Are you still satisfied with the devices you've?


New member
Mar 26, 2015
Every week, every month , every year a new tech device has been changed with our older devices .
We everyone have the reasons behind it. But still not satisfied with our favorite products.
Are you still one of unsatisfied user?
I think that sometimes needs and wants can change, which should be okay.

I would say that I'm mostly satisfied at the moment.
I'm very satisfied. Using an iPhone SE as my daily driver and have an Idol4s to play around with. Don't see needing anything new for a while (and I used to be a chronic switcher).

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I'm somewhat satisfied... Looking for a mobile that's sized like my Lumia 650 but w/better specs, good camera, flat/conventional screen a must (no more curved displays for this fella). Other than that we are good :winktongue:
Kinda. Rocking an Asus P735 as a secondary phone because I'll send my Lumia 530 in for repair and a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7inch edition.
I'm a tech enthusiast and like to have the newest because I can, but as I age and my money gets regulated towards other things I tend to not care as much. I'm rocking a Surface Pro 3 and would love a newer 2 in 1, but to be honest mine still does what I want, a new one would just be for the sake of owning it.
I'd say relatively satisfied at the moment. Tech is changing so frequently that I can't say I'll be continuously satisfied. there's always new features and things coming out that make me say "hey I'd sure love that". Doesn't mean my current device isn't good but I enjoy testing out new hardware and features.
I use the device until I really need a new for work. If you give me Nokia 3310 or 1100 I would gladly use it without problems because I use laptop or iPad for most of my work. I was on years old Core 2 Duo laptop and recently changed it.

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