And with this answer Surface owners just got screwed....

I'm going to slightly disagree. Apple customers know they're getting bent over, they just don't care.

As for some people on these boards, I would ask the mod team to set up a "Chicken Little" subsection.

Chicken Little? One guy, as usual, flew off the handle a bit. Call it whatever you like, but I'm done with Windows mobile devices. The SP3 is more than I am willing to pay for in a tablet and 10 appears to be a step backwards on tablets, the phone/carrier market is a mess, and the RT devices seem to be at the end of their line. I'm not upset, just disappointed. I'm moving on. Not right this minute. Not tomorrow or even next week. But unless there is a miraculous turnaround at MS, I'm done buying their mobile devices. The writing is on the wall IMO. I still hope they recover but I'm not sticking around to find out.
Chicken Little? One guy, as usual, flew off the handle a bit. Call it whatever you like, but I'm done with Windows mobile devices. The SP3 is more than I am willing to pay for in a tablet and 10 appears to be a step backwards on tablets, the phone/carrier market is a mess, and the RT devices seem to be at the end of their line. I'm not upset, just disappointed. I'm moving on. Not right this minute. Not tomorrow or even next week. But unless there is a miraculous turnaround at MS, I'm done buying their mobile devices. The writing is on the wall IMO. I still hope they recover but I'm not sticking around to find out.

I rest my case.
Chicken Little? One guy, as usual, flew off the handle a bit. Call it whatever you like, but I'm done with Windows mobile devices. The SP3 is more than I am willing to pay for in a tablet and 10 appears to be a step backwards on tablets, the phone/carrier market is a mess, and the RT devices seem to be at the end of their line. I'm not upset, just disappointed. I'm moving on. Not right this minute. Not tomorrow or even next week. But unless there is a miraculous turnaround at MS, I'm done buying their mobile devices. The writing is on the wall IMO. I still hope they recover but I'm not sticking around to find out.

And you're basing all this on misinformation and a lack of clarification.
The reason why I asked for a link in support of the belief that "people seemed genuinely surprised on MacRumors when the iPhone 4 was cut from iOS 8" is because I'm a regular there and I haven't seen that. On the contrary, I've seen people surprised that they are ALLOWED to upgrade their devices to iOS 7 and iOS 8 resulting in a less than pleasing experience performance-wise. The situation is made worse by the fact that Apple does not provide a way to downgrade to a previous version of iOS.

I hope that Microsoft takes a different approach with the Surface RT. IMO, the best way for Microsoft to protect their customers' investment in the RT is to only allow it to upgrade to Windows 10 if the performance and stability remains the same or improves.
The reason why I asked for a link in support of the belief that "people seemed genuinely surprised on MacRumors when the iPhone 4 was cut from iOS 8" is because I'm a regular there and I haven't seen that. On the contrary, I've seen people surprised that they are ALLOWED to upgrade their devices to iOS 7 and iOS 8 resulting in a less than pleasing experience performance-wise. The situation is made worse by the fact that Apple does not provide a way to downgrade to a previous version of iOS.

I hope that Microsoft takes a different approach with the Surface RT. IMO, the best way for Microsoft to protect their customers' investment in the RT is to only allow it to upgrade to Windows 10 if the performance and stability remains the same or improves.

I thought I read it somewhere on the forum, but can't find it. As per logic, I must be remembering wrong and will thusly change my last post to reflect the new information. My apologies.
I thought I read it somewhere on the forum, but can't find it. As per logic, I must be remembering wrong and will thusly change my last post to reflect the new information. My apologies.

I'm with WillysJeepMan; I don't recall seeing iPhone 4 users complaining about not getting iOS 8. Or they could have been complaining, even if they knew ahead of time it would be that way. Apple has a pattern that is pretty much set. The 4 year old devices do not get the update. Unless something changes, we already know that the 4s will not get iOS 9, the 5 will not get iOS 10, etc.

But it's all good man! It seems we always find something to complain about, right? :amaze: I'm currently complaining that the Nexus 6 isn't going to the market for $399!
I'm with WillysJeepMan; I don't recall seeing iPhone 4 users complaining about not getting iOS 8. Or they could have been complaining, even if they knew ahead of time it would be that way. Apple has a pattern that is pretty much set. The 4 year old devices do not get the update. Unless something changes, we already know that the 4s will not get iOS 9, the 5 will not get iOS 10, etc.

But it's all good man! It seems we always find something to complain about, right? :amaze: I'm currently complaining that the Nexus 6 isn't going to the market for $399!

That's all you're complaining about? Go big man!! Complain that Salma Hayek doesn't wake up next to you every morning.
Yes, my life is simple. That's all I have to complain about. I know; first world problems. And my wife beats Salma Hayek any day (IMnotsoHO)!

I'm with you, my wife peruses these forums too sometimes. Still smokin' at 46, Salma can't say that yet. :winktongue:
Where the hell does it say in the OP's quote that they are going to dump us? It says they'll support the vast majority of devices. Perhaps I misread it lol
The way I see things is simple.

If MS never make another RT device, no big deal they tried something different, some people like them, I do I bought one for my wife and as a day to day tablet it's probably more useful than my Pro, but they haven't screwed anyone, they made them, sold them, people bought them and if they carry on working for a few years you have had your monies worth out of them.

If they don't upgrade them to 10 that would be a shame, but even then as long as MS are still updating them from a security patch point of view, again no one is getting screwed, again when we bought them no one said they would get a new OS put on them, however it would be very nice of MS if they do so.

But the main issue with this post is saying "We got screwed" or "Right that's it I am off" if this or that doesn't happen, when unless people have facts, it is all based on conjecture.

A pointless exorcise and a waste of peoples time.

No one is forcing anyone to stay here, stay with MS products or not buy something else, but please do it for the right reasons and not on rumour or scotch mist.

And if you have a Surface or Surface 2, enjoy it for what it is, I know my wife enjoys using hers and sometimes I have a loan of it when she isn't looking.

The way I see things is simple.

If MS never make another RT device, no big deal they tried something different, some people like them, I do I bought one for my wife and as a day to day tablet it's probably more useful than my Pro, but they haven't screwed anyone, they made them, sold them, people bought them and if they carry on working for a few years you have had your monies worth out of them.

If they don't upgrade them to 10 that would be a shame, but even then as long as MS are still updating them from a security patch point of view, again no one is getting screwed, again when we bought them no one said they would get a new OS put on them, however it would be very nice of MS if they do so.

But the main issue with this post is saying "We got screwed" or "Right that's it I am off" if this or that doesn't happen, when unless people have facts, it is all based on conjecture.

A pointless exorcise and a waste of peoples time.

No one is forcing anyone to stay here, stay with MS products or not buy something else, but please do it for the right reasons and not on rumour or scotch mist.

And if you have a Surface or Surface 2, enjoy it for what it is, I know my wife enjoys using hers and sometimes I have a loan of it when she isn't looking.


Bob, that was a lucid, well written post and it has no business being here. I hope you're proud of yourself.
Yeah, when I look on here about the 930 almost all I hear are issues and complaints with little positives, but I look on amazon and its one of the most highly rated phones (or any product) I've seen in a while. Kinda gives you perspective.
I have the icon which as you know is the same as the 930. No problems here. Phone is awesome except for Verizon retiring it lol.
If one were to strip out all of the needless Windows system overhead that drives Desktop and its subprocesses, the Tegra3 could handle Windows 10 just fine. Just see how well it performed on the HTC One X. Microsoft also never activated the 5th battery saving core which would have opened up a realm of possibilities.

There is nothing hardware wise about the Tegra3 that is deficient, only a bloated Windows OS that was ported over almost verbatim. Strip it down to Windows Phone proportions and it will be great.
I had the one x. The tegra chip was not great In that device. Very buggy. Lots of one x users complained about it.
What do you mean by: That's because Microsoft is stripping out a bunch of useless things like Desktop.
I am a newbie to Surface 2 now for about a year, but lately because I use a substitute online website that requires an additional window to appear showing a calendar- but lately the 2nd window never appears UNLESS I am running the screen alternative showing the traditional Desktop -
the way all windows machines looked before touch capability- I sure HOPE you don't mean they are going to scrap that feature= of course, it is possible that a recent update messed with the code substitute online runs
yes they are and they will.

You need to tell whatever website that is to re write their site to not use pop ups.
yes they are and they will.

You need to tell whatever website that is to re write their site to not use pop ups.

Unless you have a quote from Microsoft stating they are doing what you say... then it is your opinion, other wise please state the press release/URL you can prove that Microsoft has stated this? Other wise, we will have to wait and see what Windows 10 brings...
Unless you have a quote from Microsoft stating they are doing what you say... then it is your opinion, other wise please state the press release/URL you can prove that Microsoft has stated this? Other wise, we will have to wait and see what Windows 10 brings...

We're all wasting our time. The fact that Joe said the preview for the Surface was coming out next year apparently means nothing next to him wanting Microsoft to screw him over. I don't understand why he is so vehement about it, though.

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