Andoid to WP7?


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Dec 28, 2010
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Hello, I am an old WinMo fan/user, but migrated to Andoid during the period in which WinMo had few devices (especially on VZ) that featured unlocked GPS units and also when it seemed as though it would take forever for WP& to come out (which it did.)

I am seriously considering coming back to WP7 when the new 4g devices hit VZ in 2011, but I have two concerns. This category seemed to be the best place to post, I apologize if my questions would have been better placed in a differnet category.

First, I have grown accustomed to using my Google Maps/Navigation a lot. I used my Droid to navigate over 5,000 miles to the Grand Canyon and back this summer and it performed flawlessly. How is the integrated Bing voice navigation? I love the Google map features like Latitude, Places, Ratings, etc.. Anything comparable?

Secondly, the voice commands and voice search functions on the Android platform are awesome. How do they WP7 compare?

Lastly, it seems as though the quality of Apps available on Bing is superior to Android, but the quantity is still developing. I noticed a few apps I love are not available on WP7 yet, any insights on availability? (fox News, Accuweather, Ustream Broadcaster, Clear Sky, All of the Google Apps (Sky, Voice, Maps, Shopper, full Youtube, etc..., and Adobe Flash, Air, and Photoshop Mobile.)


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Dec 16, 2010
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well im not sure about the turn by turn Voice GPS, i havent used that yet

the `MAP `` application is freakign awsome doh , id say almost if not better then google maps.

Voice command is good i havent had ANY problems with yet . I evan open my games VIA voice command , HAHAHA , works well for bing search and w/e as well

Most of the apps u menshined are now available on the marketplace , and if not , they probly will be VERY SOON!!

adroid has like 3 app stores witch sucks deppending on your OS vershion or Phone model , witch kinda made me NOT want a android , it makes it a pain .

Wp7 has over 5k apps now in 2months . i think its getting there prety quickly , so its probly just a question of time beffor the once u want are up


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Dec 28, 2010
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well im not sure about the turn by turn Voice GPS, i havent used that yet

the `MAP `` application is freakign awsome doh , id say almost if not better then google maps.

Voice command is good i havent had ANY problems with yet . I evan open my games VIA voice command , HAHAHA , works well for bing search and w/e as well

Most of the apps u menshined are now available on the marketplace , and if not , they probly will be VERY SOON!!

adroid has like 3 app stores witch sucks deppending on your OS vershion or Phone model , witch kinda made me NOT want a android , it makes it a pain .

Wp7 has over 5k apps now in 2months . i think its getting there prety quickly , so its probly just a question of time beffor the once u want are up

Thanks for your response. I am not sure what you are thinking of, but the Android Marketplace has only 1 store...I know there is talk of VZ making its own store, but I am not aware that has happened yet.

As far as the apps I mentioned, I did a search and could find none of them, that's why I asked.

I am glad to know you have had a good experience with the phone. It appears to be positioned well to compete and draw further app development.


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Dec 22, 2010
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Hello, I am an old WinMo fan/user, but migrated to Andoid during the period in which WinMo had few devices (especially on VZ) that featured unlocked GPS units and also when it seemed as though it would take forever for WP& to come out (which it did.)

I am seriously considering coming back to WP7 when the new 4g devices hit VZ in 2011, but I have two concerns. This category seemed to be the best place to post, I apologize if my questions would have been better placed in a differnet category.

First, I have grown accustomed to using my Google Maps/Navigation a lot. I used my Droid to navigate over 5,000 miles to the Grand Canyon and back this summer and it performed flawlessly. How is the integrated Bing voice navigation? I love the Google map features like Latitude, Places, Ratings, etc.. Anything comparable?

Secondly, the voice commands and voice search functions on the Android platform are awesome. How do they WP7 compare?

Lastly, it seems as though the quality of Apps available on Bing is superior to Android, but the quantity is still developing. I noticed a few apps I love are not available on WP7 yet, any insights on availability? (fox News, Accuweather, Ustream Broadcaster, Clear Sky, All of the Google Apps (Sky, Voice, Maps, Shopper, full Youtube, etc..., and Adobe Flash, Air, and Photoshop Mobile.)

The voice commands have been flawless for me; I was pleasantly surprised when I gave them a try.

The navigation in Bing is really great, BUT it does not do spoken turn-by-turn directions yet. It's been hinted that it's coming soon (and is available on other platforms), but I don't know when.

The WeatherBug app uses AccuWeather as its data source; LazyWorm's YouTube app is nice, and HTC's native one does HQ on WiFi. I thought I read somewhere about an app that would convert Flash to Silverlight and run it as an app, getting around the lack of a browser plug-in. Can't recall the name at the moment and I haven't tried it out, but it's something.

The rest of it is hopefully in the works, but I don't know any more than you there.


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Dec 28, 2010
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The voice commands have been flawless for me; I was pleasantly surprised when I gave them a try.

The navigation in Bing is really great, BUT it does not do spoken turn-by-turn directions yet. It's been hinted that it's coming soon (and is available on other platforms), but I don't know when.

The WeatherBug app uses AccuWeather as its data source; LazyWorm's YouTube app is nice, and HTC's native one does HQ on WiFi. I thought I read somewhere about an app that would convert Flash to Silverlight and run it as an app, getting around the lack of a browser plug-in. Can't recall the name at the moment and I haven't tried it out, but it's something.

The rest of it is hopefully in the works, but I don't know any more than you there.

Thanks for I just need to hope for a FF camera, 4G, & flash...all of which I think are realistic in the near future.


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Dec 26, 2010
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Lastly, it seems as though the quality of Apps available on Bing is superior to Android, but the quantity is still developing. I noticed a few apps I love are not available on WP7 yet, any insights on availability? (fox News, Accuweather, Ustream Broadcaster, Clear Sky, All of the Google Apps (Sky, Voice, Maps, Shopper, full Youtube, etc..., and Adobe Flash, Air, and Photoshop Mobile.)

I am impressed with the quality of the apps as well. That comes from the approval process developers have to go through to get their apps on the Marketplace. There is no process like that for Android, so you see 90% junk, and a handful of decent apps.

The Marketplace is growing fast. I check it everyday waiting for some of my favorites to be out there (come on ESPN), and will just be patient.


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Dec 16, 2010
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Thanks for your response. I am not sure what you are thinking of, but the Android Marketplace has only 1 store...I know there is talk of VZ making its own store, but I am not aware that has happened yet..

the diffrent app store you whont notice , it simply deppends on your OS i think , some aps are not compatible with some OS vershions on android so thats basicly how it works.

ether way , wp7 has GREAT potential , its alredy next to flawles and it can only get better :D

Rich Edmonds

PC Editor
Dec 13, 2010
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Hello, I am an old WinMo fan/user, but migrated to Andoid during the period in which WinMo had few devices (especially on VZ) that featured unlocked GPS units and also when it seemed as though it would take forever for WP& to come out (which it did.)

I am seriously considering coming back to WP7 when the new 4g devices hit VZ in 2011, but I have two concerns. This category seemed to be the best place to post, I apologize if my questions would have been better placed in a differnet category.

First, I have grown accustomed to using my Google Maps/Navigation a lot. I used my Droid to navigate over 5,000 miles to the Grand Canyon and back this summer and it performed flawlessly. How is the integrated Bing voice navigation? I love the Google map features like Latitude, Places, Ratings, etc.. Anything comparable?

Secondly, the voice commands and voice search functions on the Android platform are awesome. How do they WP7 compare?

Lastly, it seems as though the quality of Apps available on Bing is superior to Android, but the quantity is still developing. I noticed a few apps I love are not available on WP7 yet, any insights on availability? (fox News, Accuweather, Ustream Broadcaster, Clear Sky, All of the Google Apps (Sky, Voice, Maps, Shopper, full Youtube, etc..., and Adobe Flash, Air, and Photoshop Mobile.)

Welcome to WPCentral :) It's promising of you to consider returning to Windows Phone and you actually made a wise decision in sitting back and awaiting the OS to "come out properly" as you mentioned. Agreeing with comments posted above, I haven't had any issues with the speech recognition feature, although I don't tend to use it on any platform other than testing and fooling around (sometimes showing off to those 3210 owners still around today).

I'm not sure myself on predictability of the apps being available on the platform that you mentioned, however as stated above there is a limited Youtube offering, and with the proposed updates just around the corner, it's exciting to see what will be brought along for the ride. Other than that I haven't really dived into the Maps app and used features that you rate, I shall perhaps have a more in-depth look at some point and get back to you.


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Dec 30, 2009
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Hello, I am an old WinMo fan/user, but migrated to Andoid during the period in which WinMo had few devices (especially on VZ) that featured unlocked GPS units and also when it seemed as though it would take forever for WP& to come out (which it did.)

I am seriously considering coming back to WP7 when the new 4g devices hit VZ in 2011, but I have two concerns. This category seemed to be the best place to post, I apologize if my questions would have been better placed in a differnet category.

First, I have grown accustomed to using my Google Maps/Navigation a lot. I used my Droid to navigate over 5,000 miles to the Grand Canyon and back this summer and it performed flawlessly. How is the integrated Bing voice navigation? I love the Google map features like Latitude, Places, Ratings, etc.. Anything comparable?

Secondly, the voice commands and voice search functions on the Android platform are awesome. How do they WP7 compare?

Lastly, it seems as though the quality of Apps available on Bing is superior to Android, but the quantity is still developing. I noticed a few apps I love are not available on WP7 yet, any insights on availability? (fox News, Accuweather, Ustream Broadcaster, Clear Sky, All of the Google Apps (Sky, Voice, Maps, Shopper, full Youtube, etc..., and Adobe Flash, Air, and Photoshop Mobile.)
I apologize for the length of this reply. It contains some thoughts I've had as I've used the Focus for the past month, in addition to some answers to your questions. If you want the short answer based on your usage, for the moment, stick with Android. I own both a Captivate (Android) and a Focus (Windows Phone 7). And while I know WP7 will get there, it's certainly not there yet.

While I personally think the maps and routing Bing uses are more accurate than Google's, and I prefer it's use of voice prompts and tones over Google Navigation on Android, the Android navigation/mapping solution is more robust. First off, there's no voice navigation. It's rumored to be in one of the updates expected within Q1 2011. And while you can speak an address into voice search (holding the Windows key for a couple of seconds initiates what's essentially a Tell Me-enabled Voice Command), there's no way to do the same within the maps app. To be honest though, I prefer using voice search as you currently have to do. I just hope they provide a "navigate to here" option on that screen when they add voice navigation. There's also no parallel to Lattitude on Windows Phone 7. To it's benefit, I'll say that the platform manages to keep my location current amazingly well. I've never had to wait for a GPS fix, even indoors. I've never had a smartphone do that reliably. I can't speak for battery life, because my phone is generally on charge when I'm at work, and then when I'm at home I use it to tether (in Linux even) and it charges via USB.

Voice commands are limited compared to Windows Mobile and Android. You can open an app, call a contact, or search the web. It's not like it has the built in voice transcription of Android where you could transcribe an email if you wanted. On the plus side, opening an app and calling a contact take place on the device like they do with Voice Command, so there's no wait as it uploads your voice to Google's servers for processing. Recognition seems better than Voice Command on Windows Mobile and the voice sounds like a clearer, more human version of the Voice Command voice. So the groundwork's there, they just need to tie everything together.

Of apps, there's Accuweather and a gimped version of Youtube (links to their mobile site, not a dediated app) along with WeatherBug and a couple of Youtube players that offer other features, all free. Adobe Flash is coming, and is expected with a number of other features in the update. I'm sure Air will be here soon, barring an OS limitation preventing it. There's no Photoshop Mobile, but there are a few photoediting apps in the marketplace which are just as if not more capable than Photoshop Mobile. The rest I'm unaware of, but it wouldn't take long to find out who develops each app, then visit their site or contact them to see if they have any plans for develop for Windows Phone 7.

Don't get me wrong, I honestly love what there is of Windows Phone 7. I love the minimalist interface that doesn't compete with my attention for my content. I've no plans to jump from the Windows Phone 7 ship, but I'll still use other OSes for certain apps and to stay current. I love that Windows Phone 7's truly "glance-and-go", that I see just enough information on the surface and can drill down deeper with a tap or two should I need more. I love the Zune capability that's built in and after my free trial is up, I'm just going to pay for the year because I know I'm going to want that service. And I think Xbox will be a dangerous distraction that'll get me back into gaming. (You can disable it easily.) I finally understand what my crazy iPhone-toting friends were feeling when they ditched more capable Windows Mobile, Symbian, and Palm OS devices for their gimped iPhones. It didn't perform as many tasks, but it did enough for them to put up with its shortcomings, and it did them well. And just as important, it offered an experience that was unique that really set it apart from its contemporaries. That's Windows Phone 7.

But for someone like you, who has specific apps you're looking for, there's no 1:1 comparison. Most of what you're looking for simply doesn't exist yet. There's also the fact that there's some glaring issues that could (and should) be fixed with the first update. Things like camera settings which go back to default every time you leave the camera. Or stability issues with IE, Marketplace, and Voice Command which require the phone to be restarted. These are issues that every platform goes through in their first version. We're expecting two updates in Q1 2011, one in January that's supposed to contain copy and paste and a number of fixes. It's been rumored to be huge but I've heard some chatter from MS employees to the contrary. There's also another update expected in February. Between the two of these, many people's issues with the OS itself should be fixed. And by the time we see 4G-capable Windows Phone devices on Verizon (i'm guessing sometime in Q2 at the earliest), the app situation will have improved a bit with the release of an updated SDK. It just needs time.
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Dec 28, 2010
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Thanks for the detailed responses. It really helps me in my decision-making process. My goal is to hold out until MS releases the first update in 2011 and after CES to see what the landscape looks like. The WP7 apps generally look better than the Android apps. M brother is a developer pretty fluent in all things MS and considering developing WP apps, so I am tring to get him to develop a WP version of my favorite Photography app, which is just now being developed for Android and no sign of a WP edition.

Actually, I think I could live with the sound prompts on the map and I really only use the speech translation for short texts, so I could live without that, too. I am hoping flash comes quickly, which seems reasonable and a FF camera. I love the interface enough that I would be willing to make some sacrifices, but a lot will depend on the fell I get in Jan 2011 on whether both Microsoft and device makers are putting enough effort into WP7 to move it forward or whether it will be another MS device with a lot of promise (I am a Zune HD owner) but fails to live up to its capabilities.


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Dec 28, 2010
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Guess what? I won a Windows Phone 7 from the Qualcomm Snapdragon CES Twitter contest! I have no clue what I will get and I probably won't be able to use it since I am a Verizon customer (unless I am won of the first to get to use WP7 on VZ), but it's fun to win, right?

Rich Edmonds

PC Editor
Dec 13, 2010
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Guess what? I won a Windows Phone 7 from the Qualcomm Snapdragon CES Twitter contest! I have no clue what I will get and I probably won't be able to use it since I am a Verizon customer (unless I am won of the first to get to use WP7 on VZ), but it's fun to win, right?

I love your optimism :D

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