AMD vs Intel - or - How I got my first build (+little what's what on PC parts)

Re: AMD vs Intel

Yeah, that can be the case, I suppose. However, there are usually converter cables in the box with the PSU, in those instances. I think the Corsair PSU I got came with a lot of case fan connectors. I wouldn't be concerned about it.
Re: AMD vs Intel

Okay. So I will get either a Corsair CX500/600 V2 tomorrow, since I don't see any advantage in getting the modular versions.

Screw it, I just just ordered the SeaSonic S12II-620 via Amazon for 71.45€. I didn't want to order any part of the build and get it shipped, since I don't trust the post office (regarding the handling of fragile shipments), but Keith suggested the S12II and every time I read reviews and in forums it's the same: "Get a SeaSonic!" and I couldn't get to like the idea of getting a different brand. So, worst-case scenario: I get a broken PSU and have to send it back for a replacement, and the soonest I could work with my new build would be in about 2 weeks :-/
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Re: AMD vs Intel

Say, do I have to be worried that my mainboard wasn't wrapped in an anti-static bag and didn't have one of those plastic things on the socket? (the one that should prevent the pins from getting bend)
Re: AMD vs Intel

That's definitely unusual...I've only ever bought ASUS motherboards, but they all had both of those things.

As long as it works though, I don't think it should be a big deal.
Re: AMD vs Intel

Also - as I just checked - there was no seal on the box. Should I give it back and get another one?
Re: AMD vs Intel

Ok yeah, that's sketchy - if it's not overly inconvenient you should definitely return it for another. Sounds like it was a previously owned one.
Re: AMD vs Intel

I hate it when retailers pass something used off as new. I'm really pissed right now. Plus it seems that the mechanism that keeps the CPU fan cable connected to the header is broken too. :angry:
Re: AMD vs Intel

That's turruble. For the record, there is no seal on a motherboard box. When I went to get mine, I opened it up in the store, just because. I'd take that thing so far back, though.
Re: AMD vs Intel

I just gave it back and bought it somewhere else. Now it has an anti-static bag, plastic cover on the socket and nothing is broken. The salesguy even took it out and showed me that everything was ok.
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Re: AMD vs Intel

Since I can't use my ODD in my new PC (forgot it's an old one with IDE and I don't want to buy an adapter), I treated myself today (*cough*like I didn't treat myself enough this month*cough*).

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Re: AMD vs Intel

The attachment doesn't work.

However, I know the feeling. I began my CPU/motherboard upgrade search thinking about an FX-6300. Then I started getting told that an o3 would be better. Then I just decided to ride in a car for 2 hours to get to a Micro Center and get a deal on an i5, just because it was better than an i3 (and the deal was really good).
Re: AMD vs Intel

Should work now. (but just in case it doesn't: it's a Samsung SE-506BB external BluRay writer in stylish white)

And the price for the gas you used for the car ride + the price for the i5 didn't add up to the usual price of an i5?

But I know what you mean. I like to think ahead and try to avoid costs in the future, like buying a PSU with -lets say- 400W and an entry-level GPU to save money and in a year I'd have to buy both a stronger PSU and a better GPU. Or settling for an AMD CPU and mainboard (which is likely cheaper than an Core i and a fitting mainboard) and then switching to Intel and having to buy a new CPU+mainboard.
Doesn't matter if I save 50-100€ now if I have to spend them and even more in half a year. The way I picked the parts now, I don't have to upgrade that soon. Also, when I want to upgrade to a new GPU/CPU, the ones that are now better than mine are getting cheaper, so I might get an R9 270X for the price I payed now for mine (same goes for the i5).
If I'd settled for 4GB and wanted to upgrade in a year, I don't know if I would get the same modell (with DDR4 coming out this year).
And it should be obvious to take the HDD with 1TB than one with 500GB, because you get double the storage for only 10€ more.
Re: AMD vs Intel

Should work now. (but just in case it doesn't: it's a Samsung SE-506BB external BluRay writer in stylish white)

And the price for the gas you used for the car ride + the price for the i5 didn't add up to the usual price of an i5?

But I know what you mean. I like to think ahead and try to avoid costs in the future, like buying a PSU with -lets say- 400W and an entry-level GPU to save money and in a year I'd have to buy both a stronger PSU and a better GPU. Or settling for an AMD CPU and mainboard (which is likely cheaper than an Core i and a fitting mainboard) and then switching to Intel and having to buy a new CPU+mainboard.
Doesn't matter if I save 50-100€ now if I have to spend them and even more in half a year. The way I picked the parts now, I don't have to upgrade that soon. Also, when I want to upgrade to a new GPU/CPU, the ones that are now better than mine are getting cheaper, so I might get an R9 270X for the price I payed now for mine (same goes for the i5).
If I'd settled for 4GB and wanted to upgrade in a year, I don't know if I would get the same modell (with DDR4 coming out this year).
And it should be obvious to take the HDD with 1TB than one with 500GB, because you get double the storage for only 10€ more.

Nice, I'm still down an optical drive, but I haven't needed one since I installed the OS (borrowed my old one from my cousin to do that). But I wouldn't worry about DDR4 in the slightest. Even if it DOES come out this year, it's going to be in the ARM-based Hierofalcon from AMD and the super-expensive Haswell-E stuff from Intel. Go look at any retailer, and you'll see that DDR2 is still sold, even though DDR3 has been the standard for what, 5+ years? DDR3 will be out for a long while. I agreeo nthe CPU thing, though. You're good to go i5-4670 next year or the year after, most likely. I would have considered a Z87 board over the H87 for the overclocking option, but it's not a big deal, especially if Broadwell comes out on the 1150 socket.

Oh, and on the stuff I got:

Newegg i5-4670K: $240
Newegg Z87 Extreme4: $145
Newegg Total: $385

Gas: $40
Micro Center i5-4670K: $200
Micro Center Z87 Extreme4: $90
Micro Center CPU+Motherboard Discount: -$30
Micro Center Total: $300
Re: AMD vs Intel

That's actually a nice discount, plus it was already cheaper than the stuff from Newegg.

As I said, I'm not interessted in overclocking (at least not at this point with my first all-self assembled new PC^^).
Maybe in the next CPU/Socket generation I'll get, but right now - as a noob in the field of self-assembled PCs - I'm much too inexperienced and I don't want to fry my CPU/mainboard ;-)

Btw: finding free (and good) software for bluray playback isn't that easy. Luckily the writer I bought includeda copy of Cyberlink PowerDVD (which supports Bluray playback).
But as I see it, Blurays in full high definition is kinda useless if your monitor only has a resolution of 1680x1050 and no HDMI port. So, maybe I'll get a new one this year (3rd -4th quarter) and keep my current one in case I want to use 2 displays or just as a replacement if the new one should die on me.

btw 2: one of my local stores (electronic products aren't in the standard assortment) has a desktop PC for sale, but except the CPU everything else sounds cheap (or there is just no word on who the OEM/brand is) -> Medion Akoya P5380 D
It's in German but I think the important stuff is understandable (like what CPU, GPU,...). Don't be surprised, the brand of the mainboard and RAM never gets mentionend (not even if you buy a desktop from HP or Acer).

Just got an SMS saying that my case is ready for me to pick up :-D
Now the only thing missing is the PSU....and Amazon is still making it ready for being shipped....

I just realized: my mainboard only has 2 connectors for case fans, but my case comes with 3 fans already installed plus it supports up to 5 fans. Is there a way I can use more than 2 fans if I only have 2 header ony the mainboard?
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Re: AMD vs Intel

Does VLC not support Blu-Ray playback? VLC supports everything...And what store is that? That's the logo from Aldi in the U.S. Aldi is a grocery store here, so that they sell a computer is rather weird. It actually doesn't seem like a terrible deal, though.

For the case fans, you use the PSU cables. Click on the image:

The 4-pin cables (the 1x4 ones, not the 2x2 one) you see in that picture are for fan cables.
Re: AMD vs Intel

Nope. It requires a little "hack" but it doesn't seem to work with Vista.

Yes, it's Aldi. I didn't know they have store in the US too. But in Austria it's called "Hofer" (and in Italy Ildi^^). They sell desktops and laptops (also tablets and smartphones, all by Medion) a few times over the year (like every 3 months).
An i5 may be nice for this price but no mention on the mainboard and RAM (how many RAM slots are free/filled, how many PCI/e slots does it have, ...). Also no clue on how much wattage the PSU can supply and what brands they are. The GPU seems to be a non-retail version, since the GTX 745M is for laptops only. With so many things unknown I wouldn't buy it anymore (also: no word on what manufacturer). I've got lucky that one time, since it worked fine for almost 6 years but now that I've experienced the joy and stress of assembling my own PC I wouldn't want a pre-assembled one off the shelf.

Ah, the one on the top of the other cables. But my case fans only have 3 pins. Do they fit? (unfortunately I can't try it on my own since I don't have my PSU yet :-/ )

I think this thread deserves a different title, since it escalated quite a bit (from "What's the difference between AMD and Intel CPUs?" to "How do I assemble my own desktop?")^^
Re: AMD vs Intel

I'm not quite sure, since I haven't seen any 3-pin fan connectors before. A quick Internet search says you will probably need to buy an adapter (the 4-pin is apparently called "Molex"), which were about $4 on Amazon (not sure how much they'd be there). However, you should be fine with the single fan right now, if you don't mind it.
Re: AMD vs Intel

Better 2 fans than none. I'll keep that in mind. But are there even mainboards with more than 2 chassis fan header? I could have up to 6 fans installed in my case (2x front, 2x top, 1x bottom, 1x back). Would I need a better (more high-end) mainboard or are the only options to a) connect them with the PSU (and have no speed control) and b) connect them to a fan speed control panel (mounted in the front 5.25" dock) and then connect them to the PSU?

Also, do I need to worry about humidity in my case? My current one came with a little bag of those "plastic" balls attached to it inside.

Edit: I just read that my mainboard has 2x Chassis fan connector 4pin and 1x Power fan connector 3pin (plus the 2x cpu fan connectors 3pin and 4pin).
But it would be nice to have a solution ready in case (no pun intended^^) I want to install more fans.

I'm also keeping my eyes open for dust filters. A friend of mine just posted a picture of his CPU fan he took out for cleaning and this gave me the motivation to find a way to keep dust away from my PCs inner organs (complete dust-free would be impossible but at least keep it to a minimum).
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