[App] EmiPSX - Play station emulator for Windows Phone 8

(long post)

Let me explain some things:

• If you can`t run the game with bios properly installed (scph1001.bin listed into Roms > Intenal) and enabled ( ... > configure > Enable BIOS), PSX CPU = 60% and BIAS = 2, then game is not supported yet. All you can do is to wait until the emulator will be fully rewritten and finally updated (you must know why it was necessary to rewriting if you really has read the whole topic). At now, there is a closed beta for those who can translate the emulator for languages other than English and Portugu?s. Personally, I`m seeking for Vigilante 8: 2nd Offence support.
• If you has no SD card but have Wi-Fi router, use HTTP file server program (classic Windows only) - downloading from your WLAN should be more stable and fast than through OneDrive. Here is little tutorial by darth3pio for it.
Ol?, Andre. Eu sou brasileiro, e apoio muito seu trabalho como desenvolvedor pioneiro do emulador de PSX para Windows Phone, at? comprei a vers?o completa do app. Notei que a ?ltima vers?o do emulador saiu bem antes do lan?amento do Windows Phone 8.1 (se eu estiver errado, pode corrigir-me XD). Pelo que li aqui no f?rum, voc? teve problemas com o notebook que guardava os projetos do emulador h? uns 5 meses aproximadamente, eu gostaria de saber: quando uma nova atualiza??o ser? lan?ada? E se tiver, quais as novidades dela? Um abra?o amigo, e muito sucesso! :grin:
Hi Andre,
It's good to see you back in business!!
I've bought EmiPSX just because I just want to play PSX on-the-go on my Lumia..

I recently played Digimon World 3. It's really good.. but it came really painful when something interrupt, like incoming phone call or accidentally pressing softkey below. Because the game will freeze, and the option is only two. Which is quitting the apps (not saving anything) and Save/Load state.
If I pressed Save State, the game will automatic closed.

Please fix this..
hello andre just wanted to first say thanks for all your hard work and dedication. also I have been trying roms all day and I got diablo, gauntlet,castlevania sotn, quake 2, and res evils all working really smooth and easy on my lumia icon ( unfortunately Verizon).also my speakers don't sound messed up wich is a common complaint but I plug my phone into a portable or a Bluetooth speaker and it has nice separation etc so it sounds nice. thanks again for everything keep up the good work oh and I bought the emipsx not the trial AS SHOULD ANYONE WHO KEEPS IT ON THERE PHONE!! thanks bro
Great app, so far out of the games I've played on it only ran into one that doesn't play( Valkrie Profile). My question is for multi disc games like Lunar eternal blue how do I switch discs as the game doesn't prompt to save before doing so?
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Hi Guys! I'm having a lot of problem with games, actually i run succesfully only Gran Turismo (mi smartphone it's a Lumia 1020)
I tryed also FFVIII, FFIX, Heart of Darkness and Abe's Odissey, all without success, black screen and app freezed. Hint?

Also i will let Andre knows that i can translate the app in Italian language if he want.
Any one play Silent hill game?
its work in emipsx ? Please reply if its work I am download the game
Please please solve the problem.
please add support .PBP file in our wp emipsx emulator. Android user challenge with me in some bug of ps1 emulator and I am loss the challenge and now I am so sad 😢....
please solve.
I follow the instruction and read the game.. but cant play after copying the file..... ill try it in diff. rom,, same issue.. theres a Pad and bottons but the screen are black.... did I missed something?
How did you load the rom into your phone, and usually when you first open the rom you need to let it sit for a minute or so as it loads the rom into your apps library at least it did with my roms.
The silence here is getting old. I'm a paying customer that bought the day it was released.
Seeing the complete lack of support and consistent updates is really irking me.
Great app. I've purchased this app and restart my FF VIII journey. But the problem is while I want to save the game, it says 'no memory card'. Am I the only one who meet the problem?
Please help me.
anyone play (WWF SmackDown 2- know the rule) in emipsx emulator? Will it run on emipsx emulator for l620 windows phone?
if run I am download it.. Plz help..
In hopes that a developer may see this: Please make a psx emulator. You will be almost guaranteed to make money on here. A niche that needs filling with a QUALITY app. I remember paying for this app and its was a far cry from what emipsx is on android, id pay AGAIN for something like it.

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