Any regrets?


New member
Nov 12, 2010
I'm almost ready to pull the trigger on this phone. Anyone have major regrets getting it?

I'll be jumping the VZW/Android ship. Good riddance.
None so far. I also jumped from VZW (although not Android) and I absolutely love my HD7. Only potential concern is battery life (which has been well documented), but I haven't had trouble making it through a full day yet.
Ironically enough I left VZW for this as well. Great phone, and any issues with it are pretty well documented.

For all the gripping about last gen hardware, it runs smooth and doesn't feel buggy at all. The construction is your usual htc high quality, though the volume rocker does feel a bit cheap. overall, i'm pretty happy with my choice.
Thanks for the responses. I actually picked mine up at lunchtime! Needless to say I haven't gotten jack-squat done at work this afternoon.

This phone is awesome! I have no regrets either. The device (and OS) offers just what I need, not too much, not too little.

I'm really excited to sync all my Zune content and start playing some games on XBOX live.

The UI is amazing, very clean and polished. Email from both of my accounts work seamlessly.

Bye Bye Android, and Bye Bye Verizon!
I have had mine for a month now and I like it even better. There are only a couple things I am frustrated with.

The inability to add personal ring tones. The similar sounding xylophone tones are not so good. I don't know what they were thinking. Not being able to add personal ring tones went out with the 90's.

Being forced to use Zune to sync (no ability to use the phone as a hard drive).
Apple has the market cornered on proprietary-ism. That was one of the reasons I stuck with WMP.
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you dont NEED zune to Sync , theres like 5000000000000 cloud aplications out there that will sync your phone contacs ,music , vids , w/e
Can you please mention one of those apps that you can sync without Zune?

My laptop have Ubuntu and I'm tired to use a virtual XP to Sync.

Oh linux!!

hmmm ,, well that complicates things , i havent been able to find ANYTHING allowing to syinc wp7 with linux yet :( , they working on the MAC sync , no words of Lynux yet.

I saw somewhere that Lynux has a ActiveSync app ( used with WM ) but i dont think its goan reconise your Wp7 , unless they plan on updating it to support wp7.

id suggest just keeping an eye out , im sure it will come soon.
not as yet , they just release an Update with support for Nexus S and Xperia X10 mini pro . Banshee V1.9.2

nothing yet for Wp7 , but they are updating to 2.0 SOON! . hopefully they gona intergrate Wp7 in Vershion2.0++
Se1fcr3ation 50000000?

I cant even install Zune for my Win 7 64 bit... I tried everything and formatted so many times just for zune. I found one blog user who said you need to download the 500mb zune version, extract the exe and find setup files the copy dlls and other files to your system folders and then run the install to avoid portable device error.. I lost that blog link so I have no Zune.

The phone constantly crashes every so and so. Example the texts and pages get scrambled text.. even flipping does not fix it. So have to reboot

Video history is stored so porn or "privacy" as people call it is out the question

No copy and paste / oh right the "UPDATE" that is coming and its 27 days overdue and you have MS talking to the wanker CHEVRON whose site is so hard to use and understand aswell as his documentation.. what ever happened to iphone jailbreak - visit a url on your phone and your done

No USB sync even with the registry hacks as I have no Zune

No FTP/wireless as those apps need zune to be installed

No RDC works with the phone as the apps/phone rubbish (HTC HD 7)

HTC HD 7 battery is terrible!!

the volume is awful too

Calls are too good when driving so no loud speaker

No voice recorder

Cant see miss calls or sort calls by missed or dialled

task multi tasking and the dreaded back button

sometimes video and music and other apps like internet just show a black screen including market place and never load

oh and microsoft freemasons downloading all our data...

and you say there cloud apps?
Se1fcr3ation 50000000?

The phone constantly crashes every so and so. Example the texts and pages get scrambled text.. even flipping does not fix it. So have to reboot

^^ Haven't experienced this. Actually, haven't even restarted my phone in weeks. Return it for another.

Video history is stored so porn or "privacy" as people call it is out the question

^^ Your issue. How is it up to the OS to hide porn so your girlfriend doesn't see it?

No copy and paste / oh right the "UPDATE" that is coming and its 27 days overdue and you have MS talking to the wanker CHEVRON whose site is so hard to use and understand aswell as his documentation.. what ever happened to iphone jailbreak - visit a url on your phone and your done

^^ 27 days? MS never gave an exact date of the update. Chevron had nothing to do with the phone, OS, or anything else. How does that relate?

HTC HD 7 battery is terrible!!

^^ Did you try letting it drain fully, then charging for 8 hours? That's what worked for me. But maybe a bad phone, return it.

the volume is awful too
^^ Agreed. Hopefully a fix soon.

No voice recorder
^^ Write a voice recorder app. Actually, I thought I saw one reviewed on this site.

I commented on some of your thoughts above. If you don't like the phone, return it. Did you just get it? I'm curious as to what phone you came from.

A lot of the items will be fixed in updates. The OS is only a few months old.
I commented on some of your thoughts above. If you don't like the phone, return it. Did you just get it? I'm curious as to what phone you came from.

A lot of the items will be fixed in updates. The OS is only a few months old.

I have had the phone for a few months on O2 and came from a string of phones, BB, Samsung, iPhone, 3/4 etc.. happy with the phone if I can find another way other than ****TY zune to sync the phone.

Microsoft support is CRAP they deleted an entire forum
I have had the phone for a few months on O2 and came from a string of phones, BB, Samsung, iPhone, 3/4 etc.. happy with the phone if I can find another way other than ****TY zune to sync the phone.

Microsoft support is CRAP they deleted an entire forum

I figured you came from a line of smartphones, like me. This OS will leave you looking for something of the things in your other phones, but it will get there. I'm struggling with a lot of things too, but giving it a fair shot.

I will say I like Zune better then iTunes. I think iTunes is clunky, bloated and slow.
wow... it is a breath of fresh air! I knocked on Microsoft real bad for Windows Mobile and I was one of those "what a futile attempt at a comeback" well that was one B****slap to the face followed by the metaphorical "I did it out of love" lol (make a mental image of an HD7 doing that to you) and I, as well, jumped ship from Verizon to join T-Mobile it's the best network for the price where I'm currently living... (sorry for the rant, it's just I didn't think I would become a fan after only using it for one day haha). I had the original Droid and I loved it only I got sucked into the "rooted" world and flashing ROM after ROM I realized what I wanted from a Smartphone and ironically enough; Android wasn't providing that for me. So after researching the whole WP7 thing I realized wow these forums (among others) just made me a hypocrite lol jk. So any regrets? nah.
@Luisraul924, rooting/ROM's is one of the reasons I got a WP7. I was flashing ROM's on my Fascinate (and original Droid) and it ends up taking up all your time. Seems like I was flashing a different ROM weekly. So it because more of a hobby, or toy instead of a phone.

So I do enjoy using my HD7 as a phone and nothing else. I still have VZW for my other phones, but I think you are right about T-Mo and their prices. Although coverage is not good in my area, so when Verizon gets a 4" or 4.3" WP7 I'll probably go back to them.
Does anyone know other software other than zune to transfer files between phones (drop box app does not save stuff)
I stepped away from Windows when my TMO MDA broke for the 6th time and then went to BB to Android and back to BB and finally back to Windows.

Aside from the battery life (nothing compares to a BB)I really like it. I already had a Zune 80 and Zune account and Zune worked fine on my W7 64bit. Its taken a little getting use d to but no more than switching from Windows to BB or Android for that matter. I never could get comfortable with the android file architecture but maybe thats me.

My biggest concern was actually the lack of a keyboard. Ive had a keyboard on my phone going back to a Nokia 6800, then Sidekick 2, sidekick3, MDA, BB8800, G1 and lastly the BB9700. I had tried the s/w keyboard on the G1 but hated it, but I took a chance and it seems like its going to work out fine.

I am looking forward to the updates and trying out stuff as it comes along. I would like an Audible app but thats not a phone issue.

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