App and Developer Forum Rules & Guidelines

James Falconer

New member
Nov 1, 2012
Windows Central has provided some forums areas just for developers. These areas are for you to showcase your apps, run beta tests, we even have a developer hidden area where developers can discuss app development without interference.

Join our Developer Program: To join this group you must be a current developer with at least one app available in the Marketplace. You can qualify with an app in Beta or available via .xap if you don't have anything published. To join the group just post in this thread and add a link to your app. We will add you to the group. Links to apps via xap are subject to review before entering this program.

Benefits of joining the Windows Central Developers group:

  • Access to the Developer Beta Test Area. We have a developer beta test area open to all developers. Please do post your beta test apps. We encourage you to gather email addresses for addition to you beta test. We do not allow posting of email addresses in open forum so members will need to contact you via the Windows Central Private Message system to provide their emails addresses. Just tell members to PM you their email addresses you can add this to your post in the Beta Test forum area.
  • Access to the Developer Spotlight Area. This is the place for you to post your marketplace apps. We know how hard it is to get the word out about your apps. This is one of our most popular forum areas. Use this area to post your apps. Please include marketplace links only. Links to websites outside of the Mobile Nations is restricted per our Mobile Nations rules and guidelines.
  • A developer user tag

Some things to remember when posting or participating in the Windows Central Developers program:

  • Any outside links other than the Windows/Windows Phone Store is strictly prohibited.
  • Additional websites promoting applications is in violation of Mobile Nations guidelines - Self Promotion or Advertising - Mobile Nations maintains a no advertising policy in the forums. Any member found to be advertising, promoting or leaching traffic (including via paid link forwarders) for profit or personal gain will result in infractions and possible removal from the forums.
  • Bumping threads,or keeping your thread “Hot” will result in forum rule infraction and could be considered spam which will result in your removal from the forums.
  • Please keep application to one thread only in the Applications Spotlight forum. Multiple threads outside this section will be removed and your account will result in forum infractions.
  • Please remember that this is a privately owned forum. We reserve the right to institute rules for the greater benefit of the community.
  • Posting of links and images is only allowed once members have posted ten (10) meaningful posts in our forums.

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