Anyone want to comment?

Nutella is just riding the organic growth of cloud. Once cloud becomes commoditised he will retire with his billions as Microsoft becomes an empty shell of its former self. The future of technology hinges on the association of being "cool". Hence the dire importance of having cool consumer products. Satay just has such a low IQ he doesn't get that, at all. ******** I miss Ballmer and his sweaty armpits.

Tell that to amazon. About as far from cool as you get. About as cool as a warehouse store, or a post office.

No, cool in terms of smartphone type hardware, only lasts as long as the hardware itself is cool. Which increasingly, it isn't. Post-adoption markets slow down, switch to price point competition. We are basically there in the west now. In five years more people will be buying Huawei or similar than flagship premium phones. That's just how hardware markets go - remember when everyone tried to have the latest PC? Or biggest TV?

The next "cool" there, will be with the next new hit, mass adoption product. We don't have one yet, and everyone is scrambling to find it, MSFT included. Could be VR, AR, AI, IoT or foldable screen tech. VR is probably closest, but it's doubtful to have the adoption rates smartphones had!
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People like to only mention cloud, but Satya puts a lot of focus in other areas as well, including: XBOX, Microsoft Studios (Gaming), A.I. (not only Cortana), Mixed Reality, IoT, Surface, Visual Studio, Bing, Office.

Fact is, Groove, Windows Phone & other canceled products were canceled because they were products only few used. It's ridiculous to pour money into products only die-hard fans were looking at. But it's much easier to make your own made up argument by stating that he only cares about cloud huh? Satya is placing focus on Microsoft's strongpoints. Balmer tried and tried for years to win over consumers with these products but never really succeeded. That's not on Satya.
Tell that to amazon. About as far from cool as you get. About as cool as a warehouse store, or a post office.

Amazon is run by Bezos and the cl0wns in 'Murica. The De3p St4te has resources and connections you can't even imagine. Terrible comparison.
Nadella was the head of cloud/azure business under Ballmer, Nadella was credited highly for the success... it was one of the main driving forces for appointment of Nadella as CEO

He may have done well with the cloud, but cloud is not the only service Microsoft provides.
I totally get that he's been a benefit to the stockholders. But, as a consumer, I don't really care. I don't own stock. I buy their products and services.

You may not understand, but as a fan you SHOULD care. Financial health is the foundation for high performance - look at the Phoenix Coyotes if you want to see what hundred million dollar losses does to results.

To keep the sport analogy going, in mobile Apple and Android are high performing and are getting all the wins. MS is trying to formulate a game plan to counter this - and yes, they've zigzagged along the way, but they now think they have something promising. They're keeping the "players" that fit with the plan (Surface family), and they're dumping the ones that don't - even when some appear to have potential. Sure it seems brutal but understandable when they've already wasted huge resources on things that amounted to nothing like acquiring Nokia - arguably the Carmelo Anthony of mobile?

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