As far as I'm concerned, ALL colors means that Gray is available. Amazon is only offering the colors that ATT is offering, not ALL colors that Nokia made for this model.Just a heads up!
Amazon Wireless has listed Lumia 920 in ALL colors for $99.99
AmazonWireless: All Wireless
It says ships 24 hours for White and Black whereas others in 1-2 weeks.
in the same vein, if you ordered from would it be a Rogers unlocked one?
Doens't matter really, if you are trying to get it for T-Mobile you are entering a world of pain. Just get it no contract and go with one of the many capable and cheaper ATT MVNOs.
Didn't somebody mention Gay only being Europe Only or Not for U.S.?
Well I ordered then called and tried to price match ATT off contract price. They wouldn't do it. Canceled order. So I can CONFIRM that any of you who did order and plan to pice match $449 are gonna get a rude awakening.
Rumor is Amazon will run a 15% off $500 BF deal which will make this even better than a price match. i'll be waiting.