Anyone playing galactic reign?

My oh my, this post got a huge bump. Still haven't dared buying the game in fear that its to hard to play casual. Scared of these games even though they can be fun.
My oh my, this post got a huge bump. Still haven't dared buying the game in fear that its to hard to play casual. Scared of these games even though they can be fun.

It's not that huge if a cost where it's gonna break your bank.
Been going through the battle academy on the free version. Will buy the full version on Friday and will add my Gametag then. Looking forward to some multiplayer action.
XBL: NatKingColeman. someone please challenge me, i keep having opponents quit the match off matchmaking!

I will fight you. I always follow through on the game till the end. I have become like this crazy GC player. :) Especially because I can play at office due to its turn based nature :P
It doesn't look like we can actually accept invites via email. Email 'invite' links just go to the game's store page. :(
I do wish I could send messages using the W8 Games app (for free), I'd like to able to chat to opponents as well on GR. Anyway, Jay, thanks for that great game earlier.
I do wish I could send messages using the W8 Games app (for free), I'd like to able to chat to opponents as well on GR. Anyway, Jay, thanks for that great game earlier.

You can send Xbox LIVE messages in the Games hub, though IDK if they will pop up as toast notifications, and the person would have to pause the app to view them (unless he wants to read and reply on the PC).
@ Metrosity - anytime :) just invite me for a game anytime. I will do the same. Turn based games rock!

@Keith - to be able to send messages we would have to get Xbox gold subscription. It is odd because post GR matches, I get messages but can't reply. It makes me sad and the other person probably thinks that I was rude for not replying :(
Any awful players out there that love the game anyway?

I'll admit: this is the first strategy game of ANY kind that I just have NOT been able to figure out.

Add me!

Gamertag: Contained Coast
The problem I have is that barely anyone I know owns a windows phone. I would really like to be able to play this game with others. XBGT: Laws of Anarchy
I am facing another kind of problem - time zones. I am on the eastern side of the world and all the windows phone gamers are on the western part of the world. So, when I am awake and ready to game the other players are sleeping and vice versa.

The internet can break gaming borders but not time zones :P
Gamertag: KalvinMiller

Just bought it today. I'll take you up on that, prestonalan - so far I have moments of genius surrounded by stupid moves!

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