Se1fcr3ation 50000000?
The phone constantly crashes every so and so. Example the texts and pages get scrambled text.. even flipping does not fix it. So have to reboot
^^ Haven't experienced this. Actually, haven't even restarted my phone in weeks. Return it for another.
Video history is stored so porn or "privacy" as people call it is out the question
^^ Your issue. How is it up to the OS to hide porn so your girlfriend doesn't see it?
No copy and paste / oh right the "UPDATE" that is coming and its 27 days overdue and you have MS talking to the wanker CHEVRON whose site is so hard to use and understand aswell as his documentation.. what ever happened to iphone jailbreak - visit a url on your phone and your done
^^ 27 days? MS never gave an exact date of the update. Chevron had nothing to do with the phone, OS, or anything else. How does that relate?
HTC HD 7 battery is terrible!!
^^ Did you try letting it drain fully, then charging for 8 hours? That's what worked for me. But maybe a bad phone, return it.
the volume is awful too
^^ Agreed. Hopefully a fix soon.
No voice recorder
^^ Write a voice recorder app. Actually, I thought I saw one reviewed on this site.