Anybody succeeded at unlocking the 830?

I just did one more bit of investigation and now am 110% sure that Rogers and Fido are absolutely the same phone; they both have the same Nokia product code and FW variant in the Nokia Care download repository, product code 059W5G2. So Fido is selling the Rogers phone effectively. There is no Fido specific model, as there is no Fido specific carrier customization.
Anyone get an unlock to work yet? I'm hoping to buy a Fido version and unlock it for AT&T. Insane pricing and poor color choice leaves me in the crazy situation of coming out ahead buying the phone next time I'm up in Alberta.
Not yet. I have been trying to get a code for 15 days now. I am supposed to get some news from Fido this Friday. But I am not holding my breath.
Yesterday when I got ahold of a supervisor within the unlocking department at Fido they finally coughed up the lovely tidbit of info that they are currently unable to unlock ANY Nokia Lumia phones at all, and this has been the case for "a few weeks" due to a "systems issue". Something like their automated system gives an error for every Lumia IMEI and they have to submit a request for someone in their back-office to manually find the paper with the unlock code which can take 6-8 weeks. I am escalating, including trying to get someone from Nokia to put pressure on Rogers / Fido, but no success so far.
Got to talk to another person in EOS department at Fido. When he types my IMEI, the system is telling him IMEI not found in database. He is very surprised of that. He phoned the one up department but apparently they still don't have the code. He told me that he is going to follow-up closely within the next day and he will also call Nokia himself to get the code (that's something they apparently can do). The guy gave me his name and extension if I want to call him back in 24-48 hours max but he is supposed to call me back anyway.
yes from my experience with carrier locked phones between the two, both sim will work in either network.

i recently bought a discontinued fido locked lumia 625 and it works with my rogers prepaid card..

and i have the same problem as you guys, i cant get it unlocked through 3rd party websites and has to be only with fido/rogers
Any success with Fido calling back with an unlock code? I'm really hoping they have the unlock situation worked out by late December.
Maybe its a coincidence, maybe its not, but literally the day after the CCTS acknowledged receiving my complaint about Fido and starting to process it (complaint submitted Friday 11/08/2014, response received from CCTS on Tue 11/11/2014), Fido suddenly came through with my unlock code (code received on Wed 11/12/2014 am), strangely enough by responding (with a private message) to a post a put up on their public Facebook site. So despite multiple calls to customer service and promises of a call back no one ever did actually call me back, but apparently public shaming and threats of government action do help. So all I can recommend from my experience is to file a CCTS complaint and post on Fido's Facebook page, as those two actions seem to actually get some results.
Excellent!!! Thanks for the update. I filled out a complaint with CCTS this morning and got an answer back that they acknowledged the complaint this afternoon. Now Fido is supposed to have got the complaint. Let's wait until Monday...
Glad to hear that the unlock codes are being made available; worries to hear about how hard the fight was! I wonder if things might speed up as the phone has been out longer and more people will be looking for unlocks.
Ok so as mentioned the CCTS acknowledged and sent the complaint to Fido last friday the 14th at 3:00 pm and I got a call this afternoon from a lady (from the president's office she said ??? anyway) and she was ready to give me the unlock code. Haven't tried the code yet but the CCTS process is scary efficient. Not sure why Fido responds so fast to resolve an official complaint from CCTS like that considering they have 30 days to resolve it...maybe they have some sort of incentive to move quickly...
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That is kind of amazing both in a good and bad way; good that complaining to the CCTS gets quick action, but ridiculous that consumers have to do this to get anywhere with Fido. My guess btw is that the CCTS measures something like "mean time / days to resolution" for each carrier, so carriers are incented to resolve complaints quickly.
hey I just tried to have my phone unlocked by Rogers and they said they couldn't do it for me.

What type of complaint with the CCTC did you guys file cause I put it under other and described it and they said they did not accept that type of complaint.

Anyone know of a place that I can have it unlocked from Rogers (Canada)?
First you must have bought it outright to be able to get the phone unlocked right away. You you got it subsidized, they have up to 90 days to unlock it. I can't remember in which category I put it but since unlocking has its own section in the code of conduct, it is obviously in the scope of CCTS. You have to put a lot of details and dates of each of your requests to Rogers
Digging up old thread, but anyone have a service they've used that worked? I typed the IMEI into imei info and it came back as a 1020, so that didn't make me feel too inspired to use them.

I have an 830, RM-985, with carrier 000-CA. Putting a US sim card in it says it needs an unlock code. Apparently, this phone is locked to Rogers.

How do I get an unlock code from them so that I can use this in the US? Or, do I do go through an online provider?
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