I'm running Version 1607, OS Build ...14393.5, the latest & it's smooth as silk for me on a LUMIA 1520.
I've commented (above).
Curious, what device are you having issues on?
... and my question was for abishek singh21
I've done two soft-resets now, I'm avoiding a hard-reset, since the last several times I've had to go in and re-do almost all my settings, backup always does a partial restore with a "we weren't able to restore some of your ...".
I have 89GB of free space, on my relatively fast (80-90 read/30-40 write) SD. It's never been an issue, until 14393.5. Downloads stall out, constantly, someone else just posted about the same thing (new thread). Multiple restarts required for each, to get them to complete.
My network stays connected, but often jumps over to my 2GHz network, despite my APs being set to force preference for 5GHz. It's the ONLY device in the house that does this, the other two phones on 494 stay solidly on the 5GHz, all day. I'm lucky if I can get this device to stay on it for 5-10 minutes.
I had basically zero issues with hangs and unlock, for 14393 builds, again 494 Threshold was great here (other than optical scan has always been slow).
Yeah, it's smooth, no question, but a bunch of stuff is broken, so being able to smoothly access broken features, well...
I don't know, maybe I should bite the bullet and do a reset, I'm just not of the mindset that we should be needing to do hard-rests all the time.
I haven't reset my desktop OS since early in the Win7 builds, the last time I did a fresh setup there, it's just been upgraded, with very few issues at all.
I'm a HUGE Win Phone fan, just not this build. I wonder if this is why the OTA seems to be delayed.