Well this puts me into a bit of a conundrum. I would never buy a phone, no matter what OS it's running, from companies who use Foxconn to make their hardware simply because the hardware quality control coming out of those plants is, to be blunt, f-ing awful. So that leaves just HTC (which isn't a bad thing. Quite the opposite in fact). Having said that, if my WP8 experience isn't satisfactory due to Nokia being given special treatment, I will not buy a Lumia. I will, as one reply mentioned, buy an HTC One, which is a phone I might add, that should shut up the one or two posters who just gloated in this thread in poor sportsmanship. Show me a Nokia phone that even comes close. Don't worry, I can wait for them to try at MWC. Good luck. Your attitude is only hurting yourself. Nokia needs WP8. So making light of others being upset is pretty foolish unless you enjoy seeing the platform sit at 2% market share. You let me know how well those exclusive apps are working out for ya when people get peeved and move to another OS, Einstein.