As I posted in another thread, I have purchased a 530 for my girlfriend as a Christmas present. She currently owns an old Sony Ericsson Android phone, and before my current 920 I owned an iPhone 3GS. We both currently use Kik for messaging, as it is free, allows the sending of pictures, and is better than texting as I have bad cell reception at home. Kik for WP is a terrible app (goes back to WP7 I believe) in terms of features compared to the iPhone or android apps, but I have used it simply for continuity. However, as we will soon both have WP's, I feel we may as well use a different app that has more features (such as sending videos) and that actually works (I often fail to receive kik notifications). Therefore, I am looking for alternatives with good WP support. I have heard many users on here complain about whatsapp, else that would have been the first choice. Thanks in advance