Anatomy of a forum post


New member
Aug 14, 2011
1) Have an idea
2) Post said idea
3) React as if your grandma said youre stupid if you use a WP
4) Use your best Sigmund Fraud immitation to take passive aggressive shots at said "stupid SOB A-HOLE WHO DOESN'T AGREE WITH ME!" as they point out your obvious character defects that bring up repressed memories of trying to do the 80's movie clap in a group and no one joining you as they laughed at your obvious lack of knowing when to use an 80's group clap with group jump.
5) Continue said exchange with S.AH.H.D.A.W.M. for hours while it ruins your mood and preoccupies your day.
6) Show everybody you're a genius buying RIM stock.....
You left out watch thread get closed, deleted, or as in this case moved to the off topic forum by that A-Hole Admin

Howdy Grrrrrrrrrrrrande D'Cinco! Just trying to lighten the mood. Waaaaaaaaaaaaay too many bunched up britches up in here.

Did you see my response in the "Is anyone having fun....." thread? I'm not afraid to take one for team in the fight against lack of common sense.

(while virtually fist bumping you) I haven't forgotten how you saved me from an ios relapse! YOURE MY BOY BLUE

Sent from my non mindless sheep iphone Samsung Focus using Board Express
Yep lots of people get them in a wad over important stuff like fonts that are very similar but its the end of gthe world and WP is running itself off a cliff.
Yep lots of people get them in a wad over important stuff like fonts that are very similar but its the end of gthe world and WP is running itself off a cliff.

OFF A CLIF! O_o crap no one told me we were on a cliff that changes everything...:excl:

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