Andromeda Cancelled?!? Nooooo!!!!!!

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If you haven't fired up your Idol lately, you should. I've never seen Windows working this well. The promised bug fixes have so far been a welcome sight. Maybe in the long run this hiatus will be justified with a proper mobile/PC hybrid OS that will become a true 3rd player. Regardless of how any of us feels about their respective choice of OS, we need that 3rd option.

I have and do occasionally but it only lasts a short time. For me it cannot compare to the experience of my iPhone.
It would be great to have a 3rd os, I agree, but that's not up to me.
I was listening to Dan and Zac's podcast last night and they actually hit on a clever idea...

If MS are worried about launching this device to a world that isn't ready for it, why not take a page from the Tesla playbook and run a pre-order programme, where those that want it have to stick down a hefty deposit.

That way, MS will know exactly what level of appetite exists for the device. Heck, they could then even offer some sort of personalisation...maybe a unique engraving, on your device. Something that personalises it could help to market it.

The worst case scenario in that instance is that MS only get a handful of deposits and can then justifiably say "hey, look, we tried, but no one wants this thing right now, so we're putting it back in the labs and will revisit it one day."

Personally, I think they'd get pre-orders for tens of thousands.

Customers need to know what it is before they know if they want it. Right now, other than people who follow MS, no one knows what Andromeda is.

Btw, I listened to that podcast as well and Zac claimed he checked with his MS sources and they knew nothing about Andromeda being cancelled. (if I heard him right)

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Customers need to know what it is before they know if they want it. Right now, other than people who follow MS, know what Andromeda is.

Btw, I listened to that podcast as well and Zac claimed he checked with his MS sources and they knew nothing about Andromeda being cancelled. (if I heard him right)

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I agree, so maybe they should announce in October, possibly do a Hololens launch, make it available to developers and larger organisations first, see how it lands and how people interact with it. However, they shouldn't then wait 2 years before bringing it to the masses. Rather, within 12 months they should open up a pre-order channel, with a significant deposit required. If people really want it, they'llpony up the cash. Apple proved that with the $1000+ iphonex.

Yeah, I picked up that part about Zac not hearing from anyone inside MS knowing about a delay or cancellation, and I suspect that's why Windows Central are holding off on reporting it. I would imagine they're waiting for something concrete before reporting, which is totally understandable.

Honestly, I just cannot see this thing being cancelled. MS need a mobile play. It's not optional. Even if they have to take a high stakes gamble and risk losing some money, they need a play in mobile.
Even if they have to take a high stakes gamble and risk losing some money, they need a play in mobile.

Isn't this what Microsoft has been doing for the last 8 years?

It's not optional.

Why not? Microsoft's mobile has been doing nothing but hemorrhaging cash the last number of years, and amazingly they are doing fine. It wouldn't be too difficult to justify the argument that overall they would be better off financially right now if WP never existed.
After looking at the Microsoft Photo App and all it is capable of doing, I see Andromeda accessing all of its power on a mobile device...which could make it a grand slam for mobile photo/picture editing and posting to social media - very, very impressive ( If they were to market correctly AND had a fully baked OS, with a great camera...I know it would be HUGE! with the younger generation (and me:)
After looking at the Microsoft Photo App and all it is capable of doing, I see Andromeda accessing all of its power on a mobile device...which could make it a grand slam for mobile photo/picture editing and posting to social media - very, very impressive ( If they were to market correctly AND had a fully baked OS, with a great camera...I know it would be HUGE! with the younger generation (and me:)

85% of smartphone users already have Google Photos native to their devices. Is the Microsoft Photo App that much better? Google Photos is pretty much thought of as the holy grail of mobile photo editing. Even if Microsoft's equivalent is as good, or even a bit better, that's not going to make a significant difference.
This is normal for MS and I suspected this would happen. A real shame for sure, but definitely not unexpected. Luckily MS realised ahead of time that Andromeda needed more work instead of just rushing it and releasing a broken product like they always do (MS Band, W10M etc.).
85% of smartphone users already have Google Photos native to their devices. Is the Microsoft Photo App that much better? Google Photos is pretty much thought of as the holy grail of mobile photo editing. Even if Microsoft's equivalent is as good, or even a bit better, that's not going to make a significant difference.

Just thinking that the photo app would fall within Andromeda's dual-screen playbook; along with the power and a perfect configuration for gaming (no interest to me), pen note taking and journal entry, PWA, multitasking, conference calling with screen sharing, the list goes on. I think, it is imparative to deliver an OS that is fully baked to be successful, and although an extended wait would be painful, it would be better than introducing another half baked device like they did with the 950/950XL. Someone purchasing a new and expensive device wants it to work 'phenomenal', right out of the box. Of course, Microsoft could introduce a Beta device testing program that could be assessed by the willing - at a reduced price and a promise to make good on meeting the future end goal (I would buy in).
If you haven't fired up your Idol lately, you should. I've never seen Windows working this well. The promised bug fixes have so far been a welcome sight. Maybe in the long run this hiatus will be justified with a proper mobile/PC hybrid OS that will become a true 3rd player. Regardless of how any of us feels about their respective choice of OS, we need that 3rd option.

I am guessing the Purism phone will bring us that 3rd option.
I do not know why I am no longer shocked to hear such news. I mean, if they canceled McLaren because "users found it difficult to use 3D touch", they definitely have more solid reasons to cancel Andromeda.
No, please… It can't be true. I was keeping my hope on Andrómeda to continue with Windows "phones", hanging with my Lumia 930 until it's reléase. Why?, after all the info and patents… :(
If Zac and the rest haven't heard anything then maybe cancelled isn't the word then so much as side-lined. It's possible they're putting the project on the back burner for another year or two. That's still incredibly crushing IMO but I guess it's better to wait until the tech is there to fully realize the vision.

Still leaves a gaping hole in MS' mobile strategy though...
WC has been conspicuously silent other than Zac mentioning, and severely understating, the ZDNet article. Anyway, the optimist in me says "delayed" more likely than "canceled" b/c MS realizes a full Windows experience needs to be available. Whether it's done natively, through emulation, PWAs, whatever, and probably a combo of all of them, neither the hardware nor the software is ready. It needs to be a viable pocket PC b/c a $1000+ journal-taking-telephony-enabled-but-not-a-phone marketed as a companion device that doesn't replace any of your current devices seems like a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.
How is that such a bad thing?


A 20% success rate doesn't bode well for a new player. Even in baseball where 3/10 qualifies as a good hitter, batting .200 gets you sent to the minors or the dreaded DFA (Designated For Assignment). Unless you're a catcher of course.
A 20% success rate doesn't bode well for a new player. Even in baseball where 3/10 qualifies as a good hitter, batting .200 gets you sent to the minors or the dreaded DFA (Designated For Assignment). Unless you're a catcher of course.

Or Jackie Bradley Jr.
I was wondering why this story hasn't gotten any traction yet on the interwebs too.

Regardless, already bought a Note 8. So have moved on. Bit was more than willing to sell this to get Andromeda!
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