Are we simply smarter or are Win 8 reviewers...

Post a link to the Apple ads claiming Windows can't produce video, print in color or connect to a digital camera please.


Nope. Waste of my time.

They were out there. One showed the "Mac" guy holding a girl's hand (who was supposed to be a digital camera) and the PC guy lamenting he couldn't do that. Another had the Mac guy saying he can edit video while PCs can only do spreadsheets. The third had the Mac claiming that he is "about to print some colorful layouts," and the PC being jealous.

One reason Apple killed the campaign, besides Mac's lackluster sales, is because Microsoft started firing back with counterads that totally made mincemeat of the Apple claims and demonstrated the 3x to 8x price premium Apple charges for generic Intel hardware with the hobbled and less useful "OS X" shell for BSD.
I happen to own both just like you and have for years, saying you haven't into anything that you cant do on a mac means you don't use it extensively as some other people do, even if you find a way to do a lot of stuff on a mac that is done on windows you have to jump thru hoops to do it which "it just works" goes out the window with that, saying you navigate through columns faster is also of base do you know many thousands of explorers you can download for windows to make it more efficient and you could find them in a matter of seconds, yes maybe mac has one built in, but exploring files is your way of saying mac is better? I mean cmon that's ridiculous, the number of applications alone would be enough for me not to use a mac, usually windows ALWAYS gets released first before the mac version, my wife has a MacBook pro that she runs adobe on, it is PAINFULLY slower than the windows version, theres plenty of ways to do tons of things on mac I mean its unix based theres also tons of ways to do it on Linux, who cares I don't want to spend hours trying to figure out a way to do it, and if you say that you never run into this that just means all you ever do is edit photo/videos store data and use firewire I mean, if all the offices in America ran on macs BESIDES the graphics design people the headaches would be awful, I've worked on unix networks before they are a complete headache, mac has put a shell on top of this and attempted to make it easier to get things done it has never caught up to windows, you can CERTAIN niche things quicker in it, but the kernel itself doesn't handle resources as well as NT never has and that's why macs are slow at everything yes unix is more stable but, the last time a windows computer of mine locked up to where I couldn't use it was windows xp years and years ago and even then, so it locked up once a week but yet worked with everything and anything ever I ever plugged into it. I'm not saying macs are bad like I said I have one, i'm saying there are way too many things that are better about windows than the 2 little things that mac is better at for me to make mac my preference, its all about weighing pros and cons, it sounds like whatever you use your mac for it works slightly better than windows, but I can tell you, your in the minority, macs don't get outsold because they got a bad rap, they get outsold because windows on a regular basis is more useful and more things are made for it, just like the iphone having tons of apps its because nobody wants to make software for something that hardly anybody has, if It were the other way around maybe mac would be more useful, but boot times and slow loading of apps and generally being slower is enough for me to stay away from macs I've considered them slow since the early 90's. You may be used to the mac/windows fanboys or whatever but I choose what is the most versatile always, that's why I bought a surface has a keyboard that doubles as a cover a kickstand does almost everything a normal laptop does, THE MOST VERSATILE, now I wil prolly end up with pro when it comes outs because that would be more versatile than this but hardware wise this thing is really versatile just like windows in general has always been and I've never considered macs versatile. I mean working with graphics designers old macs trying to transfer files was SUCH A PAIN it was sometimes not worth it, and then I would come in and it would be stuck loading something for 20 minutes literally, maybe this doesn't happen as much these days, but it seemed like they were not working correctly everytime I came in, samethings happen with windows machines but this is one of the things mac lovers claim mac is better at, I think they both have problems, but at the end of the day windows has more options and runs in my opinion just as good. So I pick the one with more options and is more versatile for less of a headache..... I don't need headache just because a computer might need rebooted slightly less. For the record macs are decent machines, but cost slightly more too, also you cant upgrade anything on a mac if you want to up your graphics memory on a desktop for your business you upgrade it plain and simple, even Linux has this over mac. apple has always did this, try to make everything no compatible so you HAVE to buy from them, its completely about money always has been, yes Microsoft is all about money so is everybody but the same hardware that works on windows can be thrown into a Linux machine or unix or whatever and you can upgrade, mac doesn't have better hardware they don't make ANY of the internals its the same stuff that goes into EVERY other computer wrapped in a mac shell, but it runs mac osx which is not very popular so I don't see the why I would spend more for that, you can install unix with a shell on a home built system and it will run just as stable and pay half as much and upgrade as much as you want. That being said macs run fine and are decent I choose windows as my main operating system I leave the mac for my wife shes a photographer and went with the industry standard for photographers she knows very little about computers, which is probably why mac users get the flack about not knowing, I have ran into zero mac users that knew more than me about computers, because most professional IT people that goto school for this learn about Microsoft not apple, apple is rarely EVER in a teaching book so why would any mac user be that educated on computers/networking, I have a friend who likes mac he is a programmer he knows ALOT about programming but funny enough knows nothing about networking or hardware, because very few HUGE networks run on mac just doesn't happen, anyway i'm done rambling, nobody is saying your dumb if you use mac but is mac the most practical I don't think so.

Do you actually expect anyone to read that wall of text that lacks any periods?
Nope. Waste of my time.

They were out there. One showed the "Mac" guy holding a girl's hand (who was supposed to be a digital camera) and the PC guy lamenting he couldn't do that. Another had the Mac guy saying he can edit video while PCs can only do spreadsheets. The third had the Mac claiming that he is "about to print some colorful layouts," and the PC being jealous.

One reason Apple killed the campaign, besides Mac's lackluster sales, is because Microsoft started firing back with counterads that totally made mincemeat of the Apple claims and demonstrated the 3x to 8x price premium Apple charges for generic Intel hardware with the hobbled and less useful "OS X" shell for BSD.

Yep, you got nothing. Completely made up off the top of your head. The Microsoft ads that made "mincemeat of Apple" don't exist, either. Except in your head. Don't you have a guild meeting to discuss how to best kills elves and orcs with your kung-fu panda, or something? The adults are talking.
Nope. Waste of my time.

They were out there. One showed the "Mac" guy holding a girl's hand (who was supposed to be a digital camera) and the PC guy lamenting he couldn't do that. Another had the Mac guy saying he can edit video while PCs can only do spreadsheets. The third had the Mac claiming that he is "about to print some colorful layouts," and the PC being jealous.

Here ya go:
Buy a Mac (15 Ads in 1 Pack) HQ - YouTube
Ok, cannot find a way to make Catalyst Control Center work. Must not have a windows 8 CCC yet.

I went to ATI's website and downloaded the new drivers, after install CCC did not show up at first, but it did after a reboot. Not sure if that helps.

Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express
Yep, you got nothing. Completely made up off the top of your head. The Microsoft ads that made "mincemeat of Apple" don't exist, either. Except in your head.

I'm guessing brmiller1976 meant these ads, but i could be wrong. You'd have to ask him:

Microsoft Laptop Hunters - Lisa and Jackson get a Sony VAIO - YouTube

Laptop Hunters $1700 Lauren and Sue get a Dell XPS 13 - YouTube

Laptop Hunters $700 - Matt and Olivia get an HP dv7 - YouTube

Microsoft Laptop Hunters "Lauren" :60 on Vimeo
You shouldn't have to go to Google or spend 10 minutes goofing off to learn how to close an app. It's called stupid arbitrary design just for the sake of change. And about as useful as teats on a bull on the desktop.
you only have a couple of posts and they're all troll posts and only been liked twice. you're in the minority here. where I do agree with some stuff like right clicking an app and traveling to the bottom of the screen, you do understand that like how surface was meant to push OEMs windows 8 is meant to push OEMs towards touch. it is the way of the future. instead of allowing tablets to cannibalize pc sales, MS made an agreement between the 2. finding stuff like task manager is easy you type it and then you see that "apps" is highlighted and you click or touch settings instead, because task manager is an app, but one that is meant for settings not for doing anything very useful unless a program in hanging.
There are two main things that bother me about what most of the tech sites are saying. And they should all know better.

First, the "desktop" issue. From the first significant reveal of Windows 8 at the Build Conference last year, through the Consumer preview MONTHS ago (and all dissemination points in between), the Windows team has talked about the Windows 8 desktop being an APP. It's an app that exists solely to allow users to run their legacy apps from previous Windows OS's in Windows 8. It's a gateway, a port. MS wants users to be able to use these apps in Windows 8 until the developers of those apps port them effectively into Windows 8 versions. This is not rocket science. And yet, All of these tech sites with large readerships seem to be ignorant to this, because they keep talking about "split personality" and "bifurcation," as if the W8 desktop is some sort of secondary homescreen. It isn't. It only looks like one, because it's what we've been used to.
I find it hard to believe that all these people have missed this, making me feel like they're purposely spewing misinformation to their readers because...well, I don't know why. What they're doing is blowing a major opportunity to clear up the confusion for the average users, who are going to read the misinfo and become more confused.

The other big thing is the app count issue. This goes for Windows Phone as well. One one side, the potential users who say, "I'm not investing in this ecosystem until it has apps x, y, and z." And on the other side, the developers who (having already ported their apps to iOS and Android) say, "I'm not developing for this ecosystem until there's a significant user base!" Someone has to bend. Which makes more sense: That the consumers cater to the developers or the developers cater to the consumers? The tech pundits out there seem to be promoting the idea that it should be the consumers who get the ball rolling. As a person who doesn't know the first thing about developing software, here's my honest question: For developers who DO know what they're doing, and do it well, and have most likely put their apps on the other platforms, why is it so HARD to do the same for Windows 8 (as well as WinPho)??

I think everyone needs to take a deep breath, center themselves, and repeat "Windows 8 is the new Windows" until they understand the full implications of that statement, part of which is that, going forward, it's going to become more ubiquitous. And the tech sites have the responsibility to disseminate the info that will inform, not confuse.
I went to ATI's website and downloaded the new drivers, after install CCC did not show up at first, but it did after a reboot. Not sure if that helps.

Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express

Will try that when I get home. Did not check this morning, but 3rd install was eeking along when I went to bed last night. CCC usually prompted a restart on windows7.
Windows 8 on a regualar laptop or desktop is a little confusing. Honestly, I didn't know anything about Windows 8, excepet for the start screen pictures I have seen of it. I wasn't even aware of the desktop mode.

I installed it the first night. The first hour or so, I hated it. It is starting to grow on me, but I would not recommend my parents upgrade from XP or Win 7.

I was showing some of the cool stuff to my wife who has a laptop, and she said, "I don't want that on my computer."

There are still a lot of things that I do not like.

For the average person, this is not as easy to use as XP or Windows 7. It does not feel like it should be used on a desktop or even a laptop.

It is still growing on me though...and I am sure improvements will continue to come out.
Not sure how people can't like the live tiles as their start menu. Everything is there. Want more info, click a tile to go to that app. Win7 had nothing without going to the internet where many people's home screen is possibly MSN or iGoogle (till it dies), or any of the other content gathering home screen options. Now its all on your desktop without going to the internet.

I think multi screen still needs to be improved. Sometimes when I click on my desktop screen, both change to desktop. Sometimes my metro screen stays metro. This is annoying when trying to reference the web for help, while adjusting settings. I have to open a desktop FF window so I can have the same content if metro decides to minimize. I want 2 or more metro screens too. So my start screen stays on one, and the app opens on the other. And it spans as many screens as the computer has. So 3 landscape across my desk has the metro start all the way across. Right now I do not have enough apps and stuff, but I could. Right now desktop always stays on the non metro screen. Problem is, no clock in the corner of the second screen. Its locked to the corner of the main screen which is also the screen that turns into metro. So then I have to get the charms menu to pop up which still does not show time. I then have to move my mouse up a bit to get the clock to pop up. Something needs to be fixed with that. I have no way to know what time it is if I am in metro apps. There is no drag down from top like in windows phone to show the indicators.
Here is an excellent quote from Engadget's review of Windows 8

"Back when we first tried out the Developer Preview, we said it felt jarring to switch back and forth between the traditional desktop and this more tablet-optimized Start Screen. And it is -- if you've never used Windows 8 before. What we can say now that we didn't appreciate back then is that while the learning curve is steep, you do get comfortable after a while. No one is a dummy: everyone can, and will, figure it out. It just takes a little time before using Windows 8 feels truly effortless."

Full review here: Windows 8 review -- Engadget

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