[APP] - Music Pro - The Ultimate Music Player for Windows Phone

Hello Sistog,

please be so kind and deliver the old release 2.xx again in the store or provide the "xap" file here for downloading. Actually I have no usable music player!

Bye Tom
The new version has just been sent to the store and as soon as the test will be passed the new update will be available for donwload.
We hope that this time everything works properly. we have performed more tests and the results were promising.

Unfortunately we can not release the XAP from a previous version because now the application uses the format appx and we can not go back.
V. made the app finally usable. I now can actually play songs and it even recognize wma lossless files. But they're still some issues.

1- The app can't recognize the album art on my wma lossless files (I don't know if it can't read embedded lyrics on this files too)

2- The previous version showed the album art properly (even if it wasn't able to play any music), but this version can't render the album properly, it just look weird.
wp_ss_20140522_0001.png wp_ss_20140523_0001.png

3- The live tile is amazing, changes instantly when the song changes, and the medium tile does the job good, but the large tile looks bad with that low-res album art (and this is more a suggestion. I don't know if the system allow this with the instant change, but the flip effect just doesn't seem to be appropriated for music, maybe a style that shows the name of the song above the album art without having to flip would be better).

4- On the music library, when I select a letter, it takes too much to show the alphabetical grid.

I guess that's all. Great job, in this state your app has more functionality than any other player on the store, and you heard all the suggestions we had made you. I (we) really appreciate that. You are the kind of developer I want to support. That's why I bought your app (the previous one that had ads) and that's why I want to contribute with the translation into Spanish. When you have any time to discuss this, contact me.

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I stumbled accross this thread today and immediately downloaded the trial, as it looked pretty compelling to me. Unfortunately the app doesn't recognize a single song I have stored. I assume that's because each and everyone of them is stored on my SD card. I hope this will change with a future update, so I can finally take it for a spin.


Dunno if it was today's update, but all of a sudden my entire music collection was detected. Great app. :) The only downside I see is that it's missing almost all the album arts. :(
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Hi Sistog, thank you for developing this, I've downloaded it yesterday. Unfortunately so far the app didn't work for me as it never completes scanning my music.

I have about 60GB of music on my SD card on Lumia 520 with WP8.1 preview. Every time I start the app, at first "Updating" screen would show that it is scanning my music folders from the beginning, then after a while one of the followings would happen:

  • The app is closed, "resuming..." is displayed, and I'm back to the app list.
  • The phone reboots.
  • The app is stuck at one folder in "Updating" screen for more than a few hours. This only happened twice so far, I left it overnight yesterday and it's still stuck. The first time it happened, I gave up and closed the app.
  • The app goes past "Updating" screen prematurely (i.e. it would show that it is scanning, say, "Ry Cooder" folder or whatever and then would stop scanning though I have plenty of other folders starting with "S", "T", "U", "V" etc.). The main screen of Music Pro is displayed, I tap "Music" to see if any of my music files show up, the app freezes up for a few seconds and I'm back to the app list. This has happened only three times so far.
When the app scans my music, it doesn't fail (i.e. close/reboot nor is stuck) at any specific folder, but it seems that it always survives "A" through at least "M" folders before it finally fails. Could you save your song database in smaller chunks while scanning so that not everything is lost when the app fails?

I'm really happy to stumble upon this thread, scanning song files on your own seems to be a step in the right direction! XBox Music and Nokia MixRadio never scanned and played all my music files, and I'm constantly annoyed by duplicated entries and ID3 tag problem (and I never liked their UI to start with).

energy gap
Good to have it back! However there are quite a few problems that are persisting:

1. Metadata is being edited. A couple of my artists are being split up incorrectly and my music is correctly tagged.

2. Almost no album art. Again, all my music is tagged and archived. The WP8 version of this app had no trouble recognizing that, not sure what was done differently this time but if the algorithm could be reverted to not tamper with metadata and be able to see the album art, that would be awesome!

Other than that, I'm loving the new features! Precisely why I bought the app.
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Good program that I bought, but still some problems that wasnt in the version for wp8.

A few things. For me the app quite regular starts to indexing all the songs when I start the app.

It would be good if it is possible to add music from genres, or album or artist (music library) etc to a playlist. As it seems now, it is only possible to add music from the playlist itself, and then only one by one.

When resuming, it always goes to startpage in the app, if the app is not active.

BR Kim
Since the latest updates there have been several bugs that make the player pretty much useless. Such as:
  • The app trying to play a jpg file (the app indexes jpg files).
    wp_ss_20140712_0003.png wp_ss_20140712_0012.png
  • A song is playing, but the player displays the information of a different song.
  • If an album art is not 1:1 aspect ratio, then it gets shrink.
    wp_ss_20140712_0005.png Folder.jpg
  • The app shows an error when trying to play a m4a file.
  • We can't go to next song from the controls on the volume bar.
  • If a song is playing, and then we want to play another song by searching it on our music list, the same error as the m4a one appears (not sure if this happens only with mp3).
  • Sometimes, when we are skipping songs, the player just don't play nothing and the album art disappears when the next song is a m4a file or a jpg file.

Pretty much annoying bugs as you can see.

On the other side, the app can play wma files and show their album arts (not sure if it can show lyrics on wma files). The app can also show album arts on m4a files, but can?t play them.
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I have the same problem as user energy gap.

64GB SD card in Lumia 720 (WP 8.1 preview) and app is stuck at one folder in "Updating" screen for more than a few hours. Always random folder with name starting on "T". I also think that at that moment Lumia is quite warmer than usual.

It?s quite annoing. I was really happy when I finally found replacement for Xbox Music... Player looks pretty cool and so much better than awfully slow Xbox Music.

Can you please help us?
I've recently installed this app and I'm very happy with it so far. I have a Lumia 930 (32 GB) Win 8.1 phone on the Developers Preview, and around 1200 songs. It's become my favourite player for now. Only one little nit pick: when I add music to my phone, the player doesn't automatically add the new song to the lists. I have to manually rescan the whole library which can take several minutes. The default Music app on my phone just adds the new song automatically when its added from an external source, takes a bit of a wait but at least I can do other stuff while that happens in the background.
Anyway, this will remain my favourite music app for a good while yet. Great work!
Re: Music Pro

Hi guys,
We just updated the app with a new AWESOME version completely rewritten!

You can check the first post for all the information but here's a sneak peek
Some major features of the current version:
  • We have completely rewritten the app with a new beautiful design with an easy to use interface.
  • This new layout also supports color/theme customisation (you can choose background and accent color, of course with light and dark os theme).
  • Full size albumart with high resolution in the player page. Why waste space?
  • Gesture support. You can Swipe, Scroll, Tap, Double Tap, and Tap and Hold on different element of the layout.
  • Landscape Support!
  • Most Advanced Music Library available. You can choose in witch folders search the music, if you prefer your albums organised by album artist, artist, album name, folder name, etc..
  • Multi CD compatible. If your collection have multi cd set don't worry. Music Pro can handle those albums correctly.
  • Live Tile always updated.
  • Rating System. You can rate your songs with 1 to 5 star. The app can also read rating made by other program.
  • Advanced shuffle mode. There is also a new shuffle mode that is able to shuffle your library but playing the song you like most more frequently than others you don't like.
  • Automatic lyrics download for your music.
  • Ability to search inside the library
  • Advanced Playlist support. You can create and manage your personal playlist or you can use automatic playlist created by the app.
  • and much more!

We think that all the problems mentioned in this thread are now fixed!
Feel free to contact us if you have any question!
Re: Music Player Pro


Thanks for this app, i buy today but i miss the feature that i want.
I have on my SDCard folders with albums, each one with a m3u playlist. I want to play this playlists, this app support its or no?

Good work,is much much better than the original ;)

We just updated the app [] and we add the m3u playlist support. Now you can import m3u file during library update and you can automatically export personal playlist created from the app!
Re: Music Player Pro

I love the new version :)
So far I couldn't find any real problems or bugs.

I am using this app on a Lumia 625 in my cars as a music player.
The only thing that bothers me a little bit is the small font size of the interpreter (hard to read while driving).
And is it possible to add a dark version of the "cover" that is shown if the song does not have a cover?
Or how about a setting that allows us to select a picture from the phone ;)

Nearly forgot to mention this - there is one problem with long tracks (~60 minutes and longer - from youtube)
If I go back to the player after some hours it always starts from the beginning again...
This doesn't happen on tracks with a "normal" length ;)

Thank you very much for updating this app so frequently.
This is the best music player I ever had on a mobile device...

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