verizon is supposed to be headed to all the football cities. since the Giants/Jets are here (2 minutes from me), i'm hoping that means i get it soon.
the IE browser is probly the best mobile browser I've used. it displays all the sites I goto correctly and it does not redirect to the mobile version like the Android and iOS default browsers do .
People tend to like Android because it's hacker friendly, a complete OS, and it's very powerful. I didn't like it because it was sorta unorganized. It reminds me of WM 6.X, but much smoother.

Safari Mobile > IE mobile as of right now. The browser on Android was pretty crappy. All in all, I think WP7 is the second best OS behind iOS. But hopefully that'll change by the end of the year, and WP7 will be on top.
People tend to like Android because it's hacker friendly, a complete OS, and it's very powerful. I didn't like it because it was sorta unorganized. It reminds me of WM 6.X, but much smoother.

Safari Mobile > IE mobile as of right now. The browser on Android was pretty crappy. All in all, I think WP7 is the second best OS behind iOS. But hopefully that'll change by the end of the year, and WP7 will be on top.

how en chingos is safari mobile better than IE Mobile? maybe the version if IE in 6.5 and 6.1 but not this one. and it certainly won't be once we get IE9 which is currently being billed as the best desktop browser.
I've used both Safari Mobile and IE on WP7, and agree that Safari Mobile is definitely better and faster. It's not much of a contest, IMO. The next version of IE should be more competitive.

Sent from my greenpois0ned iPhone 4 using Tapatalk
It's faster, more stable and displays pretty much all pages correctly. Can't really compare something that has yet to be released to something that's being used currently. Flash is a minus with the iPHone, but the same can be said with WP7 IE. As of today, Safari handly beats WP7 IE.
how en chingos is safari mobile better than IE Mobile? maybe the version if IE in 6.5 and 6.1 but not this one. and it certainly won't be once we get IE9 which is currently being billed as the best desktop browser.
how en chingos is safari mobile better than IE Mobile? maybe the version if IE in 6.5 and 6.1 but not this one. and it certainly won't be once we get IE9 which is currently being billed as the best desktop browser.

IE Mobile 7 is "ok," but not the best. The Mozilla-based browser in my Nokia N900 is almost as fast as IE Mobile 7 and that's w/ an N900 running at 600MHz. It also scored very high on the Acid3 test, whereas IE Mobile 7 fails miserably.

Is safari available in the market place for wp7?

Ive been setting up my family with wp7. They chose that over everything else, & really like it. I really like it too. Might b what i move to when i upgrade from my pre.
Is safari available in the market place for wp7?

Ive been setting up my family with wp7. They chose that over everything else, & really like it. I really like it too. Might b what i move to when i upgrade from my pre.

:) no, and I'd place roughly a million on it never, ever, ever becoming available as it's Apple's own browser and I can't see them developing apps for a competing platform.

I seem to remember reading that either the current state of the SDK, or some Marketplace rule, prevented third party browsers from existing on WP7, but I cannot remember where it was
It's faster, more stable and displays pretty much all pages correctly. Can't really compare something that has yet to be released to something that's being used currently. Flash is a minus with the iPHone, but the same can be said with WP7 IE. As of today, Safari handly beats WP7 IE.

still haven't said exactly how it was better. when I used it on my nephews iPod touch I kept getting redirected to mobile sites and there isn't a way to fix it like on wp7 IE which has yet to redirect me. I haven't encountered a site that wouldn't display properly either despite the low acid3 test score which hardly means anything.
Isnt opera in the marketplace?

Nope, and no immediate plans for it to be either, all you'll find in the Marketplace are browser extensions, whereby someone has put their own skin over a WebBrowser control, the control is still utilising the phone's Internet Explorer & rendering engine

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