Stock Android does not allow you to move apps to sd. You have to root and use 3rd party app. That some manufacturers enable the feature again, and others don't, only adds to the confusion.
Again, you have demonstrated what a mess Android is. And you have changed your story - first you tell us that we CAN move apps to SD, and now you're telling we that we might be able to, but it depends on the handset manufacturer.
You still haven't answered any of the questions I've asked you.
Okay I'll admit Android can't move apps to the SD card. Happy? But how can one feature make
My story was conflicting because I haven't owned stock Android devices apart from Nexus(which don't come with SD cards) the rest of the devices I've tried did support moving apps to SD Card.
If this feature we're removed it was done primarily because Google doesn't like SD cards, at least that is what they show in the Nexus series. Manufacturers can choose to enable support for SD card moving however, but some don't.
This is one small thing that most users don't even care about it, if this we're as huge a feature as you make it out to be Windows Phone 7 and 8 didn't have this capability either and I saw that people didn't say it was more complicated because of this.
Edit: Also a thing to keep in mind is that SD card have classes, as in different SD cards have variations Class 2, Class 4, 6 10 and so on.
The general consumer doesn't understand this, and when on a 520 I moved all apps to a Class 2 SD card apps opening became much worse, the issues we're better managed with a Class 10.
But the thing is that applications need not store data on the SD card as the SD cards are generally significantly slower than the internal memory.
Android 5.0 will allow application developers to store large data files on the SD card, while the smaller .apk will be on the internal memory resulting in better performance + more free storage.