[App] EmiPSX - Play station emulator for Windows Phone 8

Lumia 920.

All the basic things that we need to do, i already done it. But when i press on the suikoden 2 game, it goes a black screen and then returns to the main screen.
Someone, help me please.

Ps: the same thing is happening with Castlevania

it has to be .bin file, if it is an iso it won't work
Alright, so I've tested Moga functionality....works!

Although the trigger buttons apparently aren't binded in the emulator.

sometimes it has a bit of latency which could be a problem for some games

but still good for games like castlevania!

but please Andre, look into Castlevania Sotn's audio bugs!

also, any chance of EmiNES or EmiGens getting Moga support?

Also, what about Dualshock support for Moga :smile:
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hi all, need some advice, i got a problem with ff7. i playing just fine, until reach cosmos canyon inside the hidden cave. my emulator just hang up all of the sudden, i already try many combination in the configure but still failed. i do not know what goes wrong, this happen after the latest emipsx update.. i do not know if the update or the game mess it up. anyone here got the same problem as me?
I got to disc 2 on ff7 so i been there and the game hang up..so what i did to pass that part was use save state right be4 the boss even when the screen messed and reload the game with different setting like "Bias 2 or whatever and keep playing till i got to a save point for the memory card and saved. you can get passed it tho...you can even beat the game getting pass all the points of that doing that. oh yeah thats going to happen again at other points of the game like at the start of disc 2 which i just keep going without going into game menu "D
n64 emulator can work on nokia lumia 920 it has the hardware to make it work and i have the time buy it from the store and play it too.
n64 emulator can work on nokia lumia 920 it has the hardware to make it work and i have the time buy it from the store and play it too.

The real problem with emulating the n64 on a windows phone is the lack of JIT. JIT allows the application to generate code for the phone to use later instead of just running off the interpreter.....I could probably guarantee PS1 games would run fantastically on Lumia 520 at 40-60 fps on every game if Microsoft would allow JIT on their mobile operating system.....

Without JIT, even the Lumia 920 would struggle in emulating it just from the interpreter......even lower end devices such as the 520, the games probably wouldn't work at all. It would be wasted effort, which is a real shame.

If we had JIT, we'd have PPSSPP :(
Guys, I think you`re asking too much from Andre. He already made 3 of Emulators just for Windows Phone and some for Symbian and maybe some other platforms. He don`t have enough time even for answer us daily here. I have still no response about translation and some other questions from PM I wroted him some days ago. EmiGens Plus with my fixed translation still not on store and I sended the fix months ago.

Please, ask someone else for other emulators. Let Andre make EmiPSX, EmiGens Plus and EmiNES perfect, they all have some problems at now.
Guys, I think you`re asking too much from Andre. He already made 3 of Emulators just for Windows Phone and some for Symbian and maybe some other platforms. He don`t have enough time even for answer us daily here. I have still no response about translation and some other questions from PM I wroted him some days ago. EmiGens Plus with my fixed translation still not on store and I sended the fix months ago.

Please, ask someone else for other emulators. Let Andre make EmiPSX, EmiGens Plus and EmiNES perfect, they all have some problems at now.

I agree. I'm giving feedback and suggestions, so don't look at me :evil:
I got to disc 2 on ff7 so i been there and the game hang up..so what i did to pass that part was use save state right be4 the boss even when the screen messed and reload the game with different setting like "Bias 2 or whatever and keep playing till i got to a save point for the memory card and saved. you can get passed it tho...you can even beat the game getting pass all the points of that doing that. oh yeah thats going to happen again at other points of the game like at the start of disc 2 which i just keep going without going into game menu "D

so is this happen after you update, or it just happen in the game... ok i try your methods, seem good to finally play it again after so long
No update cause that to happen....its been like that since beta testing and trying get a update fix those problems.
Just a question - how do we get .iso files to work? I can only play if game is as .bin (using sd card to transfer data).
.iso files don't work period. You have to convert them to .bin to make them work.

on a side note: EmiPSX is on Wikipedia :grin:
Then how do we convert? I have tried winrar (trial version) - original iso works, bin doesn't (on epsxe). Any other (free soft) ideas?
I'm pretty sure that save and load states are causing the games to hang and freeze thats all the games .....oh yeah tomb raider 3 works now
Just confirm that save state is what is messing up the games!!!!

for some reason it dont work ......
After following this thread for some time, i figured i'd post some of my findings running on HTC 8x:

1. FFVII & Chrono Cross both run well, although i notice that game speed runs slightly fast out of battle, and slower than normal in battle. For RPGs, it's very playable.
2. Resident Evil seemed like it ran ok, but holding a button while pressing another to shoot doesnt seem too work well on touchscreen so i abandoned this until i get a MOGA pro.
3. I ran into an issue where I'd load a save state and it would reboot the emulator, effectively deleting the save state. I havent had this issue since update, but i now save on memory card (if available) as much as possible.

if anyone has any setting suggestions to correct the speed issue, I'm all ears. Currently running: Frameskip off, SPU Hack off, PSX CPU Speed 100%, BIAS 4. These seem to be the most consistent settings, i've messed with them, but made the problems worse.

Thanks for your efforts into this project Andre, look forward to future updates.
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