Android Lollipop looking good (so far)

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WOW, so if 720 has a better battery life, you take into consideration the lower display, weaker gpu etc, but don't take into consideration that, 720 has a lesser battery capacity than nexus 5. Great in either way you won't swallow the truth.
If someone wants to live in the fantasy dream world that Android has a better battery life than WP, fine why should I be the bearer of bad news.
Also my cousins have androids, their phones battery doesn't even last as long as my 710(1300 mAh battery), so comparing those with my 1320 is way way far off.

Lumia710 is one of the worst battery back up phone. The only phone which have more poor battery is HTC Titan II

Battery life tests -

and comparing L720 with Nexus is the most stupidest thing.

If you still don't understand then answer this
Lumia 1320 have 3400mAh battery which is beaten my Sony Z3 compact which have only 2600mAh battery.
Now tell me if WP is so much battery efficient then why it loses even if it have 1/3 more powerful battery than Z3 compact?


or you can bring L930 which almost same specs as Z3 compact
Actually with the same GPU. Windows Phone is faster. Snapdragon 800 beating a Snapdragon 801 that is higher clocked. Of course Adreno 420 is going to be faster than Adreno 330.
View attachment 87439

Once again, that is one benchmark. Android and Windows Phone use totally different kinds of graphic engines(if that's what they are called) which is why it makes it harder to compare graphics performance.

There are more accurate benchmark options out there and you can't just take one benchmark and call it a day, luckily for you Windows Phone has very little benchmark applications.

But what you can say for sure is that whatever benchmarks may say, Android gaming is way better than Windows Phone primarily because of the larger abundance and better graphics.

Benchmark argument is very poor.

My friend has note 3, it lags even while having octa core processor.

Whether Android utilizes those extra cores or not doesn't matter actually. It has always been power hungry.

Talking about MS services on other oses, if MS hadn't provided the services to other OSes, then people would complain that MS is being biased, if it has now provided the services still people complain about it. Either way, WP is bad & MS is doing injustice right? MS & Google have different policies, Microsoft's services are not targeted solely on its own OS, whereas Google provides services to Android, so that those using Google services have to buy Android! Google has its own dirty policies to increase android's market share, WP doesn't.

Again, Samsung for gods sakes. Samsung isn't representative of all on Android and Exynos OCTA core processors are terrible.

Android runs smoothly on even dual core processors, Samsung's TouchWiz doesn't. The simple solution is not to buy Samsung. Get over it already.

Google doesn't only provide services to Android, what gave you that idea? Google provides services to iOS as well.

Microsoft provides services to competing OS because there is much greater chance of success and more money to make along with it as well.

I've yet to see an Android phone which doesn't lag. Yes I've seen some in stores which doesn't, but that changes when you buy one, fill few stuff in it. Not only Samsung, my friend got a virus in his nexus 5 in just one week(without even rooting), you would say he might have done some stupid, but doesn't 1 week sound a very less time to catch a virus.
My Lumia 710 is 28 months old, Lumia 1320 is 10 months old, both of them worked flawlessly even when it had less than 1 Mb memory remaining! Can any Android even work when there's so less memory remaining?
I'm pretty sure I'll get many flaws in lollipop too as soon as I get my hands on it.

I've also yet to find a Windows Phone that doesn't lag or crash. Every OS has its own share of lags and crashes in certain aspects.

I've been using a Nexus 5 since the past few months one, I download apps through the Play Store and even when the phone memory is near full my phone keeps running like a boss. Also would you mind asking what virus your friend got? Because I'm pretty sure he pirates apps. And if he does, his fault, not Androids.

I don't know how people say their low end devices work flawlessly on Windows Phone. Scrolling is a pain, it's simply slow and crashing is evident. If free memory fell below on 500 MB on low end devices they lag.

If you want some proof it took me just 30 seconds or so to use a Lumia 530 and find an app crash. You guys probably don't find any issues because Windows Phone doesn't tell you that the app has crashed.

Windows Phone and Android are on par in being power hungry, Android still outperforms Windows Phone though with more recent versions though.
WOW, so if 720 has a better battery life, you take into consideration the lower display, weaker gpu etc, but don't take into consideration that, 720 has a lesser battery capacity than nexus 5. Great in either way you won't swallow the truth.
If someone wants to live in the fantasy dream world that Android has a better battery life than WP, fine why should I be the bearer of bad news.
Also my cousins have androids, their phones battery doesn't even last as long as my 710(1300 mAh battery), so comparing those with my 1320 is way way far off.

Oh God.

Okay wait let me take the time to explain this to you further.

The difference in battery capacity between the Nexus 5 and Lumia 720 is just 15%. The Nexus has a 2300 mAH battery while the 720 has a 2000 one.

A 15% difference isn't so huge, but you know how huge the battery consumption difference is?

Okay let's start with CPU and GPU.

The CPU will probably be around more than a 100% increase, the Nexus powers more cores at higher frequency. (2.3 GHz quad vs 1GHz dual).

Okay let's move onto the GPU, the GPU is generally used to render images and used for smooth UI scrolling. The Adreno 305 in the 720 is clocked at 450 MHz and has 6 cores. And you know how much the Nexus is? It has an Adreno 330 with a 450 MHz clock frequency and 32 cores, can you understand how many more GPU cores it has to work with? The percentage difference may we'll be above a 100% again.

Then let's move onto screen size. The Nexus has to power a 16% larger display. The Nexus also comes with a 1080p panel versus the 480p one on the Lumia 720. Do you know how big of a difference that is? About an increase of 440% pixels.

A difference in 15% battery capacity of the 720 doesn't account for so much stuff.

Karthik doesn't know that, and he'll never try to make an effort to understand but you should at least show some intelligence.

No Windows Phone doesn't have better battery life than Android, and even if it did, it would be a very tiny difference.
so basically your saying the nexus 5 is too powerful and thats why it uses so much battery
then you go on to say the nexus 5 and android have a feature where it only uses resources when needed and reduces clockspeed when not needed
sounds like your statements are now contradicting.....
talk about not being able to accept truths
also the end point remains that the 720 has a better battery life than a nexus 5,more than double
seems legit enough to me
so basically your saying the nexus 5 is too powerful and thats why it uses so much battery
then you go on to say the nexus 5 and android have a feature where it only uses resources when needed and reduces clockspeed when not needed
sounds like your statements are now contradicting.....
talk about not being able to accept truths

Oh. My. God.

All phones under clock the CPU, or go into deep sleep completely when kept idle for long periods of times.

Learn to read. What I said about the Nexus is that there is a new power saver mode in Android Lollipop that under clocks the CPU to 700-900 MHz.

Both Nexus 5 and 720 revert to their minimum frequency when not in use, in fact all modern PCs, laptops and phones do this.

The 720 has a 480 x 800 display, a dual core 1GHz processor and a 4.3 inch screen. The Nexus has almost a 100% faster CPU and GPU to power, a bigger screen and almost 400% extra pixels to push and all that with only a 15% increase in battery.

The Nexus was a budget Android device with flagship specifications, compromises we're most likely made in either battery or speakers. But no such Windows Phone device can offer a fraction of the experience a Nexus 5 can at the same price.

Can't you get that through your head?

also the end point remains that the 720 has a better battery life than a nexus 5,more than double
seems legit enough to me

We'll if battery life is so important and you fail to understand the basics of battery consumption. I have still have a Nokia 3310 lying around in my house, it beats the battery of all smart phones out there easily.
lol you mad bro
you cannot accept facts and want to abuse me and psoham777 for no reason
too bad,im enjoying 2 days of excellent battery life away from the charger,too bad other people have to stay close to a charger 24/7
no point talking sense to people who cant even understand their own statements
your cornered it seems,your facts contradict and make no sense
bro every OS has merits n demerits.. But yeaah in battery life I agree WP gives more battery. One of my seniors purchased moto g2 for his younger bro the same day I bought Lumia 730. Well he doesnt own a smartphone till now. (though he wanted to buy a moto g2 too) then one day he told how much ur phone is showing for battery? i showed him my battery saver app which said charged b4 13 hrs n 48% remaining with 12 hrs . n he knows how much i use my phone. then he said me I will buy a wp. Moto g2 is no doubt very good, but drains off in 6-8 hrs.
So both phones same price considered to be best among their rivals, my phone emerged winner due to diff OS.
n dis s just an example. i hv lot many other examples to share too regarding battery n app crashes mainly
friend A dog's tail never straightens... We know WP s better bcz we hv used both platforms.. But they just try to bash on by not seeing the other side of coin.. Anyways we r happy n thats it. I m saying wen we use the same rounded icons( now made little flatter) in the same way for last decade or so... what experience is that android ****** talking about??? the truth is they never want any change in life for the fear that they may not b able ot learn them or lag behind.
I've also yet to find a Windows Phone that doesn't lag or crash. Every OS has its own share of lags and
If you want some proof it took me just 30 seconds or so to use a Lumia 530 and find an app crash. You guys probably don't find any issues because Windows Phone doesn't tell you that the app has crashed.

You're yet to see a WP which doesn't crash!?

My cousin had an HTC HD7. The phone was buttery smooth at a time when all Androids were laggy and crashed frequently. WP7 didn't support Bluetooth file sharing and that was her biggest gripe. Her phone was stolen later and she bought an Xperia. When I asked her about what she missed, she said Live tiles, the smoothness of the OS and the great battery life.

A class fellow of mine has a Samsung Focus. Whenever somebody asks for/borrows his phone in the class, he's impressed with the excellent screen and the fluid interface... He has plans to get the Lumia 730 soon. Most of the students in my class have Androids and many of them keep a dumbphone with them, in case their Android device fails them (battery dead/crashes).

Another classmate of mine has an Xperia. He has his phone inside his pocket at all times... He says as soon as he starts using it, the battery starts draining very rapidly. His Xperia doesn't crash like some HTC's, Samsung's, though.

Yet another friend of mine has a Galaxy and nobody can bear his phone. It is slow, has frequent crashes and lags like hell. I have a Lumia 1020 and I convinced him to get a Lumia 530 to try out WP. He had seen the Samsung Focus in the class earlier and was familiar with the OS. He says that the battery backup is excellent. He can go almost 2.5 days without charging his phone. And I've mentioned how fluid his phone is in my earlier comments. He is very happy and plans to ditch his Galaxy for a Lumia 1520.

I don't really get where you try to say that the 530 is so bad. When I heard of the phone, I was sure the performance would be compromised. But no, I was wrong. It doesn't crash/lag/consume a lot of battery. That's what matters to people. Competing Androids don't provide that consumer satisfaction.
You're yet to see a WP which doesn't crash!?

My cousin had an HTC HD7. The phone was buttery smooth at a time when all Androids were laggy and crashed frequently. WP7 didn't support Bluetooth file sharing and that was her biggest gripe. Her phone was stolen later and she bought an Xperia. When I asked her about what she missed, she said Live tiles, the smoothness of the OS and the great battery life.

A class fellow of mine has a Samsung Focus. Whenever somebody asks for/borrows his phone in the class, he's impressed with the excellent screen and the fluid interface... He has plans to get the Lumia 730 soon. Most of the students in my class have Androids and many of them keep a dumbphone with them, in case their Android device fails them (battery dead/crashes).

Another classmate of mine has an Xperia. He has his phone inside his pocket at all times... He says as soon as he starts using it, the battery starts draining very rapidly. His Xperia doesn't crash like some HTC's, Samsung's, though.

Yet another friend of mine has a Galaxy and nobody can bear his phone. It is slow, has frequent crashes and lags like hell. I have a Lumia 1020 and I convinced him to get a Lumia 530 to try out WP. He had seen the Samsung Focus in the class earlier and was familiar with the OS. He says that the battery backup is excellent. He can go almost 2.5 days without charging his phone. And I've mentioned how fluid his phone is in my earlier comments. He is very happy and plans to ditch his Galaxy for a Lumia 1520.

I don't really get where you try to say that the 530 is so bad. When I heard of the phone, I was sure the performance would be compromised. But no, I was wrong. It doesn't crash/lag/consume a lot of battery. That's what matters to people. Competing Androids don't provide that consumer satisfaction.

I don't care about responding to the rest of the allegations because clearly your friends have very old Android devices.

But the last part about customer satisfaction is untrue. If customer satisfaction of Windows Phone was so high, it would be at the top or at least near the top of the market.

It's not.

Lumia710 is one of the worst battery back up phone. The only phone which have more poor battery is HTC Titan II

Battery life tests -

and comparing L720 with Nexus is the most stupidest thing.

If you still don't understand then answer this

Lumia 1320 have 3400mAh battery which is beaten my Sony Z3 compact which have only 2600mAh battery.

Now tell me if WP is so much battery efficient then why it loses even if it have 1/3 more powerful battery than Z3 compact?

View attachment 87487View attachment 87488

or you can bring L930 which almost same specs as Z3 compact

View attachment 87489

If Lumia 710 has the worst battery life, how much worse do other androids have that they can't even keep up with my Lumia 710. You really think I would believe those biased sites even when the difference between android's & WPs battery life is clear enough to me? Talking about 1320, I get more than 3 days of battery life at normal usage, any of the phones doesn't even come near to it(especially from other OSes)
I don't care about responding to the rest of the allegations because clearly your friends have very old Android devices.

But the last part about customer satisfaction is untrue. If customer satisfaction of Windows Phone was so high, it would be at the top or at least near the top of the market.

It's not.

I have 710, it neither did crash neither did lag when it had less than 1 Mb remaining, neither did my 1320 when it had 760 kb remaining. My 530's memory has got down to even less than 100mb, still it didn't lag, so your point that low end phones lag, apps crashes is totally pointless.
So WP 8 devices would be getting WP 10. WP 10 won't be out until next 6-8 months. So even X20 series i.e 3 years old WPs would be getting the update.
How many dual core androids got jelly bean update?
Do all the Androids currently running quad core processor have kit Kat?
Will all the android devices currently get lollipop?
So this clearly shows that android is more power Hungry than WP, because they won't get the recent update on old dual core processors or even on many quad core processor phones. Also this shows how much Android devices lack support from Google itself.
So a simple comparison shows that Android is more power hungry than WP.
Sent from my dark knight 1320
If Lumia 710 has the worst battery life, how much worse do other androids have that they can't even keep up with my Lumia 710. You really think I would believe those biased sites even when the difference between android's & WPs battery life is clear enough to me? Talking about 1320, I get more than 3 days of battery life at normal usage, any of the phones doesn't even come near to it(especially from other OSes)

One of the most accurate ways to tell how powerful a battery is, is so check the screen on time at the end of the day.

View attachment 87591

I would ask you to show me your 1320's screen on time, but like most of the rest of Windows Phone the battery stats aren't as advanced as Android's.

There are some better ways to check battery endurance, sadly those tools are also available only on Android.

Also I asked my friend, you know the one with the M8 about his battery life:

View attachment 87592

I have 710, it neither did crash neither did lag when it had less than 1 Mb remaining, neither did my 1320 when it had 760 kb remaining. My 530's memory has got down to even less than 100mb, still it didn't lag, so your point that low end phones lag, apps crashes is totally pointless.

The scrolling in a lot of apps on Windows Phone is terrible. I do find stutters in the UI, on a Lumia 520 and 530 I tried so put what you guys have said to test.

Here's a video of scrolling(performance) issues on Windows Phone:

Windows Phone Never Crashes Right?:

You said "apps crashes is totally pointless". We'll here is your proof.

So WP 8 devices would be getting WP 10. WP 10 won't be out until next 6-8 months. So even X20 series i.e 3 years old WPs would be getting the update.
How many dual core androids got jelly bean update?
Do all the Androids currently running quad core processor have kit Kat?
Will all the android devices currently get lollipop?
So this clearly shows that android is more power Hungry than WP, because they won't get the recent update on old dual core processors or even on many quad core processor phones. Also this shows how much Android devices lack support from Google itself.
So a simple comparison shows that Android is more power hungry than WP.
Sent from my dark knight 1320

First of all the X20 series isn't three years old.

Okay moving on, most versions of Android even run on single core processors we'll. But OEMs generally don't support their phones very long.

The Motorola Moto Defy, a pretty old single core device got its first unofficial build of Lollipop recently which goes to show that Android can indeed run on older hardware. But OEMs eventually drop support(like support for some WP7 devices was dropped only a few months after release :'D)

Android doesn't lack support from Google. All Google branded products, which includes the Nexus lineup, The Google Play Edition devices and Android One devices will receive Lollipop, some of the devices in the list we'll over 2 years old.

The whole dual core, quad core argument is fatally flawed. It goes to prove nothing. Even single core devices can run Android Lollipop, but no single core device can run Windows Phone 8, officially or non officially.
If Lumia 710 has the worst battery life, how much worse do other androids have that they can't even keep up with my Lumia 710. You really think I would believe those biased sites even when the difference between android's & WPs battery life is clear enough to me? Talking about 1320, I get more than 3 days of battery life at normal usage, any of the phones doesn't even come near to it(especially from other OSes)

First of all, it the biggest tech website.

Second it's the most unbiased website(if you think it is biased then search ay article which show that they are biased)

and about your 3 days if you use phone which offer more battery back-up(in that chart) it will offer more than 3 days. (like Z3 compact more than 4 days)

and I don't understand which Android phone you are comparing with L720.(is it your imaginary Android phone?)

and at last are you seriously comparing two totally different smartphone means L 720 vs Nexus 5?
I don't care about responding to the rest of the allegations because clearly your friends have very old Android devices.

But the last part about customer satisfaction is untrue. If customer satisfaction of Windows Phone was so high, it would be at the top or at least near the top of the market.

It's not.

You can consult any of those surveys for consumer satisfaction. WP users are more satisfied with their phone than anybody else...
I've asked class fellows with Android devices about why they stick to Android and why don't they switch to WP. I got varying responses. Some were startled when they saw a WP. At least 20 students (out of a total of 80) in my class said this when they saw my phone: ' What! You have Windows? It is extremely difficult to use doesn't have any apps and is not good at all!' I asked them why and they said that shopkeepers at phone shops said that to them.
Another interesting response was that even when somebody goes to buy a WP, the shopkeepers try their best to steer people away from WP towards Android. I mean like this even happened to me. When I went to purchase my Lumia 1020, the shopkeeper tried his best to get me an iPhone 5s or the Galaxy S4 instead. Even my father repeatedly asked me, "Are you sure you want this phone and not the Galaxy?" I stayed firm that I wanted the Lumia.
Not just that. I went to a small local shop to get a case for my Lumia 1020. The shopkeeper said that the phone was crap and I would regret buying it. That shopkeeper sells plenty of Nokia dumbphones and Ashas (he was biased only against Lumias--WP). Nokia in return had just recently given him a Lumia 1020 for free, still he said that Lumias were dreadful devices.
Fast forward to 6 months later and my case broke. I went to the same shopkeeper to get a new case and this time he seemed like a changed person. As soon as he saw my phone, he said, man, this phone is amazing! I was wrong earlier... The thing is, there is a stigma against WP. That's the reason why a lot of people don't buy WP's.
A somewhat genuine response I heard from other students was that they use some specific apps which aren't available for WP. Or a specific WP limitation which was a deal-breaker for them. Such people are a minority and apps/limitations of WP aren't the sole reason for the success of Android.
Next, I tried asking people who had WP's already about why they got a WP in the first place and were they satisfied with it. Two people said they got theirs as a gift and both were happy with it. Other two people said they bought Lumias because they were Nokias and they had faith in the company. One (my cousin) said that she got the HD7 because it was cheap and the shopkeeper said it was a good phone. The only problem for her was Bluetooth file sharing. Otherwise the phone was very good.
I bought a Lumia because I use MS services (I didn't use anything Google anyways), loved Glance on earlier Nokias and had seen WP to be fast and nice. I only use mainstream apps/games and some specific professional engineering tools (iCircuit, ArchiTech Sketchpad, graphic & scientific calculator apps, etc.), a few really convenient local apps, a bank app, HERE Maps, paper-work apps like scanners, signing apps, the built-in Office hub, Office lens and Office Remote, etc. which are all present on WP. My Lumia 1020 had an OK battery life, too. (Not exceptional, but I could easily get through a whole day.) So, I was very satisfied with it. The same is the case with a lot of other WP users. But that's not the case with the vast majority of Android users. Many are unhappy with their phones.
You can consult any of those surveys for consumer satisfaction. WP users are more satisfied with their phone than anybody else...
I've asked class fellows with Android devices about why they stick to Android and why don't they switch to WP. I got varying responses. Some were startled when they saw a WP. At least 20 students (out of a total of 80) in my class said this when they saw my phone: ' What! You have Windows? It is extremely difficult to use doesn't have any apps and is not good at all!' I asked them why and they said that shopkeepers at phone shops said that to them.
Another interesting response was that even when somebody goes to buy a WP, the shopkeepers try their best to steer people away from WP towards Android. I mean like this even happened to me. When I went to purchase my Lumia 1020, the shopkeeper tried his best to get me an iPhone 5s or the Galaxy S4 instead. Even my father repeatedly asked me, "Are you sure you want this phone and not the Galaxy?" I stayed firm that I wanted the Lumia.
Not just that. I went to a small local shop to get a case for my Lumia 1020. The shopkeeper said that the phone was crap and I would regret buying it. That shopkeeper sells plenty of Nokia dumbphones and Ashas (he was biased only against Lumias--WP). Nokia in return had just recently given him a Lumia 1020 for free, still he said that Lumias were dreadful devices.
Fast forward to 6 months later and my case broke. I went to the same shopkeeper to get a new case and this time he seemed like a changed person. As soon as he saw my phone, he said, man, this phone is amazing! I was wrong earlier... The thing is, there is a stigma against WP. That's the reason why a lot of people don't buy WP's.
A somewhat genuine response I heard from other students was that they use some specific apps which aren't available for WP. Or a specific WP limitation which was a deal-breaker for them. Such people are a minority and apps/limitations of WP aren't the sole reason for the success of Android.
Next, I tried asking people who had WP's already about why they got a WP in the first place and were they satisfied with it. Two people said they got theirs as a gift and both were happy with it. Other two people said they bought Lumias because they were Nokias and they had faith in the company. One (my cousin) said that she got the HD7 because it was cheap and the shopkeeper said it was a good phone. The only problem for her was Bluetooth file sharing. Otherwise the phone was very good.
I bought a Lumia because I use MS services (I didn't use anything Google anyways), loved Glance on earlier Nokias and had seen WP to be fast and nice. I only use mainstream apps/games and some specific professional engineering tools (iCircuit, ArchiTech Sketchpad, graphic & scientific calculator apps, etc.), a few really convenient local apps, a bank app, HERE Maps, paper-work apps like scanners, signing apps, the built-in Office hub, Office lens and Office Remote, etc. which are all present on WP. My Lumia 1020 had an OK battery life, too. (Not exceptional, but I could easily get through a whole day.) So, I was very satisfied with it. The same is the case with a lot of other WP users. But that's not the case with the vast majority of Android users. Many are unhappy with their phones.

If the vast majority of Android users we're indeed displeased with their phones the sales of Android devices would've fallen because there are competing OSes.

You have near zero evidence that the majority of Android consumers are unhappy with their phones.

All around me people jump when they find a new feature on their Android device, or an update.

In our whole school we just have one guy with a Windows Phone and I showed him my Nexus 5 the other day and he was amazed at how advanced Android had become, and how much more beautiful it was than Windows Phone.

No, users are not displeased with Android. We just keep on getting happier with the work Google and OEMs put in.
One of another major Windows Phone limitation is the fact that for an OS that claims to offer the best mobile photography experience the gallery can't view anything above 2048 x 2048.

Quite a big issue for me and a lot of other people, especially those that shoot images that are 6MP or above.

Edit: Before you guys go on to attack. The gallery will display any image over 2048 x 2048 however it will downscale the image, if you zoom in your image won't be extremely clear either.
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