AccentAE86 and an 18+ thread

Dave Blake

Mod and Ambassador Team Emeritus
Jan 11, 2008
Here it is team, AccentAE86 has requested to post some pictures that might seam a little risky. He is the pro photographer who has been posting the pictures he has taking with the L1020. He really has a great eye for pictures. He has taken his L1020 in the studio with some models and wants to share the pictures. Very tastefully done pictures. I have given him the go ahead to make a new thread marked [18+ NSFW]. If we get complaints or the thread gets reported lets overlook it for now. He has shown me some of the pictures they are not that bad. Not much more that you would see at a swimming pool. I did give him the green light to post some pictures with a woman in a thong. If its to much we can always ask him to remove those. I am taking a chance here but he is a great photographer and he is promoting the greatness of the L1020 camera. I think its worth the risk I would hate to pass on this opportunity to display the capabilities of the L1020
Sounds good to me as long as it's not nudity.

I was very clear with him no nudity. If it gets out of hand I will take care of it with him. He PMed me with the idea provided me with some examples. I think it will be fine. I just want you all to have a heads up.
I don't have any problem with it. Check out the winning iMore Halloween contest sexy picture by DanteX. That's the guy who used to post here and Rimlover (whose handle sounds more NSFW than DanteX's avatar) reported it.
I don't have any problems with this as long as it's done tastefully, which you've said it is.
I don't have any problem with it. Check out the winning iMore Halloween contest sexy picture by DanteX. That's the guy who used to post here and Rimlover (whose handle sounds more NSFW than DanteX's avatar) reported it.

I find checking imore more offensive than any pictures here.
I find checking imore more offensive than any pictures here.
LOL. I mostly visit off-topic there. I know a lot of people on iMore because they started with CrackBerry, which is where I started. Their 20K thread is fun.
LOL. I mostly visit off-topic there. I know a lot of people on iMore because they started with CrackBerry, which is where I started. Their 20K thread is fun.

I know Laura. But if I don't make some completely homer WP or WPCentral comments, I'm just not myself. And I don't see anyone with snickers around here.
Sad to say, you still look better than checking imore. :winktongue:


I've found it interesting comparing cultural differences. You can see a lot more than you expected to see along the French Rivera. Then as you continue walking along the Riviera, sooner or later you'll come upon a sign that says, "Plage Naturiste" and if you don't know what that means, you'll be in for a shock! :grin:

I've found it interesting comparing cultural differences. You can see a lot more than you expected to see along the French Rivera. Then as you continue walking along the Riviera, sooner or later you'll come upon a sign that says, "Plage Naturiste" and if you don't know what that means, you'll be in for a shock! :grin:

When I was in the Navy, I did a six month deployment to Bermuda. It's British rule. So you think the beaches are more in line with your opinion of Euro beaches. Couldn't be farther from the truth, very prudish. Saw many Euro's get in trouble for going topless, regular beach patrols. Shoot, they didn't even sell playboy or penthouse there. Used to be locals hanging outside the base asking sailors to pick them up a copy on base. Of course this was many years ago and might not be that way now.
When I was in the Navy, I did a six month deployment to Bermuda. It's British rule. So you think the beaches are more in line with your opinion of Euro beaches. Couldn't be farther from the truth, very prudish. Saw many Euro's get in trouble for going topless, regular beach patrols. Shoot, they didn't even sell playboy or penthouse there. Used to be locals hanging outside the base asking sailors to pick them up a copy on base. Of course this was many years ago and might not be that way now.

Wow! I never would've expected that.
Wow! I never would've expected that.

The other shock was that over there, American beers were considered imports and more expensive in the pubs. Heiniken, Amstel and St. Pauli's were cheaper than Bud or Miller. Needless to say I developed a taste for imports over there. At least until I got back to the states!
The other shock was that over there, American beers were considered imports and more expensive in the pubs. Heiniken, Amstel and St. Pauli's were cheaper than Bud or Miller. Needless to say I developed a taste for imports over there. At least until I got back to the states!

I also preferred domestic beer when I was that age. Now I only drink import or microbrew.
Back then on Navy pay, I couldn't afford imports once I got back to the states!

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