After a year with Android, coming back to Windows! Excited! Any recommendations?


New member
Jan 11, 2015
Hi people. I used Lumia 920 for 2 years. Was deeply in love with Windows Phone OS that the lack of apps didn't bother me that much. But last year my 920 got stolen, and I was forced to buy a cheap phone. Windows 10 was new and I really liked the old Metro UI, and Windows 10 disappointed me with the new animations and colors and hamburgers. So, I went with Android. I also wanted to test how Android had evolved. The Lollipop update, the newer, cleaner animations, high quality apps caught my attention. I enjoyed my time with Android. Great OS! Did a lot of things, like rooting, flashing different ROMs and much more.

But, for some reasons, I'm compelling to try out Windows again. I missed the live tiles a lot on Android. Live tiles make a great home screen, with the right kind of information. Android widgets, however minimalistic they could be, still feel clunky and not-uniform to me. The Anniversary update on PCs is quite amazing compared to Vanilla Windows 10.

My phone usage primarily includes WhatsApp, light Facebook, music, calling and alarm clock, note taking and testing my own apps. I am a developer, well, learning to code, and have 3 apps in the store. Strawberry Weather is the best of them , having been reviewed here on WindowsCentrall! I was testing them on a spare 520. But, I missed the fun of using my own apps! My brother is an app guy, and Android will suit better to him.

So much for the talk, as I was away from Windows (Mobile) for a long time, I don't know what are the best apps out there currently. Can you guys suggest me the best apps you like? Or new features you love?
Welcome back! Windows 10 Mobile has improved a lot in the past year. App recommendations depends on what things you are into.

What phone are you using now?
Buy something that will run the Redstone release. Don't get another 920, which will be limited to Threshold, if you can even still get it. I've had both - Threshold on a 920 and Redstone on a 640. Redstone runs much better.
Thanks for the warm welcome!
I'm not getting a new phone, I am just repairing brother's Lumia 730 and exchanging my Lenovo A6000 plus with him. I don't see a point in buying new Lumia 650 compared to the 730. Lumia 950 is a lot expensive and I don't even need that much horsepower. My phone use is very light and the 730 would suffice. So much excited!

I guess, Anniversary update is not yet out for Mobile phones. Should I wait for it or jump to Windows Insider wagon?
Buy something that will run the Redstone release. Don't get another 920, which will be limited to Threshold, if you can even still get it. I've had both - Threshold on a 920 and Redstone on a 640. Redstone runs much better.

730 is getting RedStone, right?
Welcome back! Windows 10 Mobile has improved a lot in the past year. App recommendations depends on what things you are into.

What phone are you using now?

I heard that Microsoft Edge can't sync history between devices. Any solution on that?
Welcome back. I use a Motorola MotoG at work, and while it's quite good, and a nice and nippy Android handset, I very much prefer my L950.
Welcome back to the platform! Having a low-end Android phone for me kind of sucks (slow, cannot uninstall most of the Google apps that I don't need) and I'm very much happy with my Lumia 950 XL (but it's on repair right now). I recommend using the Groove music app. Though I know some may not agree on me with this one, but it has greatly improved these past few months. :D
So sad to say that Microsoft repaired my phone with a garbage display. I didn't collect it, my relative did. Else I wouldn't have accepted the phone.

I guess it's a duplicate display. Whenever I turn the display off, it flickers.
When I press and hold to rearrange the tiles, the animation is kinda 10fps.
And the touch screen doesn't work with gloves even with high sensitivity enabled. While my 520 with a glass screen guard works fine with a glove. Heck I can even operate it with the 3.5 mm metal end of my earphones.

I'm so annoyed! How could Microsoft do such a thing! My town doesn't even have a care center. Have to travel to another town. It's hectic. Has Microsoft gone mad or what! This kind of service is going to take them down and nowhere.
And they charged around Rs. 7000, that is equivalent to approximately $100 for the garbage display. What's wrong with Microsoft?
I'm really enjoying my Lumia 730 with Windows 10 Mobile. Has some quirks, but overall enjoying the experience.
And they charged around Rs. 7000, that is equivalent to approximately $100 for the garbage display. What's wrong with Microsoft?

MS guarantee all repairs, so if they've installed the screen incorrectly (I can't believe MS themselves would install a knock-off or forgery) simply return it to them to have the 'repair' fixed under guarantee. That means No Charge if the intermediary company is somehow confused ;)~
You guys can see how faulty the replaced display is. I have compared it with a 520. The replaced display doesn't change brightness, neither in auto mode nor in manual mode. Doesn't support 'Double Tap to Wake' and 'High Sensitive Touch'. Touch response is spotty. And, display flickers while turning off and on the display. More visible while turning off.
Have they definitely given you back your phone? There are software issues on some OS builds that cause problems with the auto-brightness.
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