Anyone else excited for the mango rumor?


New member
Aug 7, 2011
Rumor's is mango may be released this week

Still wondering if i should get excited or this will be another event like the rumors of September 1st

Im still having my guess as being release in october

any thoughts?
Sounds like they're announcing the announcement of Mango this week if AT&T's release is anything to go by. "Coming in the Fall" apparently... :(
I think that its coming really soon Thats based n the recent Zune 4.8 update and the even more recent Microsoft update for Window Phone 7 usb device drivers. Its quite similar to the runup timetable for the nodo and prenodo update sequence. If not this week before October IMHO
Well I guess we'll know September 15ish when the rumor stated we'd see a release :P. Just hold on for three days.
I see 2 approximate dates mentioned by ATT today-"Fall"-September 22nd and "Q4"-October 1st. At least they are saying something about a time frame...
I reckon it will be announced on the 15th and AT&T will have it pushed to all their phones within the week... Optimistic but i think it will happen.
Mango phones are on sale/going on sale in days. Finished ROMs have been leaked. The Marketplace is rapidly filling up with Mango-ized apps. It's blatantly obvious that it's all done bar someone flipping a switch and letting the rest of us have it.

I think unbranded will be out this week on the 15th*, then it can officially be classed as "released", and the heat for any delays after that falls on the carriers and not MS. Which is why I'm glad I debranded my phone so I'm not holding out for a carrier to get round to maybe releasing it sometime this century. Perhaps.


*If rumours are right, this gives WP7 a clear run of a month or so before the launch of the iPhone 5 with no big Android releases (hardware or software) inbetween either. MS would be nuts not to get Mango out first and give it the best shot they can.
Mango phones are on sale/going on sale in days. Finished ROMs have been leaked. The Marketplace is rapidly filling up with Mango-ized apps. It's blatantly obvious that it's all done bar someone flipping a switch and letting the rest of us have it.

I think unbranded will be out this week on the 15th*, then it can officially be classed as "released", and the heat for any delays after that falls on the carriers and not MS. Which is why I'm glad I debranded my phone so I'm not holding out for a carrier to get round to maybe releasing it sometime this century. Perhaps.


*If rumours are right, this gives WP7 a clear run of a month or so before the launch of the iPhone 5 with no big Android releases (hardware or software) inbetween either. MS would be nuts not to get Mango out first and give it the best shot they can.

This is why I don't understand those who think it's going to be delayed until around late October/November; it's already finished and ready to be released!

MS need to get this out... sooner the better. And, to answer the thread... I can't wait! :D
The release date for software upgrades is determined by the carrier, not MS. If I wasn't already upgraded to Mango, I'd do myself a huge favor and ignore all the rumors, etc and just be pleasantly surprised when it's released.
All of these unofficial blogs and message boards have a very unsettling way of turning rumor into fact, which leads to some very disgruntled customers.
Need an example? How about that wp7 google+ app that went from rumor, to google+ saying the mobile site would be compatible with wp7/IE, to "google+ app for wp7 will be released next week" on all the blogs and message boards.

I'd say the odds of a carrier-wide release of mango this week are about 0.00000000000000000000000000000%

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