After my Lumia 930, should I buy a new Lumia 950?


New member
Mar 21, 2018
Hello. I have a Lumia 930 for 3 years and it's starting to give some problems with the charger port. I'm now thinking what I should do when the device life ends:

I have all my hope focused in the future Andromeda Device, and I don't like nothing Android and iOS, I really prefere to hang up with a Windows Phone device. So, until Andromeda is released, my options are:

1 - Buy a new (or good second handed) Lumia 950.
2 - Buy an Android device.

I prefere first one. Do you think it's a good idea? Is Lumia 950 working well currently?

Thank you.

PD: Apps are not a problem for me, I really use a few of them and are in Windows Mobile too, I just want a device that works good, smooth, etc., and continue with the Windows experience.
If you want to continue with WM experience why asking the question? Just buy Lumia 950.
If you want smooth experience you can buy an Android phone for 200-300 $/€ and wait for Andromeda device (if it ever comes out). For camera quality 400-600$/€ device with OIS.
I was using Lumia 640 and last septembar I bought Honor 8 Lite, a budget device that works far better and smoother than L640. Everything is waaay better: apps open faster, browsing internet is faster, camera is a lot better. And it cost me 185€ a year ago.
Support what you like. The Lumia 950. Lumia 950XL, and HP Elite X3 are all great windows mobile phones.
Support what you like. The Lumia 950. Lumia 950XL, and HP Elite X3 are all great windows mobile phones.
Yes, those are great "windows mobile" phones. The thing is, those are not so great mobile phones in general any more. And will be even less as time goes. No new fearures are introduced, there are less and less apps, Edge does not fully support PWA, for some missing apps you have to use mobile site, if there is one and supports mobile Edge.
But, if you need phone for calls, SMS, navigation, weather, camera and reading some news go for Lumia 950. That works good.
If you like wm10 and you need phone with an amazing camera why not try the lumia 950. You will need to pay 3-4 times more for an android or iPhone with a camera like the one on the lumia 950. I haven't tried a lumia 640, but I have tried a lumia 650 and my daily driver driver is a lumia 950xl, which runs wm10 very smoothly and is very fast compered to 650. If you buy a second hand phone you might need a new battery though if its been used a lot. I bought a spare lumia 950xl just in case I would loose or brake the one I have now.
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IMO I'd stay away from the 950 as its specs and W10M just don't always play nice if my experiences means anything - having owned a very similarly spec'd Android so I do know the 950 internals should be reasonably capable but the OS appears to be its bottleneck. Never owned the 950XL or HP Elite x3 but if you are looking for a stellar camera, the XL is the one. Hear the x3 is a performer in all other areas though.

Apps are not a problem now but that could change in a blink of an eye. Just hard reset my 950 (retaining same OS version/build) and a couple of my apps went south. They show up in "My Library" yet no way to install as MS has flagged these apps as "It won't run on this one" in regards to my device. Total BS the way I see it because they ran perfectly fine prior to reset, and these apps don't require any outside sources either. So don't be too surprised if you do purchase a new device, that some of those apps once used become redundant.
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Support what you like. The Lumia 950. Lumia 950XL, and HP Elite X3 are all great windows mobile phones.

agreed! if you're happy now with windows mobile, then stick with what you like... I bought an android phone and don't like android for several reasons... I would go with an x3 or 950xl... both are great phones! I luv my X3 and can't put it down. I find the 950 too small
Thank you very much for your opinions. So, is in what is exactly the HP Elite X3 better than the Lumia 950?
If coming from a 930, your UI/UX experience would be better on a Lumia. The 950 is not as solidly built as the 930, but the 950 has color calibration control, dbl tap to wake, glance screen, an EQ, great camera etc. The HP has none of that, but is built like a tank.

In some ways the IDOL 4s is better than the Elite X3, and cheaper. You really have to see them in action on youtube or in person to really know what you will be missing or need.
I guess one thing to consider is whether or not apps are still available in the windows store.. I noticed some have pulled support and removed apps from the store. So if you go another windows phone.. Can you get the apps you require. Its the only reason i changed from windows to android. And I know you say apps aren't a problem for you. But may well be if you cant find them
Even those apps that exist are not optimized well. They work slower compared to Android or iOS versions so you get suboptimal experience in same level hardware. Simply put, I don't think buying windows phone this days is good investment.
Was I surprised the Florida Sunpass(toll roads) system has a brand new App for Windows phone. Even more surprising it actually functions well. Wow. Gives me hope!
Even those apps that exist are not optimized well. They work slower compared to Android or iOS versions so you get suboptimal experience in same level hardware. Simply put, I don't think buying windows phone this days is good investment.

I could care less about performance unless it plain kills the battery which is rare. I miss features that are not there yet on other platforms. Lack of App support can be a real let down.

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