Anyone else think WP10 should get a lot more customization?


New member
Nov 4, 2012

I was thinking about it lately, they showed some cool stuff and I know they didnt showed everything. But I will be really disappointed if they dont work on lockscreen for example.

My suggestions for more customization:

- a lot more color themes on tiles and also the ability to mix your own color
- the ability to use one, two or more themes for tiles, so they dont all have to be red or blue for example (yes I know this can be done through some 3rd party apps but not possible without "redirection from the 3rd party app
- new lockscreen, ability to choose from various locksceen designs.

What do you guys think?
I think everyone else will wait until they see WP10 before asking for more features.

Right now, we don't know what's really in there.
I think everyone else will wait until they see WP10 before asking for more features.

Right now, we don't know what's really in there.

Sounds fair enough. We did saw a basic lockscreen at MS event though. I hope theyll change it.
Sounds fair enough. We did saw a basic lockscreen at MS event though. I hope theyll change it.

absolutely NOTHING to go by, what we saw at the W10 event was so rough and unfinished that they had to show most of the features and how they work via a powerpoint demo and not the actual product.

historically (if previous versions of windows were anything to go by) visual updates are among the last things to get added, that said I know this particular dev cycle is a bit more focused on visuals then previous cycles, I think it still holds true to an extent, things like lockscreen, I'm sure will get updated, and I'm sure it will be one of the last changes we see, and honestly, I wouldnt be surprised if we see the fancy live lockscreens built into it (not just ran by apps). I have a sneaky suspicion that the reason microsoft abandon live lockscreen beta was because they were unstatidfied with the reult, and there fore looked for a more practical way to accomplish it in W10 (thats jsut hopeful speculation though. and I'm rambling lol

TL;DR: I'd expect updates to the lockscreen and other kinds of settings, what you saw was very very unfinished, expect things like lockscreen updates to be last though.
I want to customize (edit) keyboard dictionary on W10. That's one. Two, I want to save WhatsApp chat (but think this one is on WA size not Microsoft)
I kind of like the way it is now. But I am hopping windows 10 will make it more mainstream that way we may get more apps. Then people will wine less.
I kind of like the way it is now. But I am hopping windows 10 will make it more mainstream that way we may get more apps. Then people will wine less.

I didnt said I dont like it. I said its needs more customization, that way it will be appealing to more people. And this current lockscreen design is here since what version? 7.5? It really needs a change.
I just need one thing, MS should leave the present start screen the way it is, I don't like the idea of having background pics behind the tiles, kinda like the black and white background, if they must, then is should be an option to switch between the two customization option
I just need one thing, MS should leave the present start screen the way it is, I don't like the idea of having background pics behind the tiles, kinda like the black and white background, if they must, then is should be an option to switch between the two customization option

I really doubt that they will force you to have picture in start screen. It will be optional I think.

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