Are you going to buy a Microsoft Surface 2 Tablet?

I'm looking forward to purchase one, and the Surface Pro 2 (to replace my aging Acer S3). I will keep my Surface 1 until Microsoft (Nokia) releases a "mini."
I'm not decided. I don't know what mobile device will work best for my needs. I don't want to overspend on features that I will not use. On my list are the Surface Pro, Lenovo Yoga 2, Lenovo Carbon X1, and a Chromebook. I do primarily web surfing. Sometimes, I do need to do some .pdf creating and editing. The Chrome web apps seem to work well for me, as well I like using Google apps.
Yep, I'm getting one.

I'm almost as excited as an Apple ****** waiting for the next gen iPad.
I timed this completely wrong.... I binned my ipad for the surface 64GB RT about 5 months ago for ?450 (so over $700).
About a month later then dropped the prices by ?120 ffs :crying:
and now, a few months again, I find it's being superseded. :cry:, Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but I can't swallow the potential huge loss on my current RT ti get a new one... so I'll probably hold fire for the RT3 at some point.
I don't really have any huge issues with the RT anyway.
I got my Surface RT day 1 in Australia and due to the currency conversion paid more than US pricing. So I am in the same boat as you. To be honest, I don't have any issues with my Surface RT today. My issue is me, getting the Surface 2 is a want, not a need. :D
Nope, got the Surface RT for like.. 570 euros when it first launched with the touch cover. While I ofc wouldn't mind more powerful hardware and all that, I gotta skip for financial reasons.

One thing for sure though, when and if it becomes a time to upgrade my current Surface RT, I hope it to be Surface. It's most likely not a Surface 2, but some later model, I just hope they are still around at that time. If nothing else, I'll pick up a cheaper a Surface 2 then some day :D
I got my Surface RT day 1 in Australia and due to the currency conversion paid more than US pricing. So I am in the same boat as you. To be honest, I don't have any issues with my Surface RT today. My issue is me, getting the Surface 2 is a want, not a need. :D

Mine was a day one release as well I wish I picked mine up after the initial release though as the quality of build is defiantly better on my wife's. mine has died so It will have to be returned.
I'd rather save for a Lumia 1020 :D, i have some unexpected contracts coming my way so could use the extra change to fund the 1020
I'm tempted since I like the improvements they've done. However, the price must come down. Besides, I just bought an Envy x2.

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While I love every improvement they have done, I'm mainly getting it because my girlfriend wants my Surface RT. Otherwise I would be more than content staying with the original - and the new type cover!
I'm undecided. Main reason is that I can't seem to find a reason for one. If someone can provide reasons for me to pick one up I may consider it. What I mean by reasons is other than specifications. I own a L920 and I have a W8 laptop already. The Surface 2 will be almost the same price as my laptop and more expensive if I got the touch cover.

As it is I am slightly underwhelmed by WP8, currently waiting for the WP8.1 update in hopes of more functionality. Is there a reason to get the Surface 2?
Would love to get one as my girlfriend wants my RT.

Just works out as bad timing unfortunately with the xbox one launch a month later I can only afford to get that.
Mine was a day one release as well I wish I picked mine up after the initial release though as the quality of build is defiantly better on my wife's. mine has died so It will have to be returned.
I had issues with mine a well. It got corroded and took long to get an opportunity to have it replaced in Singapore when I was there last month.
It's too expensive to be just a tablet. I won't get it for the same reason I wouldn't get an iPad. But I'd get one if it was the price of the Kindle Fire HD. That's a good unnecessary non-real-computer price, although obviously you can't get Surface 2 quality hardware for that money. The pro is really nice though since it's actually useful as my mobile PC, so it's a premium tablet I can justify buying since I don't have to also buy a laptop.
As long as my saving up pays off and I can afford it hell yes, I use surface for my "laptop" since I have a full computer also running windows 8 its just like an extension of that and with everything on the cloud storage isn't an issue, gonna give my old surface to my kid he has been wanting to give up his nexus 7 to help pay for it and I can't deny him that ;)
I voted yes, but i wish i could have changed it to Undecided.

I cannot justify spending $529 AUD on a 32GB tablet that might only have 16GB or less available, and i'll have to wait out on getting a Type cover, as they're $150! I could simply get the Nexus 7 32GB for $332AUD. So yeah, it's quite obvious i'm on the fence.
This is pretty simple for me. If MS adds the API's so Cisco can produce the AnyConnect VPN client, I am all in. Otherwise, I'll find something else, probably an upcoming Nexus 10.

- had the Pro is an awesome powerful device and although it more of an ultrabook than tablet it still is a secondary device and IMO no way a replacement of a desktop or laptop so in that sense it's still very over priced.

- Didn't like the Surface RT especially comparing it with the Pro but realistically almost everything I use while mobile is a Microsoft service.

- was warming up to the Surface RT and Nokia is going to launch a sharp RT tablet a better camera and LTE.

market confusion lol

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