Android lumia phone

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My experience (used iphone, android, BB and now on windows),

Android is kind of the PC in the phone world. it's open to tweaking, modifications etc. without proper maintenance Android tend to get laggy and slow with time. trust me when I say this, My ex-bosses top of the line galaxy was lagging behind my cheap android phone with all the unwanted apps he installed and stuff.

fruit-phone is the closed Porsche you cant do nothing about. even though it 's got powerful hardware (on the new gen 6 phones), your locked out with what ifruit people want you to do.

With windows you just have best of both worlds, and If am seeing any downs with it, it's the lack of apps. Windows 10 is the ultimate balance between the above 2 worlds. you have a stable & secure environment, phone never slows down over time (loading lags will be fixed for sure on final release), and if the apps arrive just in time, that would be the right touch! (but they are late on releasing it) "better late than never"

I still can't find a proper app to view the autocad draing files while am outside.... Android has heaps of em...
Cannot Agree more... Windows phone platform needs to fix this sooner. maybe the universal app thing might be the answer, but I ain't believing until I see some quality apps there...
I'm stunned anyone can claim they never saw the loading or resuming screens on a 1020. Once we had 8.1 that's pretty much ALL we saw, even on the 1520, and I've had that, still have the 1020 and now use an 830 and still get that crap. Frankly, I personally do not think anyone on this forum's opinion of android is credible apart from Laura who always seems to have a balanced opinion of any platform.

And lets be honest, having to hard reset, forgo your OS provided backup, have to turn off numerous apps and whatever else needs to be done to get a working WP/W10M device is just as bad as any supposed "lag" android is supposed to have.

Fanboys, who needs 'em?
Well i change phones alot and this gives me experience to talk about the lags and what is said about android but i was wondering why they are saying about android phones that it is lagging always !! I had motorola and lenovo mobiles running gingerbird and jellybean and i didn't face any lag but when i tried samsung s4 i found that the UI of it is the reason cause when i rooted it it was fabulous and about iphone i tried 4s and 5s and ios 8 have the same settings and nothing new is in windows phone but the flexibility in it is better than the windows phone
Just giving my experiences. I own everything....I have android phones and tablets, IPhone ( my sons), 2 ipads (my sons), and my wife and myself have surface 3s and 1020s. The 1020s are the fastest smoothest phones We have owned. better than any android, or ios phones we have owned. I use a lepan mini android tablet in my Jeep for off roading purposes as there is no torque app available for the surface. Again, my own experience is that winmo is better than the rest.
Just giving my experiences. I own everything....I have android phones and tablets, IPhone ( my sons), 2 ipads (my sons), and my wife and myself have surface 3s and 1020s. The 1020s are the fastest smoothest phones We have owned. better than any android, or ios phones we have owned. I use a lepan mini android tablet in my Jeep for off roading purposes as there is no torque app available for the surface. Again, my own experience is that winmo is better than the rest.
OBD Dash works very well and supports Bluetooth ELM327 scan tools.
oh, thanks fatclue. Is that a new app? I tried searching the store with no success. I know maps pro is an awesome gps nav program.
Android, you can have as many apps open as your phone can handle. And you can close them all at once. That is one of the major differences between Windows Phone and Android. And no, you won't get "resuming" with Android. You may have to wait a few seconds.

The major problem with WP 8.1, is that sometimes "resuming" never stops. Or if it does, it goes on for up to a minute or more. I notice this a lot with a micro SD card, and when downloading multiple files. And WP 8.1 still reboots. Granted, I'm running Cyan, but still. I haven't had issues with Android rebooting since Jellybean.

Not to mention that you can sync anything you want on Android, with any cloud that you want to sync it with, through third party apps. And Google Drive allows you to mark files to remain on the phone offline, and those files get synced, updated if you work with them elsewhere.

On OneDrive, I can download a file, but that's not the same thing. The only good thing about OneDrive is that if I upload a bunch of files, it'll crash, but those files are kept in a que until the next time I open up the app. And that will continue to be the case until all of the files are uploaded. I'm not sure if Google Drive does this or if it is actually able to finish uploading files in the background.
oh, thanks fatclue. Is that a new app? I tried searching the store with no success. I know maps pro is an awesome gps nav program.
Nah, I've had it for a while. My wife's car has an O2 sensor always on the fritz so the check engine light is always on. Every couple of days I have to reset it. OCD rears it's ugly head.
OHHHHHHH you don't know the half of it. I am INSANE over my rides. I have 6 and all are in immaculate condition because of my mechanical ocd!
Yeah i didn't face any resuming on jelly bean phones or my iphone 4s and all the answers that we get is "did you tried hard reset ?"
Its buttery smooth compared to lagdroid.....of any flavor.

I can't say that I have noticed this with the stock Android at all on my 5x. When I had a 550, it didn't feel laggy to me either, but I did have occasional resuming screens.
I can't say that I have noticed this with the stock Android at all on my 5x. When I had a 550, it didn't feel laggy to me either, but I did have occasional resuming screens.
OEM skins of any kind hinder the Android experience. HTC Sense is the best of the bunch but it's still a skin that requires resources. My Priv is very close to vanilla Android and runs very well. Having 3GB of RAM helps just as 1GB hurts the lower end Windows phones. It is ludicrous to compare a Galaxy Note to a Lumia 640. The WP phones with 2GB and higher RAM are indeed buttery smooth.

Samsung happens to be the most popular brand of Android phone but they're also the most lag-prone because of TouchWiz. Take a Galaxy Core Prime and compare it to even a Blu WinHD and the Blu will look like a world beater.
My tmo 521 is way faster than my galaxy note. android is horrible. If going by specs, the note should rip by the 521. but NOT the case.
Since there have not been any sightings of any possible Nokia Android phones so far, and this thread has gone off topic with discussion of other Android devices, it is now closed. We might revisit this topic in the future if Nokia does indeed make an Android phone.
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