[App] EmiPSX - Play station emulator for Windows Phone 8

Thks for reply and problem with sound? Spyro 1,2,3 not working-after boot, the game freeze on saving screen profile. Is new version for 8.1 on horizont? Donwnload games via onedrive is annoying:D

If you have WP8.1 it is possible to transfer through USB. you can open the ROM with a file manager app.
Hi, sorry the delay on the uptate but last month I was too much busy, unfortunately I can't fix these simple problems right now because I'm rewriting the whole app so all I can do is ask you a little more patience until I finish. Thanks to all that are supporting this app so far.

Andre, I think I found a way that may help you a lot with rewriting EmiPSX or maybe other emulators like EmiGens Plus and the other WP8. There is a thread on XDA where some programs listed, they called "Reflector" and "JustDecompile" and probably can decompile decrypted sideloadable XAP (not the one that can be downloaded through marketplace). You said you had lost all the code but maybe decrypted xap can help. I have one, little outdated, but still can be useful I think. If there is someone with Samsung ATIV S or any other WP8 phone with interop-unlock applied, he can make decrypted xap of actual version. PM me and I`ll give you the xap.

UPD: Here is the part of code I decompiled

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Andre, I think I found a way that may help you a lot with rewriting EmiPSX or maybe other emulators like EmiGens Plus and the other WP8. There is a thread on XDA where some programs listed, they called "Reflector" and "JustDecompile" and probably can decompile decrypted sideloadable XAP (not the one that can be downloaded through marketplace). You said you had lost all the code but maybe decrypted xap can help. I have one, little outdated, but still can be useful I think. If there is someone with Samsung ATIV S or any other WP8 phone with interop-unlock applied, he can make decrypted xap of actual version. PM me and I`ll give you the xap.

UPD: Here is the part of code I decompiled

View attachment 70965

Hi, thanks the help but it can decompile just the c# part, there's a lot of c++ code, anyway I have rewriten most of it already, and I've uploaded a beta version to test the translation, those interested on translate the emulator like you please send PM again.
So,that means we are back in business?! :excited:

download (1).jpg

Btw,sorry,Andre,I translated VBA8 into Urdu for Illidanx(you can see my name in the credits section) but according to him since Urdu is not a supported language on WP,so it can't be integrated into the app.So sorry there,can't help :(
Just received beta with localization. Some bugs found. And not all of them I can fix in the file you sent:

• Log in (should be "Вход" in Russian) button on the OneDrive tab. No such string into the AppResources file.
• Stretch ("Растянуть") и FullScreen ("Полный экран") Image Size options. Also no strings into file.
• Auto ("Авто") FrameSkip option. Also no strings into file.
• Same for BIAS - Auto ("Авто") option
• When choosing "Save State" ingame (pressing SaveStateButtonText), slot images with "State Image" ("Изображение слота") appears. No way I can change it in file too.
• When in Help section, there is Roms tab. I`ve checked translation file and found no untranslated signs. Same untranslated tab into EmiGens Plus. It should be called "Образы".
• Controls tab, OrientText options - AUTO ("Авто"), Portrait ("Портретная"), Landscape ("Ландшафтная"), Landscape Flipped ("Перевёрнутая ландшафтная") untranslated. No such strings into file.
• Once I opened EmiPSX beta again after some open-close cycles, "Rate the app" screen appears. Everything in English. Should I translate it or it`s a part of the system reminders?

Bad things:
• No cheat menu
• Broken games still broken (checked only Vigilante 8: 2nd Offence PAL-E yet)
• As you said, it`s buggy - I`m getting Application Error when pressing ChangeDiskText ingame

Nice things:
• Video Light is working again!

Sent you a new localization file. Everything else about localization seems OK.
Hi Roman, the app is not ready to test yet, the beta is just because I'm rewriting the UI so want to include the translation now.
Some options are not working yet ( like disk change ), are just implemented on the UI side.
The menu options are not localizable, I still have to find a way to change static strings to localizable strings, that is why they're still in english.
The rate warning is automatic but is possible to translate, I'll include it on the transtation too. Anyway, thanks the help.
Hi Roman, the app is not ready to test yet, the beta is just because I'm rewriting the UI so want to include the translation now.
Some options are not working yet ( like disk change ), are just implemented on the UI side.
The menu options are not localizable, I still have to find a way to change static strings to localizable strings, that is why they're still in english.
The rate warning is automatic but is possible to translate, I'll include it on the transtation too. Anyway, thanks the help.

OK. But
• When in Help section, there is Roms tab. I`ve checked translation file and found no untranslated signs. Same untranslated tab into EmiGens Plus. It should be called "Образы".
• Log in (should be "Вход" in Russian) button on the OneDrive tab. No such string into the AppResources file. (It`s localized in EmiGens Plus)
can be fixed now. Also I sent you a new localization file, please check your PM. Everything except those I described in my previous post should be fixed with it.
i desperately want to play alundra on my new 930 but every time i try to download from one drive it only downloads so far before automatically exiting the app, its very disappointing. i have managed to get tomba to work though and so far it runs pretty sweetly, it is half the size of the alundra file though. gonna try final fantasy 7 next, i pray this works
Will the original app be updated when you are finished rewriting it or will you launch a new app altogether?
Btw rayman 2 isn't working on my fresh 930, idk why, I tried with bios and without but all I get is a black screen...
Will the original app be updated when you are finished rewriting it or will you launch a new app altogether?
Btw rayman 2 isn't working on my fresh 930, idk why, I tried with bios and without but all I get is a black screen...

You can wait for the developer response, but here is my thoughts: Of cource there will be an update of the original EmiPSX app, one that me and many others, I think, bought. Currently there is a beta for those who making translations. I received a link to my email, it contains just mine and someone other email, probably guicholuis96 one. So looks like there will be English, Russian, Spanish and Portugu?s (Brasil) language translations in the next update.

Currently Beta is not supposed for game testing, I have an issues (random spikes around - graphical bugs) with Crash Bandicoot 2 (it is working well on the current version), just for the translation purposes. Maybe Andre will opt some people when he will be ready to fixing gaming issues. I think there is not a problem with sharing Beta EmiPSX | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States) link - you can only see describing info and can not install it without Andre`s authorization. You may see how it went before - there is a beta discussion long before app hit the store.

Again, all I listed is my own thoughts. Andre can make it different.
You can wait for the developer response, but here is my thoughts: Of cource there will be an update of the original EmiPSX app, one that me and many others, I think, bought. Currently there is a beta for those who making translations. I received a link to my email, it contains just mine and someone other email, probably guicholuis96 one. So looks like there will be English, Russian, Spanish and Portugu?s (Brasil) language translations in the next update.

Currently Beta is not supposed for game testing, I have an issues (random spikes around - graphical bugs) with Crash Bandicoot 2 (it is working well on the current version), just for the translation purposes. Maybe Andre will opt some people when he will be ready to fixing gaming issues. I think there is not a problem with sharing Beta EmiPSX | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States) link - you can only see describing info and can not install it without Andre`s authorization. You may see how it went before - there is a beta discussion long before app hit the store.

Again, all I listed is my own thoughts. Andre can make it different.

Thanks, I guess you're right.
Hey what's up all you Final Fantasy IX fans out there? I'm... no where near a knowledgable emulator guy or developer... but I am going to be trying my best in the next few days to get FFIX working on this emulator!

I just read through the whole forum here to double check every thing in case I missed a step of how to make games work that crash.

I tried to run FFIX (my first FF game, and my fav - once I saw the first final fantasy ix HD graphics cinematics commercial.. i was sold [at 11/12 years old] I've always wanted to revisit my FFIX passion... as i did end up beating the game without a full eidolon list (the summons) and also ... as i were... 6 levels under the recommended level to beat the game (imagine a 13 year old every day of the week fighting kuja and failing [but my game state was saved up to the final platform and there was not much i could do to level up at THAT save state... except keep trying!])

So the first thing i noticed is that the, after downloading from the one drive... my FFIX.bin gets turned into FFIX[1].bin so hopefully, a little rename will possibly save my FFIX passion again. i'm going to try and figure out also how to compress the image file as well. Right now I am downloading v 1.1 (off coolrom.com) i tried v1.0 and it was unsuccessful.

Also. I remember reading how its best to... download the BIN from one drive, and the ISO from internal (usb drag and drop onto phone storage). I would love to try a .ISO file that way of FFIX to see if the ISO will load after internal storing it... versus, .BIN uploading into the EMIPSX. If anyone has a link to a good FFIX .ISO file that's out there, I can try this also.

I'm determined to get the FFIX to work!

Currently: I've tried 3 different FFIX.BIN files - none of them get me past the load screen.

I have a good feeling about this FFIX.bin v1.1 though because, I just fixed all the EMIPSX settings perfectly and i've not tried the V1.1 yet xD

anyways. I'm running this on WP 8 HTC model. Which has FFIII in the appstore for 15 freakin dollars... i constantly found myself (while playing FFIII) wishing that it was FFIX and that somehow i could get ffIX on my phone!

but as i recall... FFIX was the first FF game to introduce HD cinematics - which is making sense as to why we cannot make it past the loading screen... because the cinematics would be too tough for the phone or EMIPSX to load?

I'm going to keep working on it. I'm waiting to finish the one drive DL now - of course it is taking forever...

ONCE I FIGURE IT OUT! i'll let you guys know the trick, what we need to do to get FFIX to run (of course... this is assuming I'm a natural, extremely lucky, genius... which i cant remember being!)

But... maybe? Andre is there a problem with running HD cinematics so far on the EMIPSX in general? because knowing that FFIX initial intro is a pretty powered up HD cinematic, maybe this might help unlock other games being able to run / work that currently do not?

well anyways. If you get the time to look into the FFIX problem, I instantly bought the app..knowing that the trial version would be fine for me, even after FFIX did not work (the only ps1 game i want to play again).... just to support your cause! I know $2.49 is not much... haha, but please give it a check one day if you're bored to see what can be done? I'll let u know if i figure it out as well.. day of!

Goodluck guys, hope ur PS1 games run incredibly

(sorry for long post, i am english major and writer U.U)
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