Action Centre & Toggles concept !!

It's a never ending story to talk about this, we all have different people around. If WP was all that beautiful to others as it is to us WP fans then it would have more people, apps or no apps. It's easy for me to know what apps are there and which are not or what's good and what's not, but when I talk about phones to random people they just look at me with big eyes (the eyes of what are you talking about??) and then looks at the Tiles (omg boxes) and no Wallpaper?! ..

Will see about Windows 10. It's almost all I wanted so far. Only thing I would add is a new swipe to the left side from the Start screen. I see it being useful for something.
I know two others with a WP... Why? Quality of apps, or lack thereof. Pure and simple. Windows 10 won't do anything in regards to more phone sales, alone. The apps need to be improved. If not, then it's a lost cause.

I also know three others.. Who I converted hahah. And a few randoms with low ends
It's a never ending story to talk about this, we all have different people around. If WP was all that beautiful to others as it is to us WP fans then it would have more people, apps or no apps. It's easy for me to know what apps are there and which are not or what's good and what's not, but when I talk about phones to random people they just look at me with big eyes (the eyes of what are you talking about??) and then looks at the Tiles (omg boxes) and no Wallpaper?! ..

Will see about Windows 10. It's almost all I wanted so far. Only thing I would add is a new swipe to the left side from the Start screen. I see it being useful for something.

Sorry... I disagree... You can create the best phone in the world, technically... But if quality of 3rd party apps isn't on par, then the phone won't see succes. It really is that simple.

And in a world where the majority of sales of smartphones go to people who enjoy a plethora of social networks, then having a phone with subpar facebook, instagram, twitter, no snapchat and so on, simply will not make it a contender in most peoples minds.

Hell... Most phone stores will directly recommend any phone other than WP, due to one thing: the lacking quality of apps for it.

Me personally? Well... I switch between my iPhone, Note 3 and 930 regularly... But I agree with those stating that WP in general has a lot of catching up to do.
I know two others with a WP... Why? Quality of apps, or lack thereof. Pure and simple. Windows 10 won't do anything in regards to more phone sales, alone. The apps need to be improved. If not, then it's a lost cause.

We are more or less on the same side about WP, I'm looking forward to a day I convert all the people around me to Windows (its just phones), but why not :). It's just not now by any means.
The A Concept it horrible, sorry for that, looks like Touchwizz on Ultra Power Saving Mode (GS5).
The B is OK, kinda grew on me. I really did like the "All Settings" in the middle. :D
The A Concept it horrible, sorry for that, looks like Touchwizz on Ultra Power Saving Mode (GS5).
The B is OK, kinda grew on me. I really did like the "All Settings" in the middle. :D

I installed the latest W10 build now and it just got real finally! .. However I still hope we get something new in the Action Centre, maybe transparency like on Desktop version and All Settings down there where it was perfect.
I would definitely choose the concept A with the addition of W10-like notification panel transparency/blur.
And on you text below the image you are 100% spot on.
Human brain perceives toggles with rounded corners better giving the feeling of action.
Also the distinction of text and image as you said makes this toggles more easy to understand and remember for your future mechanical actions.
All this just mean that the notification panel requires less brain-power to use!

I don't know why people here are against circles..
Show them one circle and the world is at war in their eyes.

Triple A for you sir!
Your concept A with the transparency/blur of W10's notification panel.

I like concept A.
It's simpler and I think it would appeal more to the general public (aka android users). They're changing other elements in the UI to bring it in line with Android/iOS UI... I think Concept A could be a positive change provided there weren't any legal issues.
At the end of the day theyre just toggles, and most average users don't even use any of them other than wifi.
They're just toggles, I don't see why everyone is so hung up about it.
There is a reason they use larger rectangles for the toggles. Look at wifi see how it shows the name of the connection. This is important. So your ideas can't cover this. This happens with bluetooth devices connected as well. So my vote is no.
I'd like to hear some other ideas about the Action Center instead of just arguing about these ideas. Talking about how these do or don't work doesn't really do anything. How do we make what we have better? Windows Insiders have the ability.
Saw this on Rubino's Twitter on Friday. For me it's concept B. Circles are for people, squares for things according the new design language. Plus it takes up less room. There's still too much padding around the UI for my liking, in notifications, volume sliders, some menus, etc.
Saw this on Rubino's Twitter on Friday. For me it's concept B. Circles are for people, squares for things according the new design language. Plus it takes up less room. There's still too much padding around the UI for my liking, in notifications, volume sliders, some menus, etc.

Yes I talked to the author, 'cos he doesn't use the forums.
I think Windows 10 Mobile is far from finished, but I see a lot of potential for an OS that can be both the most complete and most beautiful of any OS. Already, when it comes to basic features, we have a lot in Windows 10 Mobile. There's obviously a bit missing but it'll all come in time.
And I like the new design language. I like the subtle mixture of circles and squares, the detailing with shading. The Light theme needs work, as does the Lock Screen and in my eyes the Action Center and Settings page has a long ways to go too, but it's all going in the same direction, and let's face it that's not something we've been able to say often.
Microsoft is seriously trying to bring their platform together and if we don't show them that we know exactly what we want, then Microsoft will only put half the effort necessary into Windows 10 Mobile and it'll flop. Let's put three times as much effort as necessary into making this OS amazing.
The Light theme needs work with shading. Ironically, the Dark theme looks more colorful, and the Light theme is also inconsistent. Plus, Microsoft apps at the very least need to support both Dark and Light themes completely.
The Lock Screen is just bland. It needs to have more customization. In Settings, we should be able to add features, such as Lock Screen music controls (I want these), Weather, and a Quick Action or two to launch our favorite app quickly.
The Action Center faces the same issue as the Lock Screen. It still doesn't look like Windows 10 Mobile. It looks like Windows Phone 8.1 except with a few more boxes and smaller font. The Quick Actions look overly blocky in my opinion. Make them a little wider, just by a few pixels. They don't need to be perfect squares, and they'll look way less awkward without them. Give us the option for aero transparency. We should be able to choose between opaque them (solid theme color), aero theme (blurred transparency with theme color) and aero accent (blurred transparency with accent color). Let us customize the Quick Actions, I want to move them around to where they're best for me! Give us more quick launch buttons for apps that we can choose to have there or not. Move the All Settings button right below, to the center, with Expand/Collapse to the right and Clear All to the left. Improve the gestures. Right now I can expand with a swipe but I can't collapse with another swipe up. And give us back that little bit of feedback we had when we held down the bar at the bottom of the Action Center. Use the space in the Quick Actions better. Widen them a tad, make the icons a bit bigger, just avoid that awkward look we have now. And make the notifications more useful. I love how they look now. I love how I can interact with an alarm that just went off from the Action Center. Let me do the same for every other Microsoft app.
The Settings page is inconsistent and incomplete. The Extras page needs to match the rest of the Settings. I don't understand why it's different and it really bugs me. Also, coagulate the Settings for all the default apps in the Settings page! Let me access the Settings for Music in the Settings app. Make the All Settings button in the Action Center truly be for ALL settings. I think it would be AMAZING if I could go into the Settings app, open the page marked "App Settings" and customize every default app on the phone, be it OneDrive, Outlook Mail, Microsoft Edge or whatever.

There's plenty of UI changes I'd make throughout the OS as well but they're too numerous to put on here.
I installed the latest W10 build now and it just got real finally! .. However I still hope we get something new in the Action Centre, maybe transparency like on Desktop version and All Settings down there where it was perfect.

I can bet there will be a transparent action center looking like PC's version. Your "All settings" placement idea looks like the right thing to do, but they really need to see this to get it done.

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