Well, I bought a lumia 920 around 8 months ago, and it came it screen flickering, So i decided to wait it another problem would appear so I could resolve all of them..
in this month, my phone felt so much that the flash started to fail (I needed to press the cover for in order to make it work), So I took to nokia care, they changed the display + touch, and the housing, which is now white..
Screen flickering disappeared, but now it has the glance bug, vertical lines going out the clock, there are many threads like this one..
So they told me the would send it to Sao Paulo (nokia center), and I would receive a new one............................... in 17 days (not counting weekends)...
I liked the support, but still, nokia has a quality control problem, my mom's 920 doesn't have even one month and the display is showing one vertical line.. I mean, nokia is known for not having issues, isn't it?..
Well, still love my 920 and really looking forward for the new one..
I REALLLY hope this new 920 does come good enough, without problems and all..