Android's play game implentation gaming seems way better xbox live on windows and windows phone

Well, windows central are getting more extremist and OSist....
I only use wp but notice some apps in androids(my friends phone) is better than in wp (I guess because the code is written for iOS and Android at the first place)

Well, buddy..i got no hate to android but no love to them (other than Android manufacturers offer high spec yet low cost device)
People using iOS/android probably would say the same thing to you, windows phone users are trash...

So,chill down bro...the world can live with multiple OS
they and their store are trash too. the ONLY relevant store in this world is App Store

The App Store is indeed the best store, especially for games, but Google Play is pretty awesome as well. Lets be honest here, Google Play smokes the Windows Phone store in almost every way possible.
Android is trash and billions of users who are using it are also trash.
How stupid of them using Android.

Where as WP is a legendary OS developed by mighty MS.
Every WP user is like Albert Einstein who made very intelligent decision choosing WP.
Rest of world is bunch of stupid who doesn't know the worth WP.

are you having some issues or something? is there any word on how wp is the best in my comment? i dont thinks so. and by the way, if you were thinking a little more, you'll understand that a high number of users doesnt mean a PERFECT platform, AND that there are numerous factors that can drive a high number of users, not only the higher quality (which usually is more expensive too and also quality is not a good word to use in the same sentece with android).

in the end, im not a hater. actually unlike most of the guys here, i still use google services, for example. im just tired to see people posting/talking/etc and only thinking AFTER.

about "trash". trash was used for things like milions of trash fart apps which google still use to brag about their store. is it google play better than wp store, yes. is it a good store? given that is full of crappy apps, malwares and uncertified apps, nope, is NOT a good store.
i never said that trash was used for android users. read again my comment maybe..
are you having some issues or something? is there any word on how wp is the best in my comment? i dont thinks so. and by the way, if you were thinking a little more, you'll understand that a high number of users doesnt mean a PERFECT platform, AND that there are numerous factors that can drive a high number of users, not only the higher quality (which usually is more expensive too and also quality is not a good word to use in the same sentece with android).

in the end, im not a hater. actually unlike most of the guys here, i still use google services, for example. im just tired to see people posting/talking/etc and only thinking AFTER.

about "trash". trash was used for things like milions of trash fart apps which google still use to brag about their store. is it google play better than wp store, yes. is it a good store? given that is full of crappy apps, malwares and uncertified apps, nope, is NOT a good store.
i never said that trash was used for android users. read again my comment maybe..

Android is trash -From a guy who say I am not Android hater.

Anyway lets discuss it

You said number of user doesn't make perfect OS.
So, what does make a perfect platform?
Less users ?

All OS offer different experiences and it's depends on you what experience you like.
Just because you didn't like it make that OS trash ?

About Store.
You know their are also many fake apps in WP store too and if accidentally you bought it then whose fault is that?
MS or you ?
Another example
You know Fruit Ninja game. It's paid cracked version was available for free by another developer. And MS didn't realize it until many users reported this.
Who fault is here. MS ?

And how many millions app available on Android that you are saying millions apps are trash and malwares?

How many malware are reported this year in play store?
Android is trash -From a guy who say I am not Android hater.

Anyway lets discuss it

You said number of user doesn't make perfect OS.
So, what does make a perfect platform?
Less users ?

All OS offer different experiences and it's depends on you what experience you like.
Just because you didn't like it make that OS trash ?

About Store.
You know their are also many fake apps in WP store too and if accidentally you bought it then whose fault is that?
MS or you ?
Another example
You know Fruit Ninja game. It's paid cracked version was available for free by another developer. And MS didn't realize it until many users reported this.
Who fault is here. MS ?

And how many millions app available on Android that you are saying millions apps are trash and malwares?

How many malware are reported this year in play store?

first, talking about the OS itself, and its quality, number of users are irrelevant in my opinion. there are other things that make the OS, as a piece of software, a good one or a bad one. dont you agree? i could go deeper here but i think its not the case.
as for the high number of users....lets first remember why android is so used. was the only alternative to the expensive ios smartphone os at the time, and came with many OEMs not only with one, as for ios' case. if wp was in its place then...hell...if firefox os was in its place then, it would be a strong posiblity to have firefox os as the mobile os ruller now.

secondly, about the store....again...where did i say that wstore si better? actually i DID say that only relevant store out there is app store. see?
and if you said about numbers again...whats more important, 1b apps, half malware, fakes, rip-offs, fart apps, and "so popular" walkthroughs? ore half a bil, with only a third of those, plus all of them certified so no viruses or stupid code?

finally, android still had, has, and will have some good points. speaking of future, look at the google now on tap. so is not a completely trah os. but honestly, 80% of times android rule a domain only because of the numbers, not because of quality, inovation or anything.
are you having some issues or something? is there any word on how wp is the best in my comment? i dont thinks so. and by the way, if you were thinking a little more, you'll understand that a high number of users doesnt mean a PERFECT platform, AND that there are numerous factors that can drive a high number of users, not only the higher quality (which usually is more expensive too and also quality is not a good word to use in the same sentece with android).

in the end, im not a hater. actually unlike most of the guys here, i still use google services, for example. im just tired to see people posting/talking/etc and only thinking AFTER.

about "trash". trash was used for things like milions of trash fart apps which google still use to brag about their store. is it google play better than wp store, yes. is it a good store? given that is full of crappy apps, malwares and uncertified apps, nope, is NOT a good store.
i never said that trash was used for android users. read again my comment maybe..

We are just talking about the games here. GAMES
Well, windows central are getting more extremist and OSist....
I only use wp but notice some apps in androids(my friends phone) is better than in wp (I guess because the code is written for iOS and Android at the first place)

Well, buddy..i got no hate to android but no love to them (other than Android manufacturers offer high spec yet low cost device)
People using iOS/android probably would say the same thing to you, windows phone users are trash...

So,chill down bro...the world can live with multiple OS

Sadly, the world can live with multiple OS, but the market itself cannot..... if W10 does not bring in more games / apps from iOS or Android, that's it. The end of windows phone. Not trolling, but is the hard cold fact.
Sadly, the world can live with multiple OS, but the market itself cannot..... if W10 does not bring in more games / apps from iOS or Android, that's it. The end of windows phone. Not trolling, but is the hard cold fact.
Don't worry, it will, especially with project Astoria and islandwood. For games they are awesome, for apps, that's when there are problems with porting.
OK, why would you want to play a casual game that's made for mobile on your TV screen?

What you're saying would only really apply if you could run Halo: MCC on your phone, however that's never going to happen!!!!

First of all why is your opinion the end all opinion? There are people who want to do it. Families may want to engage in a game on the tv while using phones as controllers. There's many applications so don't be one of those people who believes their own opinion is the only correct opinion. Everyone is unique and has their own individual needs.
So if high scores and achievement points are the criteria to discuss whether A/G is better or X, IMO someone said it in summary - Android is trash in that sense. Not a good certification process and hence there are n number of search results if you Bing to get any hack for a game on A/G platform.
Android has zero of the gaming chops Xbox has.

Google Play is great and all, and I love how smooth it looks, but the fact is that the service caters VERY strongly to mobile game types and even stronger to F2P. It's a service that really serves no purpose as all it really tracks are achievements on toss away games (for the most part). It's made more useless by the fact that a cellphone/tablet already handles messaging and the great majority of games need touch controls, not controllers to play.

Xbox Live is far more versatile. It covers cellphone experiences (amazingly playable on both a PC and phone), it has a unified messaging system, a unified streaming service, a unified friend system, full console games, and it can stream Xbox One games to other Windows 10 devices. It also ties achievements together from every device and type of game you can think of, and there's a single game controller to rule them all instead of multiple brands using bluetooth or whatever the heck they want.

Ultimately Google Play is the same aimless, meandering service Game Center is. It WANTS to be a PSN/Xbox Live but as of yet there's nothing to really justify its existence. Having achievements does not make you a unified game service... You need more.
Android has zero of the gaming chops Xbox has.

Google Play is great and all, and I love how smooth it looks, but the fact is that the service caters VERY strongly to mobile game types and even stronger to F2P. It's a service that really serves no purpose as all it really tracks are achievements on toss away games (for the most part). It's made more useless by the fact that a cellphone/tablet already handles messaging and the great majority of games need touch controls, not controllers to play.

Xbox Live is far more versatile. It covers cellphone experiences (amazingly playable on both a PC and phone), it has a unified messaging system, a unified streaming service, a unified friend system, full console games, and it can stream Xbox One games to other Windows 10 devices. It also ties achievements together from every device and type of game you can think of, and there's a single game controller to rule them all instead of multiple brands using bluetooth or whatever the heck they want.

Ultimately Google Play is the same aimless, meandering service Game Center is. It WANTS to be a PSN/Xbox Live but as of yet there's nothing to really justify its existence. Having achievements does not make you a unified game service... You need more.

I am talking mostly about mobile and windows store was you can see from the title. Obviously it won't be close to PSN or XBOX LIVE but Google Play games is pretty darn good at being a 'mobile game service'
I am talking mostly about mobile and windows store was you can see from the title. Obviously it won't be close to PSN or XBOX LIVE but Google Play games is pretty darn good at being a 'mobile game service'

If that's all that's being considered then sure, I completely agree... It's definitely better than Game Center.

I still prefer how Windows Phone ties games into Xbox Live and bundles all the Live features and unification together. The real downside with Live, though, is the downside to WP as a whole... Not many mobile games are actually tied to the service and there aren't many good mobile games on the MS Store period.

EDIT: To be clear here, I believe XBL is the better service by miles. But no, it does not realistically compete when we talk about the mobile gaming market standing by itself. My hope is that MS somehow gets there in the future. The only way to accomplish that is actually selling some damn Windows Phones, though.
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