Name: MonkeyPad
A clean and minimalistic Simplenote client. It handles all the most important features of Simplenote.
Free Trial is full featured, but has ads on the main page and note view.
Currently it has the basic add, edit, delete, view functionalities but I will be adding more features soon. It also allows for pinning and trashing a note.
It also has an offline viewing mode to let you read your notes offline. Adding a new note or editing a note while offline will just give you an error.
Simplenote's registration page is currently incompatible with the Windows Phone 7 browser, so the create account link leads to a messed up page. I have brought this to their attention and they are working on getting a fix up soon. For now, register through a computer if needed.
They have setup a special page for signup on unsupported browsers at Simplenote it works fine from the browser on the phone.
- Hopeful that this is the final fix to the problem that lead to many people's crashes. Here is to hoping 1.3 is a feature release and not a bugfix release.
- Fixed API calls for new changes to SimpleNote API
- Other minor bug fixes.
- Added Free Trial with Ads
- Added additional error handling to try and catch the elusive bug affecting a small number of users and crashing after login.
- Fixed up the login process a bit to try and weed out some problems.
(screenshot is a bit old, from v1.0)
Source: Loudberry Studio
Download Link:
Any Suggestions/Criticism is welcome.
A clean and minimalistic Simplenote client. It handles all the most important features of Simplenote.
Free Trial is full featured, but has ads on the main page and note view.
Currently it has the basic add, edit, delete, view functionalities but I will be adding more features soon. It also allows for pinning and trashing a note.
It also has an offline viewing mode to let you read your notes offline. Adding a new note or editing a note while offline will just give you an error.
Simplenote's registration page is currently incompatible with the Windows Phone 7 browser, so the create account link leads to a messed up page. I have brought this to their attention and they are working on getting a fix up soon. For now, register through a computer if needed.
They have setup a special page for signup on unsupported browsers at Simplenote it works fine from the browser on the phone.
- Hopeful that this is the final fix to the problem that lead to many people's crashes. Here is to hoping 1.3 is a feature release and not a bugfix release.
- Fixed API calls for new changes to SimpleNote API
- Other minor bug fixes.
- Added Free Trial with Ads
- Added additional error handling to try and catch the elusive bug affecting a small number of users and crashing after login.
- Fixed up the login process a bit to try and weed out some problems.

(screenshot is a bit old, from v1.0)
Source: Loudberry Studio
Download Link:
Any Suggestions/Criticism is welcome.