Anyone Keeping Lumia 900 past 30 days?

dude you are unbelievable first off no one is *****ing but you. You act like you are the designer of this device. I simply said i was unhappy with the camera and nokia for not even addressing it. the advertising beta testing stuff yeah they talk about the pictures yet it doesn't produce. I like the phone for other reasons and again since you cant seem to understand i never said i was returning or that i wanted to.

I plan on keeping mine. Every time I have a "holy crap this phone blows" moment it's followed by a "huh that's kinda nifty" moment. Supporting the underdog unpolished Microsoft product has those moments.

Watch out, not ever having switched from iOS (except the week where the Motorola Droid came out) I never had to criticize another OS or ask for advice or anything on it. A lot of the people are are pretty objective but there are some that rival some of the worst iOS/Android fanboys I've seen. Don't say anything negative about WP7 or you will get your head chewed off by someone who is convinced it is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

And to add to the topic, yeah the camera is disappointing. After using an iPhone 4S camera I am sad my brand new flagship phone is basically only comparable to my almost two-year-old iPhone 4. :(
I've been preaching Android since 11-5-2009 when I got my OG Motorola Droid. I'm now typing this on my Lumia 900. I absolutely will be keeping mine past 30. You'll have to pry the phone out of my dead hands before I give it up. I'm a convert.
I plan on keeping mine. Every time I have a "holy crap this phone blows" moment it's followed by a "huh that's kinda nifty" moment. Supporting the underdog unpolished Microsoft product has those moments.

Watch out, not ever having switched from iOS (except the week where the Motorola Droid came out) I never had to criticize another OS or ask for advice or anything on it. A lot of the people are are pretty objective but there are some that rival some of the worst iOS/Android fanboys I've seen. Don't say anything negative about WP7 or you will get your head chewed off by someone who is convinced it is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

And to add to the topic, yeah the camera is disappointing. After using an iPhone 4S camera I am sad my brand new flagship phone is basically only comparable to my almost two-year-old iPhone 4. :(
Wouldn't this be a bit of a compliment, considering that the Iphone 4 and 4s are considered some of the best camera phones on the market?

I have yet to have any type of camera phone truely take great low light pictures. My biggest issues with the camera revolve around it having a hard time focusing on close objects instead of the objects in the background. Something that I feel will probably be addressed in a firmware.

My biggest issue with the device is that it keeps killing my wifi bandwidth for some random reason. This might be the one thing that sends me down to AT&T to try an exchange.
My biggest issue with the device is that it keeps killing my wifi bandwidth for some random reason. This might be the one thing that sends me down to AT&T to try an exchange.

Killing your Wi-Fi bandwith? That's weird, could be an issue with your router.

Watch out, not ever having switched from iOS (except the week where the Motorola Droid came out) I never had to criticize another OS or ask for advice or anything on it. A lot of the people are are pretty objective but there are some that rival some of the worst iOS/Android fanboys I've seen. Don't say anything negative about WP7 or you will get your head chewed off by someone who is convinced it is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

I hate fanboys, whatever the OS they support. All conversations end up in irrational rage.

If you guys spot a WP7 ****** around here, tell him to take it down a notch, I hate seeing that stuff around here.
Killing your Wi-Fi bandwith? That's weird, could be an issue with your router.

I hate fanboys, whatever the OS they support. All conversations end up in irrational rage.

If you guys spot a WP7 ****** around here, tell him to take it down a notch, I hate seeing that stuff around here.

Check out very thread. JD914 ironically complaining about "trolls" and then he disparages anyone who dares to criticize this device. I really don't understand the blind ****** devotion to a platform that blinds people to the inadequacies and missteps that are currently present both in the platform in the device. There is certainly much to criticize.

But there's a lot to love as well - enough to more than make up for the glaring shortcomings present in WP and the 900. I'm not new to Windows Phone - I had the Arrive on Sprint for the past year - so I've learned to live with certain aspects of Windows Phone that I find annoying or frustrating. I will say that the 900 mitigates many of the issues that had plagued my Arrive: poor app performance when scrolling was a daily chore on my Arrive and on the 900 these problems are mostly gone. The OS is much faster and smoother in general, which I really am finding refreshing. Build quality is another big win for the 900, and so is the quality of the screen. I was really impressed that Nokia pushed out the update three days early - I'm really optimistic about future updates. As someone who experienced the 3G/4G/LTE data bug twice last week (and had to search the forums each time in order to apply temporary fixes), I was really started to get discouraged. Thankfully, Nokia pushed the update in a very satisfactory timeframe and kicked in $100 to boot. I'm more than satisfied with their response

And the data speeds - wow. Coming from Sprint, I had no idea what I was missing. HSPA+ is very fast. Speed test indicated 4Mbps on HSPA+ where my Arrive would get 200Kbps. The difference is unreal. And LTE - this thing flies on LTE. Load times are non-existent. Map tiles load instantly. Web pages load very quickly. App content populates almost instantly.

It's too bad that things aren't the same when I'm on WiFi, though. WiFi was never an issue on my Arrive but I'm finding it to be very flaky on my 900. Random 10-15 second pauses when content should be loading (content that loads almost instantly on LTE). The WiFi icon will sometimes indicate strong signal but content will not load. Cycling WiFi off/on usually fixes this problem, but it's been happening way too often for me to continue to overlook it. It's continued to happen post-update as well.

And as others have said, the camera is really disappointing. Obviously I knew that going in, since I read all the reviews and saw the sample camera shots, but it's something that really cannot be overstated. For Nokia to pimp this camera in commercials and marketing campaigns is ridiculous. My friend and I took side-by-side shots in several different lighting conditions, me on my 900 and him on his iPhone 4S and it wasn't even close. The 4S by a million miles.

But like I said, what I love about the 900 overshadows what irritates me about the 900 and I'm going to keep it. I'm optimistic that Nokia will release updates to address the shortcomings, and I'll learn to live with what isn't fixed. I already adjusted my life to revolve around the capabilities (and lack of them) in the Windows Phone ecosystem when I switched from Android to the Arrive in March 2011, so there wasn't any culture shock with the Lumia 900. But I certainly can understand those who return the 900 and go back to their iPhones and Android devices - at least for now, anyway.
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I totally agree with above well said good view I love the phone and I hope they push a firmware fix for it.

Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express
Orange spot?

What's this orange spot in the middle of my dollar? It happened. Camera = bad.

Where is this orange spot you are talking about?? I can't see any orange spots...unless of course you are referring to very very very faint discolourations on the bill?
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Calm down folks. Profanity and personal attacks are not welcomed. Lets keep this civilized.
Where is this orange spot you are talking about?? I can't see any orange spots...unless of course you are referring to very very very faint discolourations on the bill?

While indoors or in low light point the camera to a white wall, you'll be able to clearly see it. While outdoors everything if fine and dandy. This is a well known software issue and also visible on the HTC Titan. I'm not sure what other devices are affected by this.
Keeping mine 'til Windows Phone 8 comes out on the next generation Nokia with a higher resolution screen and a better camera. Should be later this year or early next. Then, I'm going to break my contract, pay the fee (recovering most of the money by selling my phone either through eBay, Gazelle or Best Buy Trade-In) and then puchasing the new phone (subsidized on a 2 yr contract) and porting my number. Depending upon the subsidized cost of the new phone, it should only come out to about $100 - $150 out of pocket considering we all got the phone for free. Adios iPhones....been good to know you.
If they have the blue before 30 days im switching lol!

Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express
My Cyan is a great upgrade from my iPhone 3GS. Love WP7, love the screen. Camera is an upgrade for me. Compared the camera to my mother's iPhone 4s last night. Her's was better in low light, but I have wider lens so it seems. I'll have to try day light pictures.

But I'm keeping it. FREE FTW!
I'm on my 4th handset. I exchanged my 1st one only because of the call speaker was glitching. Then I went through 3 handsets in ONE DAY. All three were "Green Sticker" units which according to the manager at At&t were checked for hardware and software issues. Well all three, which includes the one I'm stuck with now have a horrible Vibra unit. It sounds like a clunking/metallic grind every time it runs. What sucks is the At&t employees agreed with me it didn't sound right, but the system wouldn't allow them to exchange another one, even though I had not even left the store with it. I contacted Nokia support via chat, they escalated my complaint and someone from Nokia is supposed to contact me around 230pm today. I'm also bothered by the Camera button not waking the phone from sleep, and the volume buttons not working with the lock screen, except for some music apps.

Pending my call with Nokia, and what they can do to help me; then will decide if I keep it or wait till this fall for a WP8 handset. My Samsung focus is twice as responsive as the Lumia 900, and everything works as advertised with my Focus, a Gen 1 device.:dry
I'm on my 4th handset. I exchanged my 1st one only because of the call speaker was glitching. Then I went through 3 handsets in ONE DAY. All three were "Green Sticker" units which according to the manager at At&t were checked for hardware and software issues. Well all three, which includes the one I'm stuck with now have a horrible Vibra unit. It sounds like a clunking/metallic grind every time it runs. What sucks is the At&t employees agreed with me it didn't sound right, but the system wouldn't allow them to exchange another one, even though I had not even left the store with it. I contacted Nokia support via chat, they escalated my complaint and someone from Nokia is supposed to contact me around 230pm today. I'm also bothered by the Camera button not waking the phone from sleep, and the volume buttons not working with the lock screen, except for some music apps.

Pending my call with Nokia, and what they can do to help me; then will decide if I keep it or wait till this fall for a WP8 handset. My Samsung focus is twice as responsive as the Lumia 900, and everything works as advertised with my Focus, a Gen 1 device.:dry
I would have said to return the device, no restocking fee. Then repurchase the device when you're eligible again.
I'll never understand people that buy things as important and heavily used as a smartphone with zero research involved and then complain about all the issues. Nothing is perfect. Do your homework.
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"anyone keeping this phone past 30 days?"
"its been plagued by some issues."
"so when you do take that picture while out and it comes out blurry with blue spots and yellow spots say goodbye to the moment"

How's Apple as an employer? 1$ per post?
I plan on keeping mine. Every time I have a "holy crap this phone blows" moment it's followed by a "huh that's kinda nifty" moment. Supporting the underdog unpolished Microsoft product has those moments.

Watch out, not ever having switched from iOS (except the week where the Motorola Droid came out) I never had to criticize another OS or ask for advice or anything on it. A lot of the people are are pretty objective but there are some that rival some of the worst iOS/Android fanboys I've seen. Don't say anything negative about WP7 or you will get your head chewed off by someone who is convinced it is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

And to add to the topic, yeah the camera is disappointing. After using an iPhone 4S camera I am sad my brand new flagship phone is basically only comparable to my almost two-year-old iPhone 4. :(

I think the iPhone 4's camera might actually be better. You can turn on HDR to really help out low light shots. And I've always liked the videos the iPhone 4 takes. I haven't really used the Lumia's camera all that much. But I've got some events coming up that I plan to use the Lumia at.

I am fairly sure I am keeping the Lumia. The big screen is growing on me even if I do feel it is just a tad too large still. Very hard to use my iPhone now.

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